The sword rises

Chapter 1913 The gate of hell is wide open, life and death are on the line

Chapter 1913 The gate of hell is wide open, life and death are on the line

The first thousand and 920 six chapters of the ghost gate are wide open, life and death are on the line

Gu Xiujie stood in the middle of the clouds, with a blood-red avenue gate above his head.When the Taoist door opened slowly, it made Gu Xiujie feel like he had fallen into hell, the sky was full of dark aura, and the sky was full of blood.

Countless miles apart, people in the world felt their souls were about to fly out of their bodies when they saw this sight, and their bodies felt chills.

"It is rumored that there is a hell in the world, the way of yin and yang, and the beginning of reincarnation. There is a gate in the hell, called the gate of ghosts. When the gate of ghosts is opened, blood is in the sky, and death is pervasive. No one can escape death."

In a certain place, the Buddha saw this blood-colored Taoist door and said to himself.On a certain Buddhist scriptures, records about ghost gates were inscribed.According to legend, it was a scene seen by a Buddhist eminent monk who was dying when his soul returned to the underworld, and he left this passage.

There is no way in the barren sea, and there are no living things around.

Gu Xiujie opened his catastrophe shackles, looked up at the bloody Taoist gate above his head, and felt the endless breath of death rushing towards him.

In an instant, a light blue flame burned around Gu Xiujie's body.

"Youlan Minghuo!"

When Gu Xiujie crossed the catastrophe, he got a ray of flame, and it was this thing.After these years of gestation and cultivation, Gu Xiujie has completely controlled this group of Youlan Minghuo, and he can retract it freely, which is a great killer move.

It is rumored that the Youlan Minghuo is not a mortal thing, but comes from the endless hell.

Similarly, there is a record of the dark fire in the Buddhist scriptures: "The hell is dark and haunted. At the end of that hell, there is a bewitching fire burning, illuminating the dark underworld and suppressing countless ghosts and ghosts."

If there is no Youlan Minghuo, the underworld will be in chaos, and the system of the world will undergo shocking changes, just like the end of the world.

Gu Xiujie is a born sage, every time he survives a catastrophe, he will get a corresponding fortune.

And this flame of Youlan Minghuo was obtained by Gu Xiujie through the robbery.


With a flick of Gu Xiujie's finger, a wisp of dark blue fire shot out, rushing towards the bloody door above his head.

The bloody door slowly opened, and the biting cold enough to freeze the soul rushed to Gu Xiujie, making Gu Xiujie's whole body covered in white mist.

In the next moment, the dark blue flames around Gu Xiujie will burn away the icy meaning of the bloody gate.

That ray of blue underworld fire touched the bloody Taoist gate, and was swallowed by the power of the Taoist gate.

This door seems to be connected to the underworld, trying to take Gu Xiujie's soul away.

"Ah..." Gu Xiujie shouted, and the vision opened wide.

The eternal green lotus suddenly appeared, forming a green lotus staircase connecting heaven and earth, leading directly to the bloody Taoist gate.Gu Xiujie stepped on the green lotus ladder, approaching the Scarlet Dao Gate step by step, using many magical powers to smash this door into pieces.

"What a terrifying coercion!"

Thousands of miles away, the common people in the world can feel a kind of deep heart palpitations, unable to move their bodies, and paralyzed their souls.

"It has never been recorded in ancient books. What kind of catastrophe is this?"

The emperors looked at the situation in the barren sea of ​​Xizhou, and no one could understand the origin of this blood-colored Taoist gate. Could it be that it is really a gate of hell and ghosts, as the Buddhism said?
"The rumored Youlan Minghuo have all appeared. It is not impossible to say that this is the ghost gate of the underworld."

Some old guys think that this possibility is still great, after all, no one has seen the appearance of the ghost gate, it is just a legend.

However, if there are really ghost gates in this world, is there really a hell?
Underworld, does it really exist?

Once this idea came out, it took root deeply in everyone's heart.

In the barren sea area, Gu Xiujie was under terrible pressure and kept making shots.If it were someone else in the same realm, they would fall in an instant and their souls would dissipate.

"A ghost door wants to take my life away, it's absolutely impossible!"

Gu Xiujie's lips were bitten by himself, and the meridians all over his body were infiltrated by the breath of death, and there were faint bloodshots.

Gu Xiujie has been staying in the Fusheng Tomb all this time, just to prepare for this day.

Gu Xiujie knew that his final catastrophe was terrible, but the actual situation was far beyond his expectation.The legendary underworld and ghost gates all manifested, making it clear that they did not want Gu Xiujie to live.

That's true, Gu Xiujie was born a sage, and the heavens and the earth can't tolerate it, it's an odd number.If Gu Xiujie is allowed to continue to practice, it will affect the order of heaven.

Above the sky, a huge sun appeared, and the fiery temperature melted the ground near the barren sea.However, this pure and yang temperature cannot dispel the death breath of the ghost gate.

Anomaly, a picture of the sun turning the sky!

When the emperor's son was born, the vision of heaven and earth was revealed.After these years of practice, Gu Xiujie has thoroughly comprehended many visions and turned them into his supernatural powers.

It is no exaggeration to say that Gu Xiujie's strength is already enough to fight against the emperor.However, Gu Xiujie is a low-key person, and has been concentrating on his cultivation in the Floating Life Tomb.If not, Gu Xiujie's name will spread throughout the world, and the emperor with average strength may have to stay away.

Vision, the sun and the moon shine together!Eternal Qinglian Yixiantian!Desert Dust!Soaring dragon and phoenix dance!

Many visions manifested, and terrifying power erupted from Gu Xiujie's body, just to resist the power of the ghost gate of the underworld, wanting to blast the ghost gate into pieces and survive this calamity.

The strong men from all over the world turned pale in shock: "Is this the true strength of Emperor Fusheng?"

Not to mention the general powerhouses of the Nine Realms, even Emperor Nangong, Youdi and others trembled in their hearts when they saw the strength of the emperor Gu Xiujie.

"My life is up to me to decide!"

Gu Xiujie's whole body was covered in blood, and the coercion of the ghost gates of the underworld kept oppressing him, making it difficult for him to move forward even half a step.

No matter what kind of means Gu Xiujie used, he couldn't smash the ghost gate of the underworld, and couldn't even shake it half a bit.

The ghost gate of the underworld was completely opened, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves came from inside the gate, hitting Gu Xiujie's soul directly.At this moment, Gu Xiujie lost consciousness and his eyes were dull.

Gu Xiujie's soul seemed to float out, and began to leave his body, heading towards the gate of hell.

Gu Xiujie's consciousness was locked in a huge cage, and all methods failed.

Am I really going to die?
Gu Xiujie showed all his trump cards, but he still couldn't escape this last catastrophe.His body stood on top of the eternal green lotus, motionless, while his soul had already left his body, gradually approaching the ghost gate.


The sound of howling ghosts and wolves spread all over the world, and many people fell into a coma after hearing it.Even a powerful cultivator couldn't bear this power, foaming at the mouth and turning white in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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