The sword rises

Chapter 2015 There are 3 sword immortals in the world, and you must lower your eyebrows when you see

Chapter 2015 There are 300 sword immortals in the world, and you must lower your eyebrows when you see me

Chapter 300 There are [-] million sword immortals in the world, and you must lower your eyebrows when you see me

I have a sword that can cut the sky.

I have a sword that can open the gate of heaven.

I have a sword that can cut off the sun, moon and stars.

There are 300 million sword immortals in the world, and they must lower their eyebrows when they see me.

If you ask who I am, my name is - Gu Hengsheng.

Suddenly looking back, Gu Hengsheng remembered the time when he was in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.In the past, Gu Hengsheng shocked millions of troops by himself, saying: "I am the Gu family, Gu Hengsheng!"

When the enemy army heard about it, they were all frightened.

Today, I want to hold the sword and fight with the immortals, to prove my way, to break through the imprisonment, and to be free in the world.

"I haven't fought with anyone for tens of millions of years. Since you invited me to fight, why should I be afraid?"

The white-clothed fairy laughed a few times, stepped into the endless spiritual sea, and stepped on the sea like walking on flat ground.

Gu Hengsheng used spiritual energy as his sword, and his sword intent roared thousands of miles away.

The two were thousands of miles apart, and the endless spiritual sea formed by the gathering of a clear spiritual liquid appeared calm on the surface, but in fact it was undercurrents.Although Gu Hengsheng and Bai Yixian haven't done anything yet, their auras have already affected the laws of the fairy world, causing considerable fluctuations.

The ancient pavilion suspended on the sea was blocked by Bai Yixian's prohibition, so it would not be affected.

Inside the ancient pavilion, Liu Changsheng and Ye Yingxue sat and watched, both surprised and expectant.

One is an immortal in white clothes tens of millions of years ago, and his strength is unfathomable.

One is the Great Emperor Floating Life who has proved the Dao in this life. He has escaped from the chessboard and is unparalleled in the way of swordsmanship.

"If there was an opponent in the past, I wouldn't be so lonely."

Bai Yixian drank the wine in the cup, and the past was unbearable.

As soon as Bai Yixian pointed out, billions of rays of light fell from the top of the sky, the sound of the Tao was long, and a deep pit covering millions of miles appeared in the endless spiritual sea below.

Standing on top of the deep pit, Gu Hengsheng felt the endless power of the Bai Yixian, and the tremendous pressure made the blood in his body boil.

With an unremarkable sword slash, hundreds of millions of rays of light were split into two halves and fell on the endless spiritual sea, but none of the rays of light fell on Gu Hengsheng's body.Only the turbulent Xianwei made Gu Hengsheng's white gown dance, making it difficult to shake Gu Hengsheng's body.

Both of them were dressed in white, and they were flawless.Even the most powerful painter in the world, if he saw this scene in front of him, he would not be able to engrave the two people's one-billionth charm in the painting.

Xianxia flickered, laws surged, and Bai Yixian made another move.

"I once designated the universe and wiped out all the enemies in the world. After I became an immortal, my supernatural powers were almost perfect, but I never appeared in this world. Today, I am lucky to have a battle with Jun Lun Dao!"

The fairy-like long hair in white danced messily with the momentum of Xianwei, and the breath of immortality permeated every corner of the fairyland.

"Finger cutting!"

When Bai Yixian pointed out this point, all the newly born creatures in the fairy world lost their color, and the fairy mist lingering in the clouds was blown away in an instant.

One finger cuts off the immortal, and the world can be determined.Bai Yixian once used the body of the human race to create an opportunity for the human race to stand on the top of the world, shocking the ancient races, and proving the way against the sky.

Today I will open the gate of heaven, prove the way of immortality, and retreat from all ways!
Tens of millions of years ago, with a single tap of a finger, the immortal in white broke through the nine heavens of the great world and reopened the gate of the fairy world.This power and influence, since the opening of the world, is also rarely matched by anyone.

