The sword rises

Chapter 2014 Let's Fight!

Chapter 2014 Let's Fight!

Chapter [-] Let's fight!

Mo Yi didn't turn her head back, and directly stepped into the gate of the underworld.

Looking at Mo Yibai's back, Liu Changsheng felt a strange emotion in his heart.One day in the future, Liu Changsheng will definitely find his true self and clarify everything.

Mo Yibai left, but the matter was not over.

Liu Changsheng closed his eyes lightly, and when he opened them again, they were as solemn as ever.

"Liu Changsheng, long time no see."

Immortal Bai Yi said a word, and appeared directly beside Liu Changsheng.

Liu Changsheng didn't change his face, and exchanged a glance with Bai Yixian: "I have a lot to say to you."

"Wait a minute, there are still some things that have not been dealt with. I will find a place with good geomantic omen later, let's have a good chat together."

Bai Yixian was always holding a jug of fine wine in his hand, and his flawless face was slightly dizzy from wine.

Gu Hengsheng and the others looked at Bai Yixian silently, feeling that Bai Yixian's appearance this time was not so simple.

As soon as the white-clothed immortal stepped into the Nine Heavens, he waved his right hand lightly at the gate filled with immortal energy, and whispered a word: "Open!"

Just now the fairy in white came from the fairy world and descended into the mortal world.The lower realm of the immortals in white is not just for travel, the most important thing is to break through the barriers between the immortal and mortal realms, so that the two worlds can reconnect.

The huge fairy world was once the cage of the white-clothed fairy, and there was no living thing in it, not even a single spiritual herb.

This time, the Bai Yixian wants to break the shackles of the laws left by the ancient master of the fairy court and reopen the fairy world.


Above the nine heavens, a snow-white gate was looming, gradually turning into substance.Afterwards, the stalwart power of the Immortal in White blesses the Daomen of the Immortal Realm, and the situation changes dramatically, and the law of the Dao has undergone drastic changes.

At the same time, the Yunjie Mountain located deep in the Broken Emperor Road began to grow crazily, and the whole body was covered with a layer of faint white mist, exuding a particularly mysterious smell.

Bai Yixian seemed to have touched some restriction, and the expression on his face became slightly dignified.Then, Bai Yixian turned the palm of his right hand lightly and squeezed it tightly.

A loud noise came from the direction of the Taoist gate in the fairy world, shaking the sky and the earth.

"Open it for me!"

Endless celestial power erupted from Bai Yixian's body, directly knocking back Gu Hengsheng and others nearby for hundreds of thousands of miles.If Gu Hengsheng and the others hadn't been quite powerful, they could have suppressed and killed the Great Emperor with just this ray of immortal power from the Bai Yixian.

Bai Yixian walked out of the gate of the fairy world, relying on his own powerful strength to break free from the shackles of the fairy world.But now it is different, Bai Yixian intends to erase the power left by the Lord of the Immortal Court, and reproduce the grand scene of the Immortal and Mortal Worlds.


Half a moment later, everyone in the world saw the gate of the fairy world above the nine heavens slowly open.

The barrier of imprisonment in the fairy world was shattered, the gate of the fairy world was opened, and the pure and flawless spiritual energy rushed to the great world like the sea.Countless creatures have received a ray of spiritual energy from the fairy world, or have an epiphany, and their strength has greatly increased.Either transform directly, get rid of the accumulated impurities in the body, and enhance the cultivation talent.

The strong man in the world looked up at this fairy world gate, and saw a corner of the fairy world shrouded in spiritual mist, where there was a sea of ​​clear spiritual liquid, and countless top-quality elixir plants began to grow on the ground with the naked eye. precious medicine.

"Is that... the legendary fairy world?"

People in the world stare at the gate of the fairy world obsessively, wishing they could rush to the top of the clouds and walk into that fairy gate.

"The fairy in white came to the world in person and opened the fairy gate. There are immortals in the world. I have seen it with my own eyes. I have no regrets in this life."

Many old guys burst into tears, weeping uncontrollably.Originally, some old antiques were about to die, and they were about to sit down, but a ray of pure spiritual energy from the fairy world floated into the world, directly washing their decayed bodies, and prolonging their lifespan.

"The legends that have been passed down for countless years are all true, true! There are really immortals in this world."

The common people in the world knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the white-clothed fairy, hoping to win the favor of the fairy, so that they could rise to the top and reach the sky in one step.

However, how can a high-ranking immortal pay attention to ordinary people in the world.

Bai Yixian ignored the people's kowtow and saluted, but drank a pot of fine wine, as if he had drunk all the grievances he had suffered for millions of years, and laughed loudly: "If there is no life in the fairy world, it is like a prison, extremely boring. Today I open the gate of the two worlds of immortality and mortal world, and come back to the world."

Some people kowtowed, some greedily absorbed the strands of pure spiritual energy from the fairyland, and some even prepared to give it a go and rush directly into the fairyland.

Bai Yixian walked into the Floating Life Tomb step by step, like a phantom, people couldn't catch his trace.

Everyone in the Fusheng Tomb felt as if they were facing an enemy, but they still maintained the proper etiquette and bowed.

Bai Yixian went straight to Ye Yingxue, and said softly, "Thanks to you, otherwise I would have spent a few more years."

"That's not necessary, let's take what we need."

Ye Yingxue used to be the lord of the underworld, only to get rid of the heavenly way of the underworld and get back her heart.For this day, Ye Yingxue paid a lot of price, and finally achieved her wish without any risk.

