The sword rises

Chapter 1995 The sword is 3 feet long and the sky is 3 feet high

Chapter 1995 The sword is three feet long and the sky is three feet high

Chapter 95 The sword is three feet long and the sky is three feet high

Ye Yingxue endured endless pain, and she was about to get close to Youlan Minghuo's mother tree.However, Ye Yingxue couldn't take a step forward and wept in grief.

Gu Hengsheng, who was in the barren land, watched Ye Yingxue's every move from afar, seeing the teardrops falling from Ye Yingxue's eyes, his heart ached slightly.

"I've said enough! Didn't you hear?"

Gu Hengsheng discovered that the law of heaven in the underworld was still oppressing Ye Yingxue, and walked out of the barren land of hundreds of millions of miles, and landed not far from the Youlan Minghuo Mother Tree, standing in the void, hunting in white.

With his left hand behind his back, Gu Hengsheng condensed a three-foot blue blade with his right hand, pointed at the sky of the underworld, and drew his sword towards the sky.

In the depths of Hades, all the high-level people trembled.

Gu Hengsheng, what is the origin of this person!Dare to draw the sword to the sky, this is the first time I have seen it after staying in the underworld for so many years.

For hundreds of millions of years, even the Underworld Lord did not dare to disobey the will of heaven.

As for the affairs of the world, the higher levels of the underworld are naturally not clear.If they knew that Gu Hengsheng had dared to draw his sword at the lord of the ancient fairy court, they would probably be so frightened that their souls would fly away.


The most frightening thing was Xue Bai, the master of the Haunting Palace. When he thought of how rude he was to Gu Hengsheng thousands of years ago, he was afraid for a while.Fortunately, Gu Hengsheng didn't take his life. This is a ruthless person who doesn't even fear the Dao of Heaven!
The heavens in the underworld are furious, black clouds overwhelm the city, strong winds blow, ghosts cry and wolves howl.

The Heavenly Dao of the Underworld wanted to suppress Gu Hengsheng, but found that there was no trace of Gu Hengsheng at all, and there was nothing, as if there should be no such person as Gu Hengsheng in this world.

Ye Yingxue turned her head and glanced at Gu Hengsheng, the tears on her cheeks had disappeared.Just now, she couldn't help crying because she had suffered part of the emotion in her heart, coupled with the sense of powerlessness oppressed by heaven.

"You...don't need to."

Ye Yingxue still maintained her aloofness, perhaps in her heart, she didn't want Gu Hengsheng to be involved in such a big karma.

"I didn't shoot for you, just because I was upset."

Gu Hengsheng walked towards Youlan Minghuo's mother tree step by step, and found that an invisible terrifying force was attacking him, and he didn't want to let him take half a step forward.

Regarding Gu Hengsheng's remarks, Ye Yingxue fell silent.


Gu Hengsheng held the sword in his right hand and gently lowered it in front of him.

A terrifying sword mark suddenly appeared, spreading directly from Gu Hengsheng's feet to the bottom of Youlan Minghuo's mother tree.

The power of the law of heaven was directly smashed to pieces by Gu Hengsheng.

Oh my god!

The upper echelons of Hades were dumbfounded and trembled all over.The law of heaven in the underworld was cut to pieces. Is this true?
Don't talk about the upper echelons of Hades, even Ye Yingxue was shocked.

What kind of strength is this?Why did Gu Hengsheng become so strong?
When Gu Hengsheng broke the game of chess in the human world, Ye Yingxue had already entered the underworld, so naturally she didn't know Gu Hengsheng's demeanor at that time.If Ye Yingxue saw the scene of Gu Hengsheng breaking the game with her own eyes, she would not be so surprised.

"I'll say it again for the last time, enough is enough. Otherwise, I don't mind causing chaos in the underworld and breaking down the laws."

The way of heaven in the underworld is different from that of the human world, and the laws here cannot stop Gu Hengsheng.

The way of heaven in the world already has the shadow of the ancient Lord of the Immortal Court, Gu Hengsheng certainly cannot be so strong.But the way of heaven in the underworld is different, and in Gu Hengsheng's view, there are many flaws.

You know, Gu Hengsheng has jumped out of the world chessboard.Not to mention that Gu Hengsheng stood on top of Tiandao, at least he was on an equal footing.

As long as Gu Hengsheng is willing, he can become a fairy with a single thought and change the world.

"Threatening the way of heaven..."

The upper echelons of Hades hid in their respective cultivation caves, curled up, trembling and terrified.

"Immediately investigate the dead souls who have just entered the underworld, and see if they can learn about Gu Hengsheng's origin through their memories."

The high level of Hades began to order and secretly investigate.

Although this kind of behavior would violate the laws of the heavens and cause considerable consequences, the heavens are threatened by the creatures in the world, and the strong in the underworld can't care about so much.

In order to know the specific origin of Gu Hengsheng, the high-level figures in the underworld would not hesitate to perish completely.

It was just a thought, the high-level executives of the underworld found Gu Hengsheng's deeds and identity by searching the soul memory of the person who had just fallen, and knelt down directly.

"He is the 10-year Hentian Sword Immortal, so it is that person!"

"The Great Emperor Floating Life of this life draws his sword to the sky, playing games with immortals."

"The way of heaven in the underworld forms its own lineage and has no connection with the great world. If something goes wrong, the entire underworld will fall into a situation of eternal darkness, and the order of the six realms will surely collapse."

"In just over [-] years, such a terrifying person was born. He...he is too perverted!"

Soon, the high-ranking figures in the underworld all learned about Gu Hengsheng's origin and deeds, which shocked the world.

In a certain corner of Fengdu City, Xue Bai, the master of the Haunted Palace, was trembling, his eyes full of horror.Offending such a terrifying person, even if he is a big shot in the underworld, he can't stand it!

Because, the Heavenly Dao of the underworld no longer has the ability to judge people like Gu Hengsheng.

10 years ago, the dead soul of Hentian Sword Immortal entered the underworld.However, Hentian Sword Immortal can be reincarnated and can retain his own memory, so naturally he has not been judged by the underworld.

That's because, as soon as the dead soul of the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal entered the underworld, it directly escaped into the six realms of reincarnation, with sword energy soaring to the sky, and no one could judge.

Many evil characters in the world will instinctively go through the six reincarnations, and it is difficult to catch traces in the underworld.

On the other side, Gu Hengsheng shattered the laws of heaven that stood in front of him, turned to Ye Yingxue and said, "Do you know how high the sky is?"

"Seventy-eight thousand feet."

Ye Yingxue is the master of the underworld, she is very clear.If it goes further up, it is the sea of ​​stars in the underworld, which is beyond the scope.

"No, only three feet."

Gu Hengsheng shook his head while walking towards the mother tree of Youlan Minghuo.

"Three feet? How is that possible?"

Ye Yingxue's breath was a little disordered, it was difficult to take a step forward, and Liu Mei frowned.

Ye Yingxue has served as the Lord of the Underworld for hundreds of millions of years, and no one knows the Underworld better than her.

"Because... my sword is only three feet long."

Gu Hengsheng said calmly.

Ye Yingxue's eyes widened, and her delicate body shook suddenly.

Words follow the law, and the underworld shakes.

The Heavenly Dao of the Hades had a deep fear of Gu Hengsheng, and for the time being, there was nothing to stop him.

I once made a great wish to break through the nine heavens with my sword.

Now, I have understood.

Look up at the sky, where the sword's edge reaches.

(End of this chapter)

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