The sword rises

Chapter 1979

Chapter 1979
Chapter One Thousand and Four Hundred
Because of Miao Hong'er's appearance at the wedding ceremony, the atmosphere became a little delicate.

Everyone held their wine glasses, at a loss.

Gu Hengsheng continued to taste the wine as if nothing had happened, drank three glasses in a row, and then said goodbye to everyone: "Everyone, let's go first."

Soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, I can't see its shadow.

The little princess of the Dragon Carp Clan looked at the direction Gu Hengsheng was leaving, and only she knew the smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Congratulations to Mr. Jiu!"

The heroes stood up and saluted each other.

After the first battle between evildoers ten years ago, everyone in the world has understood one thing: Hentian Sword Immortal has never died, and has always been alive.

Inexplicably, Gu Hengsheng had a feeling of being overwhelmed by the heights.Among the same generation, there are too few people who can compete with Gu Hengsheng.

After repaying Wang Chiya's favor, Gu Hengsheng settled a concern and walked along the way.

For ten years, Gu Hengsheng stayed underground in the Wanzan Mountains and endured various ordeals.Under the Wanzan Mountains, that person is Gu Hengsheng's elder. Although he is lonely and arrogant, he treats Gu Hengsheng very well.

That person told Gu Hengsheng the worldly way he had comprehended, allowing Gu Hengsheng to experience that person's life once.

That person is noble and glamorous, like a plum in the snow.

Perhaps the only person in the world who can compare with him is the owner of the Tomb of Floating Life!

Even the Empress of Floating Life Tomb would be a head shorter than that person.

"This is my life, how much you can comprehend is your own creation."

That person is the Snow Emperor, who is also an unrivaled power in cultivating Taoism in the world of mortals.

For ten years, Gu Hengsheng witnessed Xuedi's life as a bystander.From the time Xuedi lived on the streets when she was a child, until she pushed her peers, suppressed the heroes, and proved the emperor.This process was full of thorns and countless catastrophes. Xuedi almost died many times, narrowly escaped death.

In the end, Xuedi survived countless hardships and proved the truth against the sky.

No one knew that Xuedi was a woman until after Xuedi proved the Tao.Just from this point of view, one can know that Xuedi's ability is unpredictable.

It took Gu Hengsheng ten years to get a general understanding of Xue Di's life experience.

Xue Di's life was full of ups and downs, from which Gu Hengsheng learned many subtleties of the world of mortals.

"Since I made a bet with you, I naturally have to make some bets."

From the beginning to the end, Xuedi never showed his face.

Giving Gu Hengsheng a big chance is Xuedi's bet.How many years have passed, and the Snow Empress also wanted to see where the gate of the Immortal Dao is?If Gu Hengsheng could really do it, of course it would be great.

Gu Hengsheng hadn't fully digested the opportunity given by Xuedi, he left the place of his wedding and became an ordinary person, wandering around every corner of the emperor's road.

Gu Hengsheng's Mortal Sword Dao has encountered a bottleneck.In order to break through, Gu Hengsheng had to calm down and find a way out of the boundless world of mortals.


Somewhere in the Emperor Road, there is a simple temple in the deep forest.

For many years, Buddhists have meditated and practiced in this temple, chanting scriptures and chanting Buddha.

Originally, Fozi kept avoiding Miao Hong'er, but over time, Fozi gave up this idea.Because no matter where the Buddha went, Miao Hong'er would definitely find a way to find him.

The Gu technique of the Miao family in the Western Regions is absolutely extraordinary.Miao Hong'er's reputation is not obvious, but her Gu skills are superb, and it is not difficult at all to track a person.

"Monk, aren't you bored in meditating all day long?"

Miao Hong'er pushed the door open and entered, squatting beside Buddha's son, propping her chin with both hands.

The Buddha's lips were slightly opening and closing, presumably he was chanting sutras, and he ignored Miao Hong'er.

"Monk, just follow me! After we get married, you can slowly chant scriptures and Buddha, I will never disturb you, how about it?"

Miao Honger's big eyes blinked. She knew that this request was unrealistic, but she still couldn't help but say it.

The Buddha didn't answer, but closed his eyes and meditated.

"Buddhist monks are a group of dignified people, hum!"

Seeing that the Buddha hadn't paid any attention, Miao Hong'er showed displeasure and snorted coldly.

Hearing the sound, the Buddha slowly opened his eyes and looked at Miao Hong'er beside him: "Miao benefactor, if you don't go back to the ancient times, Buddhism has been passed down for at least a million years, how can you be humiliated?"

This monk finally knows how to take care of this girl!

The corner of Miao Hong'er raised her mouth, and sat on the ground: "Over the years, Buddhism has monopolized how many cultivation resources, coercing and luring various forces, and expanding its influence and background, completely runs counter to the philosophy of Buddhism."

"Namo Amitabha." The Buddha put his palms together and said softly, "Blesser Miao, what you said is indeed true, but it is only on the surface."

"Oh? Then tell me, what did I say wrong?"

Miao Hong'er deliberately brought Fozi to this topic in order to have a chat with Fozi.

"Buddhism has been passed down for more than a million years. I don't know how many eminent monks have exhausted their entire lives in order to save the world. In the long river of time, there are Buddhist eminent monks in every era who adhere to the belief of saving all living beings and save suffering."

"If it hadn't been for something that happened during the period that led to a great change in Buddhism, and gradually diverged. Perhaps, today's Buddhism and Taoism inheritance would not be like this."

Buddha thought of something and couldn't help sighing.

"What is it?" Miao Hong'er was very interested.

"20 years ago, there was an eminent monk in my Buddhist sect..."

The Buddha glanced at the scenery outside the temple and said slowly.

It is said that 20 years ago, an eminent monk came out of the Buddhist gate. He practiced one of the three major secret arts of the Buddhist sect to perfection, the Buddha's teachings are boundless, and his cultivation is unrivaled.

The eminent monk was born, and with the mission of saving all living beings, he suppressed many demons and ghosts, saved countless creatures, and brought the glory of Buddhism to the top of the clouds.

For thousands of years, the eminent monks never stayed where they were, spread the Dharma widely, rescued the world in suffering, and saved many living beings in the world, such as birds, beasts, insects, fish, and all living beings of all races.

But once, when the eminent monk taught the world, he was tricked, the Taoism was lost, and the blood flooded the heavens.

Many forces coveted the highest secret art of Buddhism-the Angry Eyes Reaching the Sky Art, and forcibly deprived the secret art from the eminent monk's body, which caused the eminent monk's entire body of Buddhist teachings to fall short.

Later, the eminent monk escaped back to the Buddhist sect by virtue of his merits and virtues, and passed away soon after.

Before the eminent monk died, he left a sentence: "It is difficult to save all living beings, and it is better to save sentient beings than to save people."

So far, a generation of Buddhist eminent monks passed away, shaking the entire Buddhism.I heard that when the eminent monk passed away, the five states of the world, and the billions of stars, were all covered with dark clouds and heavy rain.

Since then, Buddhism has begun to diverge, and no eminent monk who has attained the Tao is willing to show up to save the world.

"Miao benefactor, do you understand now?"

The Buddha has no reason to blame the Buddhist monks, he just sighs that people's hearts are not old.

(End of this chapter)

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