The sword rises

Draw the sword to the sky

Draw the sword to the sky
Chapter 96 Draw the sword to the sky
As long as my sword is, so tall is the sky.

My wish is not to climb the Nine Heavens, but to go above the Nine Heavens, to determine the universe with one sword.

"You, walked out of the eternal sword?"

Gu Hengsheng's sentence just now contained his lifelong understanding of the way of swordsmanship.Others don't feel anything when they hear it, and only those who have reached a certain level will understand what it means.

Ye Yingxue opened her red lips slightly, her eyes flickered with horror.

How long has it been!Gu Hengsheng then comprehended the true Eternal Sword Way, which is truly terrifying!
"No, not so much."

For Gu Hengsheng, stepping out of the true Eternal Sword Dao is to directly deduce a complete Dao.If it's just the location, Gu Hengsheng is indeed at this level, but he is still a little short of deducing the complete Eternal Avenue.

In the future, when Gu Hengsheng has deduced this path thoroughly, he will take the final step, becoming a fairy immediately and immortal.

"You, with one heart and mind, are really terrifying."

Ye Yingxue has stayed in the underworld for hundreds of millions of years, and has seen so many heroes.But there are definitely not many people who really let her have this praise.

At that time, Gu Hengsheng did not show his true talent because of the soul of Bai Yixian in his heart and obsession.

Today's Gu Hengsheng, with his Dao heart unified, truly explained what is called the only one in ancient times.

Gu Hengsheng walked step by step, and he was only a thousand meters away from Youlan Minghuo's mother tree.This distance, seemingly very close, is actually like a moat.

Gu Hengsheng found that the law of heaven on the road ahead had been restored and condensed into an enchantment.

"Stubborn, Broken!"

Gu Hengsheng snorted softly, a little displeased.

A word fell, and a sword cut away.


The enchantment in front of him shattered instantly, and a road leading to the Youlan Hellfire Mother Tree appeared directly.This road condensed by the sword intent directly blocked the blazing Youlan Minghuo from the outside.

"go in!"

Gu Hengsheng turned to look at Ye Yingxue beside him, and said without joy or sadness.

Ye Yingxue wanted to say a lot, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't utter a single word.In the end, Ye Yingxue nodded and walked straight into the passage of sword intent cut by Gu Hengsheng.

When this matter is settled, if there is a chance, thank Gu Hengsheng again!

Ye Yingxue threw away these distracting thoughts and told herself not to think wildly.Fortunately, Gu Hengsheng's sword intent protected her, otherwise Ye Yingxue would have been injured by Youlan Minghuo.

In the past, Ye Yingxue was not afraid of the burning of the Youlan Minghuo, but now she is at the most vulnerable time, so she must be careful.

Whenever Ye Yingxue takes a step forward, Ye Yingxue will pause for a while, the closer she is to her heart, the stronger the emotional impact Ye Yingxue will feel.

Emotions accumulated for hundreds of millions of years, like a flood bursting a bank, are out of control.If Ye Yingxue's Dao heart was unstable, she might lose her mind and go crazy in an instant, and she might even be unable to bear it directly and die.


The heavenly dao of the underworld sensed that Ye Yingxue was gradually approaching the mother tree of Youlan Minghuo, and seemed to be angry. The dao sound roared, and every void began to distort.

The dead souls in the underworld couldn't bear the coercion of heaven, and some souls dissipated directly, without even the chance of reincarnation.Many ghosts and monsters in the barren land are also howling, their souls are torn apart, and the pain is unbearable.

Even high-level figures in the underworld cannot withstand the wrath of Heaven.

This matter has developed to this point, and it has completely exceeded the expectations of all existences in the underworld.

Gu Hengsheng is a person who is beyond the way of heaven and will not be oppressed by the way of heaven. He is fully qualified to negotiate with the way of heaven.Jumping off the chessboard, this is the unique power and qualification.

"She just takes back what belongs to her, why do you interfere?"

Gu Hengsheng confronted the illusory shadow condensed by Tian Dao, and asked.

The voice of the Dao spread all around, and the Dao of Heaven expressed its own meaning, and no one was allowed to interfere with the order of the Dao of Heaven.If Ye Yingxue regained her heart, the blue underworld fire that has not been extinguished for hundreds of millions of years may change, causing turmoil in the underworld.

So in order to avoid such consequences, the Heavenly Dao of the Underworld naturally did not want Ye Yingxue to take back his heart.

"You are only allowed to enslave others, so don't you allow others to resist? All creatures have to live according to your wishes, and you can't go against your wishes. It's ridiculous."

"One more thing, my son will not become the master of the underworld. If this kind of thing happens, even if I risk my life, I will change the underworld to another creature of the Dao of Heaven. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. "

Gu Hengsheng stood on top of the void, confronting the underworld, without taking half a step back.

Tiandao was furious, but found that his power of law could not judge Gu Hengsheng at all, so he was very angry.If the great emperor in the world came to the underworld, he would definitely be suppressed by the heavenly way of the underworld in an instant, and would be at the mercy of the heavenly way.

For Gu Hengsheng who was already standing outside the chessboard, the power of heaven no longer had the power to suppress him.

Gu Hengsheng has not yet taken the last step, and is still at the level below the immortal.Therefore, the Heavenly Dao of the underworld is only afraid of Gu Hengsheng at most, and it cannot reach the point of forcibly forcing the Heavenly Dao back.

God, I will be afraid, but I will bow my head only when I really feel the moment of collapse and death.

As for now, the strength shown by Gu Hengsheng is not enough to erase the heavenly way of the underworld.Therefore, the way of heaven will not be shocked by Gu Hengsheng's few words.

Suddenly, Ye Yingxue, who was walking forward, noticed that the Youlan Minghuo was burning more and more intensely, the spirit energy in her body was rapidly draining, and black spots appeared on her body, signs that she was about to burn.

Obviously, the Heavenly Dao of the Underworld made another move, intending to kill Ye Yingxue.

Seeing this, Gu Hengsheng slowly closed his eyes, his voice became extremely hoarse, as if he had come from the end of the years, after going through vicissitudes: "I said, everything ends here. The karma and suffering she has endured has already enough."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Hengsheng drew his sword to the sky and slashed it down.


Above the sky of the underworld, there appeared a sword mark that was thousands of miles long, and it was extremely terrifying.

With one thought, the sword world rises!
Gu Hengsheng directly erased the power of heaven around him, and the burning degree of the Youlan Minghuo returned to the original level, which made Ye Yingxue feel better, and the pressure dropped sharply.

"I'm here, no one can touch her, not even the law of heaven!"

Gu Hengsheng stood here, his black hair fluttering and his white shirt moving lightly.

The sky in the underworld has really changed.

Heavenly Dao was angry, but Gu Hengsheng was helpless.But if Ye Yingxue is allowed to take the heart, the underworld will be in chaos, so we have to stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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