The sword rises

Chapter 2057 Emperor Liu Enters Hades

Chapter 2057 Emperor Liu Enters Hades

Chapter 57 Emperor Liu Enters Hades

Looking at the back of the sixth senior brother Zhu Zhentian leaving, Gu Hengsheng seemed to see the third senior brother Zhuge Haokong who resolutely embarked on the long road of time.

The wind is slack and the water is cold, and the strong men never return.

On the day we meet again in another year, will the world be peaceful?
"It's time for me to actually take that step."

Gu Hengsheng has never been able to firmly grasp the last chance. Looking at the sea of ​​stars, it is like staring at the abyss.Everyone is pursuing their own path and embarking on their own path.

The world is peaceful for the time being, but undercurrents are surging, and maybe the next moment will be a storm.

There are not many quiet days left.Gu Hengsheng decided to study the Three Thousand Ways and deduce the final realm of the perfect sword world.Only in this way, when Gu Hengsheng really stood on the immortal way, would he be qualified to compete with the master of the Immemorial Immortal Court.

As strong as the white-clothed fairy back then, he was suppressed by the master of the Immemorial Immortal Court.It can be seen from this that the strength of the Lord of Immortal Courtyard is at least a hundred times stronger than that of Bai Yixian, or even more.

It took Gu Hengsheng a hundred years to perfect the way of spearmanship, and the spear marks left behind have been observed by countless monks and regarded as treasures.

After another hundred years, Gu Hengsheng has cultivated the art of playing the piano to an unattainable level.Gu Hengsheng once played a piano in a wilderness and deep mountains, birds chirped, a phoenix manifested, and visions continued.The monks from all over the world came here after hearing the news, and regarded this place as a sacred place, which should not be desecrated.It is said that an old guy who was about to fall heard the sound of a zither, stepped into the cultivation level of the Nine Realms of Sendai, and his lifespan was greatly increased.

For another seventy years, millions of people saw with their own eyes a phantom appearing from the depths of the Xuhai Sea in Nanzhou. This phantom lightly threw a punch and directly pierced the Xuhai Sea for a hundred thousand miles.What's even more frightening is that the cultivation realm manifested by this phantom is only the first realm of the Great Dao, which is unbelievable.

"The perfect state of boxing, the resonance of heaven and earth, and the sanctification of the flesh!"

Dana, who has studied boxing for tens of thousands of years, stared at the Dao Yun power in all directions in Xuhai, and fell to his knees involuntarily, praying to meet the senior who swung this boxing.

Entering the Tao with fists and sanctifying the body has already transcended the realm of practice in the secular world.Don't say that there is only the strength of the first realm of Dao, even an ordinary mortal can suppress the unrivaled powerhouse of the Nine Realms of the world with one punch.

Because, the person who swings this fist has already entered the Tao, and he can borrow the power of heaven and earth with every gesture.

It's a pity that the world doesn't know the identity of the person who threw the fist at all, and there is only such a legend circulating in the world.

Two hundred years passed in the blink of an eye, and many shocking events happened during this period, each of which was worthy of astonishment and shocked the world.

In a forbidden place in Zhongzhou, a ball of flames appeared, burning for three thousand miles.An unrivaled expert said firmly: "This fire is a refined product of the human body. Only by cultivating the fire control technique to the extreme level can we establish this eternal volcano."

In the Qianyuan Starfield of Dongzhou, a rare severe drought occurred in the secular world, and countless mortals and plants died because of the drought.One day, it was rumored that a white phantom figure appeared in the sky. That person fell into the mortal world, borrowed a drop of mortal water from a farmer's house, and pointed at the sky.


The heavy rain poured down and stretched for thousands of miles.

So far, the rare drought in Dongzhou has come to an end, and the creatures of all races seem to be reborn.The mysterious person in white clothes borrows a drop of water from the mortal world, and the rain and dew come to the world, benefiting the world.

This matter was widely circulated by countless people and became a myth and legend in Dongzhou.

Similar things happened a lot, too many.

"How come there are so many terrifying existences in the world?"

The powerful people in the world are in panic, for fear that they will accidentally offend a certain hidden figure and bring disaster to themselves and their clan.

What's more, some monks from Sendai are extremely cautious when they go out. Occasionally, when they meet an old man carrying firewood and water on the road, they will go forward and salute, not daring to slack off.

"The great emperor who proved the Tao also chose a path to enter the Tao. So many Taoist existences have been born in hundreds of years, and even the Tao has reached perfection. Don't they all have the qualifications of the emperor?"

All the emperors who were hidden from the world were shocked, and they didn't know the reason for this incident.

"A fog that cannot be calculated."

Many existences secretly deduced it several times, but found that there was no clue of this matter at all.Even, as long as the deduction continues, there will definitely be an extremely terrifying backlash and a catastrophe.

"It can't be the same person!"

According to the rumors in the world, many people saw a white figure.If all kinds of things are combined, there are some similarities.

However, if the same person practiced many Taoisms and achieved great success, then it would be too scary!After this idea popped up in the minds of countless monks, they immediately cut it off, it was too unrealistic.

"Little brother, I'm getting old!"