"In the past, I thought that when I achieved the Sword Intent, I would be ridiculously proud of the world. Later, I was wrong. Then, I thought that when I comprehended the Immortal Sword Intent, I would be able to ascend to the sky in one step and compete with the evildoers in the world. It turns out that I was still wrong. "

"It wasn't until today that I realized that the way of swordsmanship I pursued was nothing but the path traveled by the predecessors. Even if I reached the end of the path of the predecessors, there will always be shadows of others."

"So, I would like to become another peak on the road of swordsmanship, a peak that is difficult for anyone in the world to reach. My swordsmanship is the supreme swordsmanship, and the road I walk is the road to heaven."

Gu Hengsheng faced Bai Yixian's one-finger cut-off, and muttered to himself.

The next moment, Gu Hengsheng raised his right hand, and one sword turned into ten thousand swords, and ten thousand swords turned into endless swords.

This is... the sword world!
Only when one has reached the eternal supreme way of the sword can one comprehend the world of swords.

A sword is eternal, it is a world.This is the true meaning of eternity, and it is also the path Gu Hengsheng wants to take.


Gu Hengsheng slashed down with his sword, and the sword world continued to spread in all directions, trying to swallow all the void where he was.

Bai Yixian was able to reverse the imprisonment of the Immortal Realm and cut off the coercion left by the Lord of the Immortal Courtyard, relying on the Immortal Cutting Finger that he had comprehended.Cutting off immortals with one finger is not false.

If there is a chance, Bai Yixian will definitely understand the real cutting finger, and fight against the master who rules the fairy court, wouldn't it be a great blessing in life!

The collision between the Sword World and the Immortal Cutting Finger caused a huge commotion, and the entire Immortal World was in turmoil because of this force.The celestial mountain collapsed, the endless sea of ​​spirits was rippling with turbulent waves, the bottom of the sea was directly cracked, and the entire sea level dropped several meters.

Liu Changsheng and Ye Yingxue, who were sitting in the ancient pavilion, still felt a sense of suffocation even though they had the protection of the prohibition, and their hearts went into cardiac arrest.The Guting shook violently, the dazzling white light made Liu Changsheng and Ye Yingxue unable to open their eyes.

This is not ordinary white light, but Xianwei Xiaguang, which contains the Taoist rhyme of the supreme immortal law.Even with Liu Changsheng's strength, it's hard to get a glimpse of the mysteries of immortality.

When the white light gradually dissipated, Liu Changsheng and Ye Yingxue could finally see the battle on the endless spiritual sea.

Gu Hengsheng and Bai Yixian fought thousands of miles away. Both sides displayed terrifying supernatural powers and swordsmanship, making the endless sea of ​​spirits tumbling like a giant dragon roaring.

The fairy world, which had been silent for countless years, seemed to have a glimmer of life because of the battle between Gu Hengsheng and Bai Yixian.Of course, more damage to the fairy world.

An ordinary stone in the fairy world is a supreme treasure in the secular world, and it can be refined into an incomparable Taoist tool.A drop of sea water is the spiritual liquid that makes the emperor yearn for it, and it is extremely precious.

However, in the battle between Gu Hengsheng and Bai Yixian, I don't know how many tons of Yiqing spiritual liquid evaporated, and countless pieces of immortal stones that were as hard as the top-grade Taoist artifacts were shattered into fine powder, and gusts of wind were blown up by Xianwei, floating To hundreds of millions of miles away.

"Come again!"

There were several holes in Gu Hengsheng's clothes, and the fighting spirit was burning like a raging fire.

Gu Hengsheng still hasn't stepped into the eternal sword way, so the power of the sword world is not indestructible.With a single finger of Bai Yixian, Gu Hengsheng's condensed sword world can be pierced through a black hole.

