The sword rises

Chapter 1978 Blood stains the sky

Chapter 1978 Blood stains the sky

The first thousand and 350 chapters and six blood-stained sky

After a long talk, the light fragrance of green tea permeates every corner of Buried Heart Valley, refreshing the heart and lungs.

The next day, Gu Hengsheng and the third senior brother bid farewell to the Taoist nun.

They still have a lot of things to do, they can't stay in Buried Heart Valley forever.

The Taoist nun watched the two leave, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth.This smile is very pure, as if she had just entered the world and practiced.

"How much I wish I could see the appearance of little Hang Seng proving the Dao with my own eyes, and I don't know where my stinky boy from Daoist Sect has gone."

In the past years, the Taoist nun's heart was as dead as ashes, and she relied on the belief of the Daoist sect to support her.Now, she has Little Xiaoyao, Little Hang Seng, and Little Baili.

That's great!
Having longing and hope for the future is the real motivation to live.

Baili Chen of Dust Dao Sect has not been seen for many years, and it is unknown to what level his cultivation has improved.

Zhuge Haokong originally wanted to deal with everyone who was involved with Yiqing Lingye, but a large part of the old guys had an agreement with Gu Hengsheng, and it was hard for him to make a move.

However, those strong thieves who have not made an agreement with Gu Hengsheng will not end well.

Five days later, the diabolo old man in the late period of the Sendai Five Bans hid at the end of the Xiqi Sea, and was finally found by the third senior brother, who turned into a corpse at the flick of his fingers.

"Did the old man Diabolo think that he could escape disaster by running to the end of the Xiqi Sea? It's simply wishful thinking, and he's seeking his own death."

The world ridiculed him a lot, and secretly rejoiced that Gu Hengsheng hadn't done anything wrong.

Half a month later, the third senior brother brought Gu Hengsheng to Changkong Mountain.

Nearly [-] clansmen in Changkong Mountain knelt on their knees, waiting for the trial and begging for forgiveness.

Someone once instigated Changkong Mountain to resist, but with what resistance?
Mr. Zhuge is not a great emperor, but he has the power comparable to a great emperor.In the whole world, except for the one who is closest to the immortal, who dares to say that he can suppress Mr. Zhuge?
Instead of resisting being slaughtered, it is better to kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

A white-haired old man knelt at the front, his eyes full of regret.If he had known today, the old man would not have thought about clearing the spiritual liquid even if he died.

"Kneel down sir."

The old man kowtowed to Zhuge Haokong, his posture was extreme.

He is the ancestor of Changkong Mountain, a peerless figure in the Six Tribulations at the peak of Sendai.A person like him should be superior and control the life and death of countless people.

Now, the old man is kneeling in front of Zhuge Haokong, not even a strong man, just like a pitiful old man in the mortal world.

"I remember you, once had a fight with me."

The third senior brother looked down at the old man and recognized the old man's identity.

The ancestor of Changkong Mountain was born in the same era as the third senior brother, and the two had a rivalry.It can be said that the ancestors of Changkong Mountain witnessed the glory of the third senior brother with their own eyes.

"At a quick glance, twenty thousand years have passed. My husband's hair is as long as ink, but mine is already gray."

It would be a lie to say that the old man is not envious.These years have passed, Zhuge Haokong is the same as before, without any change.The ruthless years seem to have no way to leave marks on Zhuge Haokong's face.

"Back then, I spared your life when fighting for the front, because there was no life-and-death enmity between you and me. But this time, it won't work."

Gu Hengsheng almost died because of his bullying.This incident touched the backs of the third senior brother, and it is unforgivable.

The old man knew that he couldn't escape death, so he held a wisp of psychic liquid he had snatched in his hands and said, "Please forgive my unknowing descendants of Changkong Mountain, sir."

After finishing speaking, the old man kowtowed fiercely, and raised his hands above his head holding the spirit liquid Daoyi, completely motionless.

Zhuge Haokong remained silent, no one could guess what he was thinking.

Everyone in Changkong Mountain has their hearts raised in their throats, waiting for Zhuge Haokong's trial.

The third senior brother can determine the life and death of a forbidden place with a single thought, extremely domineering.

"This matter is caused by you, and you make the decision."

The third senior brother handed over the future fate of Changkong Mountain to Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng lowered his eyebrows and thought for a while, then said: "Those who have been banned from Xiantai and above will end their cause and effect with death. The rest of them will seek their own blessings."

"Many... Thank you, Mr. Jiu."

Once all the people at the Xiantai level in Changkong Mountain are gone, they will sink into ruin for many years to come, and even be swallowed up by other forces.However, at least the descendants of Changkong Mountain survived, so there is hope.

This result can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune!
The ancestor of Changkong Mountain looked back at everyone in the clan, and slowly closed his eyes.


The next moment, the ancestor slapped his own Tianling Gai with a slap.

The ancestor's head exploded in an instant, blood spattered on the spot, and his life was cut off.

Immediately afterwards, the people at the Sendai level in Changkong Mountain raised their hands tremblingly.Only when they die, will their descendants have hope of living.


One after another, the strong men from Sendai killed themselves here, blood staining the sky.

All the descendants of Changkong Mountain wept and cried, and the choked up sound reached Gu Hengsheng's ears vaguely, which did not cause Gu Hengsheng to have any emotional fluctuations.

Among the descendants of later generations, there will always be some people who harbor hatred towards Gu Hengsheng.Although it was well hidden, it still couldn't be hidden from the eyes of Gu Hengsheng and the third senior brother.

The two of them didn't seem to see each other, and after the last strong immortal in Changkong Mountain died, they turned around and left.

Does Gu Hengsheng still have few enemies?
He doesn't care more.

As for the third senior brother, I don't care much about it.Not to mention the surviving descendants of Changkong Mountain, even the ancestors of Changkong Mountain are not qualified to be the enemy of the third senior brother.

So far, Changkong Mountain exists in name only.On the dangerous Emperor's Road, Changkong Mountain is bound to decline, or even overturn directly.

Why did Gu Hengsheng keep the junior characters of Changkong Mountain?

This is to give Changkong Mountain a glimmer of hope. Only in this way, the elders of Changkong Mountain will be willing to die.If Gu Hengsheng threatened to destroy the entire Changkong Mountain, he would definitely be counterattacked by Changkong Mountain.

Even if there are three senior brothers here, there is no need to do this.

"Junior Brother, who were the forces that attacked the Blood Moon Wolf Clan back then?"

Except for the forces that had an agreement with Gu Hengsheng, everyone who participated in the matter of the spiritual liquid paid the price in blood.Next, it's another matter.

"Brother, should we rest for a while, this will make us an enemy of the entire Dilu forces, can you bear it?"

Gu Hengsheng asked in a low voice.

"Are you afraid?"

The third senior brother glanced at Gu Hengsheng.

"If I were afraid, I wouldn't have saved the Blood Moon Wolf Clan."

Gu Hengsheng disagreed and replied.

"Nonsense." The third senior brother gave Gu Hengsheng a supercilious look: "I'm here, let's see who dares to jump."

(End of this chapter)

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