The sword rises

Chapter 2054 Everyone in the Tomb of Floating Life, send off Master

Chapter 2054 Everyone in the Tomb of Floating Life, send off Master

Chapter 54 Everyone in the Tomb of Floating Life, Respectfully Send Off Master

Xue Di's eyes closed slowly, and he found that he seemed to have returned to the past, back to the original time.A little girl stretched out her hands towards herself, with two steamed buns in her palms, a bright smile, and some dust on her face.

I proved that my way was not wrong, and the path I took was not wrong.

If Xue Di is given another life, he will surely be able to climb the perfect world of mortals, and the road can be expected.It's a pity that Xuedi has lived in this world for too long, and he has won too much life for himself by reversing the world of mortals, and he has run out of fuel.


"Uncle, don't sleep, you wake up."


One after another urgent calls fell into Xuedi's ears, but they seemed so weak and illusory.Slowly, Xue Di could no longer hear any sounds from the outside world, and the last ray of vitality seemed to return to the original point.

A big girl led a little girl and walked in the sect. Both of them were wearing mended coarse linen clothes, with innocent smiles on their faces.The two came to the main hall of the sect, walked in with their heads held high, and the eldest girl said firmly: "My way is not wrong."


The pictures from the past merged with Xuedi's last fantasy, and it is not known whether it is true or false.Snow Emperor is like an outsider, looking at his own life experience, his memory is shattered.

In the phantom, Xue Di kept walking forward, and saw a girl who was practicing hard.Whoever said that women are inferior to men, this girl wants to prove to all living beings in the world that women can also rule the world, shaking the ancient and modern.

"What's your name?"

The girl who is working hard to practice seems to see Xuedi who has come out of the illusion, without fear, calm as water.

"Simon Snow."

Xue Di stretched out his hand to touch the girl in front of him, and said with a smile.

"My name is Ximenxue too, what a coincidence."

The girl said seriously.

Xuedi's hand passed through the girl's body, because the two of them are not in the same time and space, but just a thought.

"What a coincidence!"

Snow Empress murmured with the last of her strength.


In Dashi Zhongzhou, a huge black vortex formed above the Fusheng Tomb, as if it could swallow the whole world, Daoyin wailed.

The great emperor sits and melts, and the heaven and the earth mourn together.

Xuedi sat on the chair, surrounded by people.Gu Hengsheng cut his own wrist, took out a drop of natal blood, and put it between Xuedi's eyebrows.However, no matter what method Gu Hengsheng used, he couldn't absorb his natal essence and blood into Xuedi's body.

Because, Xue Di's body has completely decayed, and this life has come to an end.

"Master, it's all the disciple's fault, it's all the disciple's fault..."

Gu Hengsheng knelt down on his knees, looking at the sleeping Xuedi with red eyes, and couldn't help but think of the moment when he made an agreement with Xuedi.

Then again, if Snow Emperor hadn't gone to the depths of the starry sky to suppress Bei Gongxin that time, who else would be able to do it?
Bei Gongxin's premature birth will definitely destroy the whole world and make life miserable.

Snow Empress never cared about the life and death of the worldly beings, because the worldly beings have never shown any kindness to her.The reason why she was willing to use up her life's Dao fruit and cultivation to suppress Bei Gongxin was because she promised Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng needs time to grow up, and these juniors in Fusheng Tomb also need time.Therefore, the Snow Emperor walked out of the Wanzan Mountain Range, not for the people of the world, but only for the Fusheng Tomb.

Xue Di is arrogant, so there is no need to question it.Back then, Mo Yibai went to the Wanzan Mountains, hoping to invite the Snow Emperor to be born to suppress Bei Gongxin together.At that time, the Snow Emperor refused, so what does the world have to do with her?

Mo Yibai was once also confused, but she practiced the way of love in the world of mortals, so she couldn't sit idly by.Thus, a battle of Emperor's Fall was staged, exhausting the foundation of the Floating Life Tomb, and almost everyone fell.

It is said that when the sky falls, the tall man will hold it up, but when the sky hangs above his head again, who knows who will stand up to the sky falling at that time?

Maybe, but very, very rarely.

You can see that Gu Hengsheng survived the imperial war alone, how did the world treat Gu Hengsheng?Can you see how the strong in the world persecute Gu Hengsheng just for a drop of spiritual liquid?
Those people who have received the kindness of the Fusheng Tomb all just sit back and watch and let the situation develop, how sad it is!
Who else remembers what the third brother Zhuge Haokong said back then?
"I have calculated everything in the world and deduced the eternity in my life. I thought everything was under control, but I missed people's hearts. This is the first time and the only time I have made a wrong calculation."

Zhuge Haokong's layout is eternal, but people's hearts are miscalculated.After returning, Zhuge Haokong pushed across the Emperor's Road, slaughtered tens of thousands of people, and dug a huge pit near the Wanzan Mountains. They were all the corpses of monks from Sendai. It took hundreds of years for the smell of blood to dissipate.

From then on, Zhuge Haokong completed his own way, and would never trust anyone except Shimen's family.

Zhongzhou, Floating Life Tomb.

The drop of Gu Hengsheng's natal blood was suspended on Xuedi's forehead, and it was still unable to repair Xuedi's body.

"Master has...already left."