Of course, Gu Hengsheng's sword can also shatter Bai Yixian's Heaven-cutting Finger.

The immortal energy in white clothes can swallow mountains and rivers, with one breath, countless immortal energy can be swallowed up, and countless sword intents can be suppressed with one finger, with ease.

Gu Hengsheng, who jumped off the chessboard, was not oppressed by the laws of the fairy world, otherwise, Gu Hengsheng would have suffered a great loss from the rules of the fairy in white.


It has been a long time since Bai Yixian had such a free-handed battle, and the sound of laughter spread all over the fairy world.

Liu Changsheng and Ye Yingxue watched the battle intently, with unconcealable shock on their faces.

"Just the aftermath of the fight can suppress a great emperor in the world."

Liu Changsheng was astonished, and looked forward to the supreme immortality even more.

Bai Yixian and Gu Hengsheng broke away from the endless sea of ​​spirits, and rushed directly into the vast sea of ​​stars in the fairy world. The more they fought, the more exciting and intense they became.

Someone once said that a single blade of grass can cut through the sun, moon and stars, which is the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

However, you can see that the sword of Floating Emperor Gu Hengsheng fell, and a star field in the fairy world collapsed instantly.There are countless stars in one star field, and the laws of Tao contained therein are endless.

You know, this is not the stars of the secular world, this is the fairy world!

When he was trapped in the Immortal Realm before, the Immortal in White pierced through countless star fields with one finger, and the laws of the Immortal Realm repaired the broken star fields after thousands of years.The fairy in white was extremely bored and lonely.

In today's battle with Gu Hengsheng, Bai Yixian completely let go of his hands and feet, without any scruples.

Gu Hengsheng practiced his sword with a fairy in white to prove his supreme swordsmanship.Similarly, Bai Yixian is also trying to comprehend the last move of Jie Tianzhi, hoping to make himself a step further.

The entire fairy world seemed to have become a battlefield between Gu Hengsheng and Bai Yixian.The two fought from the south of the fairyland to the north of the fairyland, and from the east of the fairyland to the west of the fairyland.

Everywhere, there are traces of the battle between the two.

Gu Hengsheng had a deeper understanding of the Supreme Sword Dao, and the condensed power of the sword world became even more terrifying.

Because the coercion from the battle between the two was too terrifying, it was difficult for Liu Changsheng and Ye Yingxue who were in the endless sea to spy on the traces of Gu Hengsheng and Bai Yixian. They could only feel the supreme immortal power coming .

"Actually, the two of them are very similar. They are both monsters, and they refuse to admit defeat. More importantly, they both like white clothes."

Since he couldn't see the figures of the two of them, Liu Changsheng simply withdrew his gaze and said with emotion.

Ye Yingxue turned her head and looked at Liu Changsheng: "Yes! Fortunately, they were not born in the same era. If the two of them competed at the same age, one of them would die, and the world would lose a lot of color. "

"Which of them do you think can win?"

Liu Changsheng asked.

"I don't know." Ye Yingxue shook her head and said, "At this level, it's hard to distinguish between life and death. If you want to say who can be better, it depends on which of the two of them is willing to show their true skills in advance."

"They still hide their strength?"

Although Liu Changsheng is an unrivaled evildoer, his vision is naturally not as good as that of Ye Yingxue who has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

Ye Yingxue chuckled, "If you were, would you reveal all your hole cards when discussing the Dao?"

Liu Changsheng was silent, and the answer was naturally no.

The reason why the hole card is the hole card is that it can save lives at critical times, and even change the situation of the battle.Gu Hengsheng fought against Bai Yixian today. Of course, the two of them could not exert their full strength, and they both had reservations.


Ye Yingxue sensed two powerful auras coming, and looked to the left.

Immediately, two huge deep pits appeared in the boundless sea area on the left side of the ancient pavilion. Gu Hengsheng and Bai Yixian stood on the deep pits, facing each other from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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