The sword rises

Chapter 2053 Junior sister, I am here

Chapter 2053 Junior sister, I'm back

Chapter 53 Junior Sister, I'm Back

After saying these few words, Xue Di became a little tired, and sat on the chair panting.

It seems that Xue Di's body is deteriorating rapidly, and he will not be able to live for long.

"Uncle, I will go to the fairy world and bring back all the spirit liquid and fairy grass, and I will definitely let you live another life."

Gu Hengsheng has remained silent since he came back, and he didn't speak until now.

"I am very aware of my body, and the magic bullet is useless to me."

Snow Emperor stopped Gu Hengsheng's actions and said weakly.

"Isn't Yiqing spiritual liquid not effective?"

Gu Hengsheng's lips turned white, and he asked in a trembling tone.

"I've been relying on a clear liquid for all these years, and the effect of the medicine is getting worse day by day."

Snow Emperor shook his head.

"There must be a way, there must be."

Gu Hengsheng began to think wildly, and lost his former peace.He has already seen the third senior brother Zhuge Haokong walk into the long river of time with his own eyes, his body dies and his dao disappears. Now, is he going to watch his uncle pass away again with his own eyes?
"Fifth Senior Sister, there really nothing I can do?"

Seventh senior brother Chu Xiaoyao stared straight at Xiang Ruyu, hoping to hear a glimmer of hope from Xiang Ruyu's mouth.

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, Xiang Ruyu lowered his brows and shook his head: "Master has run out of oil, I... tried my best."

Over the years, Xiang Ruyu has never had a day off, and has been researching the unrealistic "elixir of death".Xiang Ruyu just hoped that he could research the elixir and let Xue Di take it, then a miracle would happen.

"I should have thought of it earlier." Gu Hengsheng knew that Fifth Senior Sister had been under tremendous pressure, and he blamed himself in a whisper: "Back when Fifth Senior Sister suddenly said that she wanted to refine the elixir, I should have thought of it."

"Uncle, over the past hundred years, I have summed up all the ways of the world of the master, you can see if it is useful."

Eldest brother Dongfang Mo has been in seclusion for a while, and started to integrate Master Mo Yibai's Dao of the world of mortals.

Finally, Dongfang Mo really brought together the worldly paths of the Fusheng Tomb, not as scattered as before.

Xuedi took the jade slip handed over by Dongfang Mo, and read the content of the jade slip with his spiritual sense, which contained extremely detailed records about the world of mortals: "Thank you for your hard work."

Xuedi put the jade slip on the table and didn't continue to watch it.Snow Empress was exhausted, and even if she knew how to take that step, she didn't have enough vitality and lifespan.

"Uncle, is there really nothing you can do?"

Dongfang Mo put down the serious mask of his senior brother, and walked up to Xue Di like a child, his eyes were red.

Xue Di smiled without saying a word, the meaning was already very clear.

"Death is not a bad thing for me."

Xue Di looked down on life and death, and even opened his arms to death.

Gu Hengsheng thought for a long time, and said bluntly to Xiang Ruyu: "I have transcended the Dao, and I can live forever. Can the essence and blood in my body be useful?"

Xiang Ruyu thought for a while, and said solemnly: "Theoretically, it should have some effect. However, it is not very useful. The uncle's body is already decayed and cannot bear the power contained in your blood essence."

"You can weaken the dao rhyme in the blood a little bit, isn't that all right?"

When Gu Hengsheng heard that there was a glimmer of hope, he planned to directly force the blood out of his body.As for shaking the foundation, Gu Hengsheng would spend more time to stabilize it.

"No, it will dilute the Dao Yun in the blood, and it won't have any effect at all."

Xiang Ruyu shook his head.

Xue Di immediately walked up to Gu Hengsheng, grabbed Gu Hengsheng's hand, and said seriously: "My child, Master is already tired from work, don't do that."

"But..." Gu Hengsheng became anxious.

"No but." Xue Di and Gu Hengsheng just looked at each other, telling Gu Hengsheng not to do anything stupid.

In a daze, Xue Di seemed to see the time when he and Gu Hengsheng met for the first time, and when he made an agreement with Gu Hengsheng.Time is like a shuttle, passing by so fast, the past is unbearable to look back on!

The second senior sister, Meng Xiaoxiao, finally couldn't hold it back anymore, and crystal clear tears flowed down from her eye sockets, and two lines of clear tears appeared on her flawless cheeks.

Immediately afterwards, An Chusheng and the others also began to cry, clenched their teeth, and tried their best not to make a sound.However, no one spoke, and the faint choking sound was extremely clear at this moment, falling into everyone's ears.

"Stop crying, I'm not that kind to you guys, so don't be like this, just take it lightly."

Xuedi scolded softly, because she couldn't help feeling a little sore in her throat when she looked at the children in front of her.

Mo Yibai, in this life, I won't obey you in anything, except that you have accepted so many good apprentices.Sometimes, I really envy you. These children are excellent seedlings. I don't know where you found them.

Xue Di was a little tired and had no energy to speak, she sat on the chair and began to think about the past.

In a small sect, the two girls ate and lived together, and their relationship was very good.

"Senior sister, why didn't you go to the cafeteria today? Fortunately, I was smart and brought you a copy back."

"I did something wrong and was fined to sweep the floor. I didn't have time to go to the canteen. Fortunately, you brought me something to eat, otherwise I would definitely be hungry tonight."

"If I do something wrong in the future, Senior Sister will bring me something to eat."

"Sure, in the future, if Senior Sister succeeds in her practice, no one can bully you. Of course, except Senior Sister."

"Tch, I might be better than Senior Sister in the future."

"Every time you practice, you cry. You are better than me. Come on."

"Hmph! Let's wait and see. I will definitely be better than Senior Sister in the future, so please listen to me obediently."

"Hehe, little girl Pianzi, you dare to talk to senior sister like that now, let's see how I deal with you."

Many, many years ago, in the handyman's courtyard of a small sect, two little girls lived in a thatched hut and were playing around.Although their lives are difficult, they have each other's company and often smile.

One day, the big girl did something wrong and was expelled from the sect by the sect.

The little girl chased the older girl all the way, crying uncontrollably: "Senior sister, please don't leave, let's go and intercede with the elders, and just admit our mistake."

"I'm not wrong, the sect is wrong."

"If you don't admit your mistake, you won't be able to stay."

"Why stay, I will prove my point."

"You are gone, what should I do?"

"There is always a banquet in the world, and junior sister cherishes it."

Regardless of the little girl's crying and pleading, the older girl resolutely went down the mountain without looking back.

Memories from the past slowly came to mind, and the corners of Xuedi's mouth slowly raised, muttering to himself: "Junior Sister, Senior Sister is back."

(End of this chapter)

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