Only Mo Yibai, the owner of the Floating Tomb, entered the underworld alone and became the new master of the underworld, which gave Ye Yingxue a glimmer of life.Ye Yingxue felt very uncomfortable about this.

"Your body is a little bad, do you want me to help you once?"

Bai Yixian said bluntly.

"No need." Ye Yingxue refused because she didn't want to owe Bai Yixian any favors.

"Forget it then." Bai Yixian disapproved: "However, the fairy gate has been opened, so it's always okay to go in and sit for a while!"

Ye Yingxue was silent for a long time, then nodded slightly.

Ye Yingxue was naturally yearning for the scenery of the fairy world, and wanted to see what it was all about.

"Let's go!"

Bai Yixian chuckled, and led Ye Yingxue directly towards the gate of the fairy world.

At the same time, Gu Hengsheng, Liu Changsheng and others were also invited by Bai Yixian: "You two, come in and sit down together?"

Gu Hengsheng and the two rushed to the gate of the fairy world at the same time, expressionless.

A group of four people stepped directly into the fairy gate without any hindrance.

Gu Hengsheng jumped off the chessboard and entered the fairy world with ease.Liu Changsheng, on the other hand, has already reached the level of immortality, but for the sake of a broader road, he slashed his memory and sank into the world of mortals.

Not to mention Ye Yingxue, although she is now seriously injured, she was once the master of the underworld, so she cannot be considered with common sense.As long as Ye Yingxue regains her strength, it shouldn't be difficult to reach the Immortal Dao again.

Don't forget that Ye Yingxue has been in charge of the underworld for hundreds of millions of years.Not to mention Ye Yingxue, an evil character recognized by the Dao of Heaven, even a pig can become a fairy after living for hundreds of millions of years.

Not long after Gu Hengsheng and the others entered the fairyland, an old guy who was about to melt into the sky rushed up to the sky desperately, wanting to enter the fairyland and live again.

However, before this old guy touched the gate of the fairy world, he was swallowed by the power of the law of the fairy world in an instant, without leaving a drop of flesh and blood, and turned into nothingness.

Seeing this scene, the originally ambitious cultivator immediately extinguished his unrealistic thoughts, and was afraid for a while.

This is the legendary fairyland!How could mortals like them be able to touch it?

Perhaps only characters at the level of a great emperor can enter the fairy world at this time.It's just that none of the great emperors dared to try it, because all the emperors could sense the horror of the laws of the fairy world and would not seek their own death.

"Only when the two worlds of immortality and mortal world are truly connected, can we have the opportunity to enter the immortal world. Going in now is no different from courting death."

A great emperor glanced at the Taoist Gate of the Immortal World from a distance, his eyes yearning, and he was extremely excited.

There are immortals in the world, and there is also the fairy world in legends.

In Immortal World, Gu Hengsheng and others appeared here.

Originally, there were only spiritual seas and stones in the fairyland, but because of breaking the confinement rules left by the lord of the fairy garden, it began to restore its original appearance.

Spirit grasses began to grow one by one, and towering trees towered into the clouds in the blink of an eye.There are also some rare spirit beasts that have gradually evolved.

Everything grows and thrives.

"This is the real fairy world!"

Bai Yixian lived in the fairy world for tens of millions of years, but there was no living creature, and his heart was extremely lonely.To this day, Bai Yixian watched with his own eyes the reappearance of life in the barren fairy world, and felt extremely happy in his heart.

"You all come with me."

Bai Yixian led Gu Hengsheng and others to an ancient pavilion hanging in the sky on the Linghai Sea. There was a stone table and four stone benches in the pavilion.

"Please sit down."

For endless years, Bai Yixian spent in this ancient pavilion on the sea.

No one knows how much effort Bai Yixian has put in for today.People in the world yearn for immortals, but they also know that immortals also envy ordinary people.

"For millions of years, I've been sitting here drinking alone, it's too boring. I'm happy today, let's have a good drink."

Bai Yixian didn't have the original unparalleled demeanor, like a chatterbox.In fact, Bai Yixian can't be blamed for this. If someone else lived silently for millions of years without even a single weed, he would definitely go crazy.

"This is the fairy wine that I have been brewing for 2000 million years, and you have taken it."

The fairy in white flicked his sleeves, and four wine glasses and a pot of the world's most immortal wine appeared on the table.

What's the matter, let's talk about it after drinking.

Others are not qualified to taste the immortal wine brewed by Bai Yixian himself, nor are they qualified to listen to Bai Yixian's nagging.

In the boundless spiritual sea here, every drop is a pure spiritual liquid.Ordinary people can ascend to the sky in one step and become a unparalleled evildoer if they get a drop of the spiritual liquid.

"Wait a minute."

Gu Hengsheng stared at Bai Yixian with an indifferent voice.

"what happened?"

Bai Yixian and Gu Hengsheng looked at each other, and faintly felt the sword intent rippling from Gu Hengsheng's body.

"Don't worry about drinking and talking, there is one thing I wanted to do a long time ago." Gu Hengsheng paused.

"Speak directly!"

Bai Yixian put away the smile on the corner of his mouth, and said solemnly.

"Let's fight!"

Gu Hengsheng grabbed the void with his right hand, and condensed a transparent three-foot green blade.

At this moment, the boundless spiritual sea in the fairy world was turbulent, and the supreme sword intent cut through the void.

(End of this chapter)

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