In a certain corner, a white-haired old man was walking hobbled.He closed his eyes tightly, even though his face was old, he couldn't conceal his unparalleled aura.

This old man is the sixth disciple of Fusheng Tomb, Zhu Zhentian.

After saying goodbye to Gu Hengsheng hundreds of years ago, Zhu Zhentian endured everything silently by himself, traveled the world, and left his footprints in every corner.

Zhu Zhentian seemed to have grown old in an instant, without any vitality.If everyone in the Fusheng Tomb saw Zhu Zhentian's appearance at this moment, they would surely shed tears of grief.

Others don't know the reason for the turmoil that has occurred in the past few hundred years, but Zhu Zhentian's heart is like a mirror, and he knows everything: "Looking at the ages, it is hard to find someone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the younger brother!"

Cultivate three thousand ways with the strength of one person, and all of them can enter Dao Dao, or even achieve perfection.This kind of savvy and talent is unique in all ages.

For an evildoer in the world, it is rare to be able to reach a high place on a road with the strength of a lifetime.

"There are still 300 years to go, it's almost enough. My body should be able to hold on."

Zhu Zhentian coughed a few times, feeling weak.

For so many years, Zhu Zhentian has never had a day off.Under the overload of performing Taoism, Zhu Zhentian's natal blood and lifespan were continuously consumed, making Zhu Zhentian a bad old man in a short period of time.

"Third senior brother, if you dare to bully me and deceive me, don't blame me as a junior for scolding you."

What Zhu Zhentian saw back then may have something to do with the third brother Zhuge Haokong.It's just that only Zhu Zhentian knows what it is.

That was the little secret between Zhuge Haokong and Zhuge Zhentian. When Zhuge Zhentian saw it, he went crazy and was very excited.

For this reason, Zhu Zhentian gambled his life and was willing to give it a try.

For hundreds of years, the luck of the human race has been pushed to an unprecedented peak.Mortal creatures, regardless of whether they have talents or spiritual roots, can practice, and they can't be oppressed by foreigners.

There are still internal struggles in the human race, and even intensified.However, following the promulgation of an imperial edict issued by Emperor Nangong, all forces did not dare to bully mortal monks, and everything was in order.

"Who am I? Where am I going?"

Among the human race, there was a Confucian scholar walking in the world of mortals, always looking for the answer to this question.

This person is Su Lingchen, who pioneered mortals' cultivation of the Tao, which increased the luck of the race several times, overwhelming all races.It's just that no one knows that the method of mortal cultivation was created by Su Lingchen, and it is still a mystery to this day.

For most mortals, they only need a certain level of cultivation to hunt and farm, enough to survive.As for the supreme avenue of cultivation, most people would not think about it extravagantly.

"Mortal cultivating the Tao is only for longevity. And what is it for me?"

Su Lingchen's current cultivation base is getting deeper and deeper, and he finds that there are more fragments of pictures in his mind, which are sometimes awake and sometimes blurred.

Unknowingly, Su Lingchen came to Beizhou and saw the traces left by him in the past.When Su Lingchen found the answer, that was when Su Lingchen really transformed.

One day, the sky in Zhongzhou split open, and a natural moat spanning thousands of miles appeared.

"Who is that?"

A figure appeared in the clouds, dressed in green clothes, with a peerless elegance.

"Emperor Liu!"

The powerful people in the world were startled and looked at him one after another.

For hundreds of years, Liu Changsheng went to many places and found some fragments of his missing memories.However, if Liu Changsheng really wants to find his true heart, he can only get a real answer by going to the Underworld.

Liu Changsheng once used Time to Return to the Ruins to open up the River of Time, wanting to spy on his past experiences.However, that period of life memory has been cut off by Liu Changsheng himself, and the power of returning to ruins cannot be changed.

"Ghost door, open!"

Liu Changsheng broke through the void with a single finger, and the vast Emperor Wei forcibly opened the way to the underworld.

The ghost gate of the underworld manifested, ghosts crying and wolves howling, eerie.

The power of the law of the underworld is naturally to prevent Liu Changsheng from entering, and no one is allowed to trample on the majesty of the underworld.

However, since Liu Changsheng had the courage to forcibly open the ghost gate, he has already made all preparations, regardless of life or death.

"The stranger shall not enter the underworld!"

Terrifying coercion diffused from the ghost gate, forming a huge black phantom, as if swallowing up all the sunshine of the world.

Liu Changsheng didn't say a word, he just faced the law of the underworld, Dao Yun, and walked towards the gate of hell step by step without any hesitation.

Liu Changsheng stepped into the ghost gate, and then the ghost gate was closed, and everything seemed to have never happened.

In the human world, Gu Hengsheng has been watching this scene, and whispered: "Liu Changsheng, the karma between you and my master has been involved for tens of thousands of years, I hope this time it can be over."

With Liu Changsheng's ability, coupled with the power of returning to the ruins over time, as long as Mo Yibai, the current master of the underworld, is not determined to kill, he has the power to protect himself.However, if Mo Yibai is really heartless and desireless, Liu Changsheng's life may be in danger.

In the underworld, Liu Changsheng's body has been protected by the ruins of the years, so that the laws of the underworld can't help him for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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