The sword rises

Chapter 1912 The emperor crossed the catastrophe, 9 deaths and 1 life

Chapter 1912 The emperor crossed the catastrophe and narrowly escaped death

The first thousand 920 five chapters, the emperor crossed the catastrophe, narrowly escaped death

Xu Wentian proved the truth and failed!
The ladder of enlightenment dissipated in an instant, and all the people with swords on their backs rushed up to the sky, supporting Xu Wentian.


All the sword-bearers burst into tears, heart-piercing.

Xu Wentian amazed an era, but ended up like this.He was dying, and said with his last breath: "Wait, you must assist Yunqing, and inherit the will of carrying the knife."

After saying these words, Xu Wentian closed his eyes and just fell away.


Hundreds of sword bearers shouted loudly, trembling all over, excruciating pain.

The new head of the swordsman back fell on a teenage child.He didn't shed a tear, but his eyes were red.Because he knows that this is the fate of the sword bearer, and in the future he will also desperately seek the end of the sword path.

More importantly, now that he, Xu Yunqing, is the person in charge of the sword bearer, he absolutely cannot lose the face of the sword bearer.The powerful people in the world are watching this scene, Xu Yunqing must maintain a solemn and dignified appearance, and not let the heroes in the world laugh at him.

"Let's... go home."

Xu Yunqing took over the important task of carrying the swordsman, as if she had grown up at this moment, her eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth and said.

All the sword bearers protected Xu Wentian's body, and protected the inherited sword of the sword carrying line: "Obey."

In the dark, in fact, there are many old guys who want to get the sword-bearer's inherited treasured sword.Now that Xu Wentian is dead, it is an excellent opportunity when the swordsman is seriously injured.

However, every swordsman is a strong man and should not be easily provoked.After deliberating for a while, these old fellows put away their little thoughts and dared not try to snatch the treasured sword.

At this point, the life of the sword emperor Xu Wentian has come to an end, just like Wang Chiya of the Wang family back then.

Both of them had the qualifications of great emperors, but they fell one by one, which is sad and deplorable.

"Knife Emperor, dead."

Practitioners who were contemporary with Gu Hengsheng and Sword Emperor Xu Wentian all had an unspeakable emotion, their throats tightened, and they had mixed feelings.

Thinking back in the past, how high-spirited the sword emperor was, he was the strongest person among his peers, bar none.Later, Gu Hengsheng, Jianzun Dugushang, Daoist Bailichen, Buddha's son, the little princess of the Longli clan, the heirs of the ancient clan and the emperor clan, etc., all grew up, causing Xu Wentian's power to weaken again and again.

Even so, no one can obliterate the glorious glory that belongs to the Sword Emperor.He is the first evildoer of the same generation to step into the second half of the emperor's road, and he has made remarkable achievements.

"As strong as the Emperor of Swords, did they all die on the road to proving the Tao?"

In the past, people in the world thought that the Emperor of Swords would achieve a hegemony and leave his name in history.No one expected that the ending of the Emperor of Swords would be like this, which is extremely regrettable.

"If it's just a simple way of proving the way, Xu Wentian will definitely succeed. He didn't lose to the catastrophe of the way of proving the way, but he lost to himself."

Emperor Nangong was very sorry that such an unrivaled monster fell like this, and his mood was somewhat depressed.

"What is the will and belief behind the knife?"

Among the creatures in the world, few people can understand the perseverance of the swordsman.

The fall of the Knife Emperor cast a dark cloud over the world, and the atmosphere was depressing.The monks of the same generation were all amazed.

Countless monks of the Xu family of the ancient family were full of grief, mourning and sighing.The death of Xu Wentian was a great blow to the Xu family, and its deterrent effect on the world was greatly reduced.

Not long after the fall of the Emperor of Swords, someone found traces of the emperor's son Gu Xiujie near the deserted sea of ​​Xizhou.

The great world is divided into fourteen prefectures, and the barren sea is as stable as Mount Tai, without any changes, no wind and no waves, and no rules of the road.

Gu Xiujie kept his energy and spirit in an excellent state, ready to go.

"This calamity, bet your own life!"

Gu Xiujie's catastrophe was extremely terrifying, and he almost lost his life many times.If it weren't for his strong willpower and his body protection with many magical powers, he wouldn't be alive today.

Gu Xiujie was wearing light white clothes, he had a bit of Gu Hengsheng's heroic appearance in the past, he was unparalleled in the world.

"The sword opens the door!"

After staying in the Fusheng Tomb for a long time, Gu Xiujie naturally also learned some swordsmanship, and has reached the state of great accomplishment of the Immortal Sword Intent, only one step away from Immortal Consummation.You must know that Gu Xiujie's major is not swordsmanship, he just practiced swordsmanship in his spare time.

Gu Xiujie has also accomplished the Dao of Three Lives in the Red Dust of the Fusheng Tomb.At that time, Mo Yibai saw Gu Xiujie's savvy and talent, and couldn't help but exclaim, "A born saint, an eternal evildoer."

Gu Xiujie pointed at the sword and pointed it at the void.

A blood-colored door suddenly appeared, and an extremely terrifying aura permeated from the door.This burst of breath is stronger than Diwei, making people feel suffocated.

"What is the emperor's intention in this world?"

Xizhou Huanghai suddenly became the focus of the world, and eyes fell on Gu Xiujie.

Everywhere in the world, only those who are strong in the Nine Realms and above can understand the actions of the emperor.

"The emperor was born to be holy, and the Dao is not tolerated. There are many disasters. The door of the Tao is wide open. This is the last disaster for the emperor. If you can survive this disaster, the future achievements of the emperor will be limitless."

"The legendary Seven Tribulations of Saints, I didn't expect that I could actually see it with my own eyes in my lifetime."

"When the ancient books from ancient times came out, it mentioned the physique of the white-clothed fairy. It was suspected that he was a born saint, and he was doomed to be invincible when he was born."

"If the emperor can prove the Dao, his strength may directly match that of Emperor Fusheng, and he can even compete with Beigongxin..."

All the strong men tensed their minds and looked at the figure of the emperor Gu Xiujie.Some people hope that Gu Xiujie can succeed, while others want to see Gu Xiujie die in a catastrophe.

Seeing the figure of his own child, Gu Hengsheng's eyes were full of worry: "Xiu Jie, this is your path and karma, and you must solve it by yourself."

At that time, the emperor Gu Xiujie came into the world, and there were countless visions, such as the eternal green lotus lined up in the sky, the sun and the moon shining together, the spiritual spring and waterfall flowing backwards, etc.In order to ensure that Gu Xiujie was not harmed, Gu Hengsheng withstood the pressure of various visions and was seriously injured.

This time, no one could intervene in Gu Xiujie's disaster.Even Bei Gongxin is afraid and dare not touch the karma of a saint.

"Xiu Jie, you must return safely!"

Li Qiurou's whole heart was tightly grasped, praying silently.

"Xiao Xiujie's talent is even more monstrous than that of Xiao Hengsheng. As long as this catastrophe is over and the laws of the world change, there will be hope for immortality."

Xue Di had high hopes for Gu Xiujie, and his eyes never left Gu Xiujie's body for an inch.

The Taoist door opened, and a sea of ​​blood enveloped the star field where Gu Xiujie was.

This place is close to the barren sea, and there are no living creatures. Gu Xiujie can go through the tribulation with his hands free, without worrying about involving others.

(End of this chapter)

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