The sword rises

Chapter 1225 I haven't seen you in a year, don't come here

Chapter 1225 I haven't seen you in a thousand years, don't come here without any problems

Chapter 1000 two hundred and twenty-five

For hundreds of years, Zhu Tianjiao has thought about their future countless times. They know that if they want to climb the imperial road with their own strength and talent, it is impossible to reach the end.

In this life, there are so many evildoers, and there are as many Tianjiao as a cow's hair.

Now that we have come to this world, it would be a pity if we couldn't see the scenery standing at the peak.

There are more than [-] Tianjiao, all of whom have family influence behind them. They are willing to give up all these, and then follow Gu Hengsheng, regardless of life or death.

This requires a great determination to put down one's proud head.

"Everyone, you are all the proud children of this era, and you have your own path to follow, why do you have to?"

Gu Hengsheng looked at Zhu Tianjiao who bent over and lowered his head, and a certain thread deep in his heart was touched.He could see that these arrogances were all sincere and sincere, and they didn't cheat at all.

In the past, they shared weal and woe and had a deep friendship.Now, if Zhu Tianjiao really followed Gu Hengsheng's side and became a servant, then the glory and status accumulated over the years would be wiped away.

"Mo'er, do you know what you are doing? Hurry up and get back, don't be embarrassing."

At this time, a strong man from the Four Forbidden Heavens of Sendai appeared, and loudly reprimanded a Tianjiao.

This Tianjiao turned his head and glanced at the elders of the Shimen, with a firm will: "Third Elder, I have already thought it through, you don't need to persuade me."

"You have to understand that once you do this kind of thing, it will cause the sect to lose face and the position of Holy Son will definitely be revoked."

The old man hoped that he could persuade the disciples in his sect not to do stupid things.

Although Gu Hengsheng's status is prominent, it is impossible for a sect to allow its own holy son to become Gu Hengsheng's attendant. The impact and consequences would be too serious.

"I've made up my mind."

This Tianjiao is determined and will never repent.

Many big bosses appeared one after another, and they all wanted to recall their own Tianjiao.It's a pity, Zhu Tianjiao had already thought it over clearly, why would he go back just because of a few words from the elders of the sect?

Even Mr. Jiu from the Fusheng Tomb, the former Heaven-hating Sword Immortal, can't make the holy sons of the major sects become servants, that would be too cheap and damage the sect's image.

Therefore, if Zhu Tianjiao really became Gu Hengsheng's attendant, all previous glory would be wasted.

"You guys, why bother?" Gu Hengsheng didn't expect Zhu Tianjiao to do this, he couldn't help being stunned, not knowing what to do.

"Sir, I want to walk with you to the highest point of Nadi Road and see the most beautiful scenery in the world. For this reason, even if I am smashed to pieces, I will have no regrets."

There was a Tianjiao who gave up everything he had, and was willing to be Gu Hengsheng's servant.

"Please take care of me, sir."

They lost face in front of all living beings in the world, and some even distanced themselves from the sect, not wanting to bring shame to the sect.

"Please take care of me, sir!"

Zhu Tianjiao's waist dropped a little more. They gave up a lot of things in order to follow Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng pondered for a while. He was proud of the world of mortals by himself, so he had nothing to worry about.If these people are accepted, the road ahead will indeed be much easier, but it also means that the responsibility has increased a lot.

If Gu Hengsheng refuses, then these Tianjiao will lose everything.Gu Hengsheng thought for a long time, then nodded slowly: "In the years to come, I hope to work hand in hand with you, and have a glimpse of the grandeur of the world."

"Thank you sir!"

Zhu Tianjiao was overjoyed and shouted in unison.

Seeing this, many living beings in the great world are inexplicably envious of these arrogance.Maybe one day in the future, these Tianjiao will stand in a position that the world can hardly imagine.

"You go and finish your own affairs first. Five years later, we will return to this place to gather and climb the road of emperor together."

Gu Hengsheng knew that Zhu Tianjiao needed to deal with the affairs of the sect, so he gave them enough time.

"Yes." Everyone bowed and saluted.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed out in a hurry.

The man had only one arm, and a long sword was slung around his waist.

"The disciple pays respect to the master."

He is the one-armed swordsman Han Ruian, the disciple of Sword Master Dugu Shang.Similarly, he is still Gu Hengsheng's younger brother: "Gu...Brother Gu."

How many years!

Han Ruian was very excited to finally see Gu Hengsheng and Dugushang again.Just now Han Ruian really wanted to rush out of the crowd, but because of his low strength, he was afraid of causing trouble to Gu Hengsheng and others, so he held back.

Therefore, Han Ruian did not show up for a long time.

"Xiao An, you have grown up."

Seeing his old friend again, Gu Hengsheng couldn't help feeling sour, and patted Han Ruian on the shoulder in front of everyone.

Han Ruian broke down in tears. In order to find his master Dugushang and Gu Hengsheng, he walked the world alone and suffered a lot.

"Not bad, I haven't lost my cultivation for hundreds of years."

Dugu Shang nodded in relief, and said weakly.

The world was in an uproar, the one-armed swordsman of the new generation Tianjiao was actually the disciple of Jian Zun, and the relationship with Mr. Fushengtomb Nine did not seem to be that simple.


Why for so many years, no one knew that the one-armed swordsman had such a background.Some forces that had offended Han Ruian regretted it and trembled.

Gu Hengsheng glanced at Han Ruian's broken arm, and remembered what happened in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.Han Ruian's broken arm was due to Gu Hengsheng.

Looking back now, thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye, which is embarrassing.

In the crowd, there were still people staring at Gu Hengsheng, struggling in their hearts.

Cheng Xunran, the fairy of Juequ, was holding a guqin. She really wanted to go to Gu Hengsheng and say hello, but she was afraid that Gu Hengsheng had forgotten herself.

If you don't take a close look at Gu Hengsheng today, you may never have another chance in the future.

Cheng Xunran thought for a long time, and finally appeared lightly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Fairy Juequ, what is she going to do?"

Among the new generation of geniuses, who doesn't know Fairy Juequ?
Cheng Xunran fiddled with the strings, and the sound of the piano spread everywhere.She was wearing a light blue dragging long dress, her jade feet lightly touched the void, and landed not far in front of Gu Hengsheng.

"Young Master Gu, please stay safe."

If you really want to say it, Cheng Xunran has not seen Gu Hengsheng for thousands of years, and his memory is a little fuzzy.Now that she could see Gu Hengsheng again, her heart trembled.

No matter how Cheng Xunran concealed it, the wave of longing in her eyes could not be concealed.

The beauty in front of me, as before, has never changed.

Gu Hengsheng was silent for a long time, he felt so guilty towards Cheng Xunran, he slowly smiled and said: "Miss Xunran, I haven't seen you for a thousand years, are you okay?"

He still remembers my name.

Cheng Xunran's eyes turned red instantly, and her nervous heart was as calm as water.

(End of this chapter)

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