The fifth senior sister, Xiang Ruyu, knows Xuedi's physical condition best. She has checked countless times just now and has to accept this fact.


Everyone wept, they all looked at Xuedi's body in silence.

Xiang Ruyu took away the drop of Gu Hengsheng's life essence and blood, so that Gu Hengsheng should stop wasting his time in vain.Xiang Ruyu wiped away her tears silently, and just stood beside Xue Di foolishly.

Everyone never expected that Xue Di would pass away like this, without any psychological preparation.

Gu Hengsheng was still thinking that one day he would definitely face the scene of parting with his loved ones, but that day will not happen for the time being.

The world is impermanent, everything is so sudden, Gu Hengsheng can't accept it.

"Disciple Dongfang Mo, respectfully send off Master."

Eldest brother Dongfang Mo took a deep breath, straightened his clothes, and his voice was like a rainbow, spreading throughout the fourteen prefectures of the world.

Hearing this, everyone in the Fusheng Tomb shuddered and had to admit that Xuedi had passed away.

"Disciple Meng Xiaoxiao, respectfully send off Master!"

Second Senior Sister Meng Xiaoxiao said immediately.

"Disciple Wen Muxuan..."

The fourth senior brother Wen Muxuan, the fifth senior sister Xiang Ruyu and others all understood the meaning of the elder brother's move, and they wanted to send the senior uncle the last journey with the greatest courtesy in the world.

After the eighth senior brother Wukong also saluted and said, he looked at Gu Hengsheng with both eyes, hoping that Gu Hengsheng would not be too sad.

After a long time, Gu Hengsheng stood up slowly, and the wound on his wrist had healed spontaneously.

"Gu Hengsheng, the Ninth Disciple of the Fusheng Tomb, send off Master!"

Gu Heng's anger swallowed thousands of miles, and his voice spread all over the world.

The voices of each disciple of the Fusheng Tomb spread like a wave to all parts of the world, causing a commotion and an uproar from everyone in the world.

In a certain place in the world, Zhu Zhentian, the sixth disciple of the Fusheng Tomb, said via voice transmission: "Disciple, Zhu Zhentian, send off my uncle respectfully. When I return in another year, I will guard the tomb for my uncle for a thousand years."

Uncle, please forgive my disciple for being unfilial and unable to send you to the end.

Zhu Zhentian clenched his teeth and moved forward again without looking back.

The second-generation disciples of the Fusheng Tomb also began to transmit sound to the world, and the sound echoed between the heaven and the earth for a long time without dissipating.

"The Snow Emperor is dead!"

It wasn't until this moment that the world understood why the heaven and earth had changed, and the situation had taken a turn for the worse.

"As strong as the Snow Emperor, can't he escape death in the end?"

The strong man in the world was deeply moved, thinking of his own future, it was dark.Some people bowed deeply in the direction of the Floating Life Tomb to show their respect.

However, it is a fact that Xue Di died, and no one can change it.

Countless forces have prepared heavy gifts to go to the Tomb of Floating Life, hoping to pay homage to Snow Emperor.

"No one is allowed in, let them back down."

Gu Hengsheng's cold voice fell into the ears of An Chusheng and others, and An Chusheng and others immediately followed the orders of their master Gu Hengsheng.

If the Tomb of Floating Life falls, these forces will come here not to worship, but to compete for profit.It's not that this kind of thing has never happened before. Fortunately, Gu Hengsheng carried it alone at that time and held on to the Floating Life Tomb.

A few days later, under the leadership of big brother Dongfang Mo, everyone put the Snow Emperor in a ten-thousand-year ice coffin and buried it in a quiet corner of the Fusheng Tomb.

Snow Empress likes to be alone, and she will definitely not blame everyone for staying in this secluded place for a long sleep.

Everyone stepped forward and kowtowed three times, and the atmosphere was extremely heavy.

Then, Gu Hengsheng knelt in front of Snow Emperor's tombstone, without saying a word, just looked at the tombstone quietly.

Everyone knew that Gu Hengsheng had suffered a great blow, so they didn't offer any words of comfort, because each of them felt extremely uncomfortable in their hearts, and they could only heal their wounds by themselves.

"Let's go!"

Dongfang Mo asked everyone to leave the Xuedi's cemetery, and left Gu Hengsheng here alone.

Many days later, Gu Hengsheng slowly stretched out his hands and stroked the tombstone.

There is a line of words engraved on the tombstone - the tomb of Ximen Xue.

"Uncle, I still remember when I first met you, you were so youthful, like a fairy coming to the dust. So many years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the past is unbearable."

"You once said that this world is inherently dirty, and everything is just a dream. For you, this dream has woken up, and you don't have to bear this pain anymore."

"I remember once you said that if you could do it all over again, you would not set foot on the road of cultivation all your life, but find a quiet place surrounded by mountains and rivers, find a lover, stay with you for the rest of your life, and die in a hundred years. Maybe , that kind of life is the most cherished, although ordinary people will face all kinds of pain and suffering, but the ups and downs are life, when the life comes to an end, you may think of good things, better than the monks Fighting for profit."

As he spoke, Gu Hengsheng found that his heart was in severe pain, which was unbearable, and his face was slightly ferocious.

Gu Hengsheng once saw the Taoist nun sit down, and saw old friends leave.Now that even the most respected uncle has passed away, I feel very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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