The sword rises

Chapter 1224 Domineering as before

Chapter 1224 Domineering as before
Chapter 1000 two hundred 24 Domineering as before
"It's just a bunch of jumping clowns, I believe you can solve it."

Dugu Shang glanced at the group of strong men who were staring at him, his breath was weak.

Now Dugu Shang has to gather energy for a long time to say a word, and his condition is extremely poor. He is afraid that an ordinary person could kill him.

Gu Hengsheng supported Dugu Shang, and glanced at the hundreds of people blocking the road ahead: "What? Are you going to block my way?"

Of the hundreds of strong men, none of them were weaker than the Sendai Three Bans, and five of them were old antiques who had stepped into the Sendai Five Bans.If this kind of battle is held in Zhongzhou Dashi, even the Emperor Clan and the Ancient Clan will have to be prepared for it.

"Mr. Jiu misunderstood, how dare we stop you. As long as you leave Dugu Shang where you are, we will immediately make way for you."

A strong man spoke up.

Hearing this, Gu Hengsheng raised his head and laughed loudly: "Hahaha..."

Hearing Gu Hengsheng's laughter, the hearts of hundreds of strong men were inexplicably heavy and tense.The person in front of him can truly hate the Heavenly Sword Immortal, even if he lives up to the glory of the past, he is not an ordinary person.

Most importantly, the Floating Life Tomb is still standing in the clouds, who would dare to make a move against Gu Heng?
"Do you really think I'm easy to bully? Make room for me, do you have the qualifications?"

After Gu Hengsheng laughed out loud, his whole body was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, sharp and sharp.

"Amitabha, good is good."

At this time, Ming Wu Buddha also appeared beside Gu Hengsheng, and the meaning was very clear.

How could Bailichen be afraid of such a scene?

"You are all outstanding figures of an era, but you do everything you can to take advantage of others' dangers, don't you feel a little ashamed?"

Bailichen sneered.

Before Gu Hengsheng came, he signaled to Li Qiurou that it was enough for Li Qiurou to protect An Chusheng, and he didn't need to show up for the time being.Therefore, Li Qiurou still stayed where she was, watching the scene quietly.

If the situation is really out of control, Li Qiurou doesn't mind killing all those who stand in the way.

"Buddha, Taoist, are they all going to fight against the strong for Sword Master?"

Everyone was shocked, and their hearts were numb.

"Mingwu, this matter has nothing to do with you, come back."

Behind the old Buddha Lord of Leiyao Buddhist Sect, a dazzling Buddha light appeared behind him, and his voice was loud and majestic.

Among the forces in the world, I don't know how many people don't want to see Dugu Shang rise.There are only hundreds of strong men who come forward, but who knows if there are strong men hiding in the dark, who may strike at any time?

Lei Yao Buddhist Sect doesn't want to be contaminated with cause and effect, and hopes to summon back the Buddha's enlightenment.

"The little monk is willing to accompany the benefactor Dugu to go to hell and cast down demons."

Mingwu Buddha directly disobeyed the old Buddha's order.

Gu Hengsheng and others have experienced life and death together, and their love is as deep as the sea, so how could they leave?
Dugu Shang kept this affection in his heart, without saying a word.

In the sea of ​​people, those allies who had traveled with Gu Hengsheng appeared one by one. They once fought against the taboos of the sea of ​​darkness and overcome difficulties together: "Sword Master is in trouble, how can we ignore it?"

More than fifty people jumped up from all directions, stepped to Gu Hengsheng's side, and saluted, "I have met you, sir."

"You..." Gu Hengsheng didn't expect it, and was a little surprised: "This is not a joke. Aren't you afraid of karma?"

"If there were no sir, we might have all died in the hands of the remnants of Minghai back then, why be afraid of the difficulties in front of us."

Shen Qingyun of the Liuyun Imperial Clan stroked his long hair without any fear.

"Today is just our wish, and all the consequences are borne by myself, and have nothing to do with the family power behind it."

A Tianjiao didn't want to bring trouble to the family, so he threatened.

Back then, many Tianjiao had received Gu Hengsheng's favor and formed an alliance to avoid the poisonous hands of Minghai's taboo.However, there were only about fifty people who showed up today, and a large part of Tianjiao did not show up after all, fearing that they would cause trouble.

"Sir, I haven't seen you for many years."

The little princess of the Dragon Carp Clan came here like a fairy, and her red hair has fascinated so many young talents.

Gu Hengsheng and the little princess looked at each other and smiled, now is not the time to catch up on the past.

"If they condense into a rope, they will definitely be a powerful force."

There are more than 50 arrogant and evil spirits, even the top forces in the world cannot underestimate them.

Some forces wanted to recall the arrogance of the clan, but unfortunately they failed.

There are quite a few forces that Dugu Shang has offended, among them are a group of old antiques on the Emperor's Road, which people have to pay attention to.

However, with the appearance of many Tianjiao, the situation seems to have changed.

"Today I want to take Dugu Shang away, let me see who dares to stop me!"

After hundreds of years of disappearance, Gu Hengsheng once again showed his fangs, making countless people tremble with fear.

In a daze, the world seemed to see the domineering figure of the empress again.

Gu Hengsheng supported Dugu Shang, with more than 50 Tianjiao accompanying him, and the strong people blocking the way in front felt the pressure.

If he didn't seize the opportunity to kill Dugu Shang today, he might never have another chance in the future.

However, no one dared to challenge Gu Hengsheng's majesty.

"Sir, do you really want to be our enemy for Dugu Shang?"

An old antique refused to give in and asked.

"If you think you can make an enemy of my Floating Tomb, you can give it a try."

Gu Hengsheng is very self-aware, now he is no longer the opponent of these old antiques, he can only move out the name of the floating tomb.

Hearing this, many old antiques trembled subconsciously.

To be an enemy of the Floating Tomb, who would dare now?
"Step aside!"

Gu Hengsheng scolded.

Immediately, hundreds of strong men blocking the road struggled for a long time, and finally gave way to the road.

Gu Hengsheng's rebirth this time is destined to be unstoppable.

"The older generation doesn't dare to take action against Mister, otherwise there will be a catastrophe of extermination."

There was a saying in the Fusheng Tomb that the young generation would fight for the front, and if they lose, their skills are not as good as others, so they will not show up.If the older generation dared to act shamelessly, it would be challenging the majesty of the Fusheng Tomb.

Now, everyone in the world knows that the Empress of the Floating Tomb is still alive, so of course the older generation dare not do anything to Gu Heng.

With a yell, the heroes backed down.

This is Mr. Jiu from the Floating Tomb.

Hundreds of millions of living beings looked at Gu Hengsheng in awe and worshiped him endlessly.

"So, is this what the master really looks like?" It was the first time An Chusheng saw the master being so domineering.

Gu Hengsheng helped Dugushang leave the ruins of the war, turned his head to Zhu Tianjiao beside him and said, "Thank you for coming forward, this matter is over, no one will dare to do anything, let's all go away!"

As soon as Gu Hengsheng's words fell, a Tianjiao suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Sir, I want to follow you."

"I would like to follow Mr. around and conquer the world."

Immediately afterwards, the other Tianjiao glanced at each other, bowed down to salute Gu Hengsheng in unison, and said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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