The sword rises

Chapter 2058 Liu Changsheng enters the river of time

Chapter 2058 Liu Changsheng enters the river of time
Chapter 58 Liu Changsheng enters the river of time
Liu Changsheng came to Hades, which aroused the attention of the high-level officials of Hades and the wrath of the law of heaven.


Years Returning to the Ruins is the number one forbidden weapon since ancient times, possessing strange and unpredictable divine power.Even though Liu Changsheng was in the Hades, with a body that returned to the ruins over time, he didn't feel any discomfort.

"Travel into the underworld without authorization, kill without mercy according to the law!"

The high-level officials of the underworld manifested illusory figures, and the terrifying supernatural powers blasted towards Liu Changsheng.

I saw Liu Changsheng standing there motionless, allowing the laws of the underworld and the attacks of all the terrifying beings.


Years Returning to the Ruins wiped out all the power, and Liu Changsheng was unscathed.

"Liu Changsheng, please see the Lord of the Underworld!"

Looking at the unfathomable Fengdu City, Liu Changsheng bowed slightly, and his voice spread to many places in the underworld.


The existence of the underworld thought that Liu Changsheng's move was provoking the majesty of the entire underworld, and angrily reprimanded him.

Since Liu Changsheng decided to enter the underworld, he was already ready to die.

Strangers are not allowed to enter the underworld, this is the rule of the road that has been established since the creation of the world.Of course, immortal immortals are excluded.

Liu Changsheng's cultivation level is above that of a great emperor, but below that of an immortal.Even though Liu Changsheng seems to be able to fight against the laws of the underworld now, but after a long time, Liu Changsheng is destined to be swallowed by the laws of the underworld.

"Do you think you can run rampant in the Hades with just one treasure?"


The current Lord of the Hades, Mo Yibai, has awakened.

"See the Lord of the Underworld!"

The hundreds of millions of dead souls and high-level officials in the underworld all bowed in awe.

Hearing Mo Yibai's cold and heartless voice, Liu Changsheng's heart pricked for some reason.

"Don't dare to violate the laws of the underworld, this time I came to the underworld only to seek an answer."

Liu Changsheng looked at the pitch black city of Fengdu, he couldn't see anything in Fengdu city at all, and he couldn't see Mo Yibai's face either.

"Ridiculous." Mo Yibai was in a certain palace in Fengdu City, ruthless and desireless, all he wanted was to stick to the order of the underworld and maintain the stability of the six realms of reincarnation.

"Dare to ask the underworld master, can you know this thing?"

Liu Changsheng stretched out his left hand, and a stone appeared in his palm, which was the unique amber in the world.

Mo Yibai pierced through billions of miles of void with a glance, and saw what Liu Changsheng was holding.

For a moment, Mo Yibai's eyes flashed a flash of emotion, which was hard to describe.That trace of emotion disappeared in a flash, and Mo Yibai couldn't understand why he was like this.


The void of Hades distorted for a moment, and Mo Yibai's figure instantly appeared in front of Liu Changsheng.

With a light wave of Mo Yibaisu's hand, the amber in Liu Changsheng's palm floated over.

Looking at the amber in front of him, Mo Yibai's expression was indifferent: "It's just a broken stone."

"If it's just an ordinary stone, why did the Lord of the Underworld show up?"

Liu Changsheng questioned.

Hearing this, Mo Yibai didn't answer because she couldn't answer this question.At that moment just now, Mo Yibai found that he could not control his body, and walked out of Fengdu City involuntarily, and then appeared.

"I said it's just an ordinary stone, and it's an ordinary stone."

Mo Yibai is the lord of the underworld, he has forgotten all his previous emotions, only the majesty of being the lord of a world remains.

As soon as the words fell, Mo Yibai's left hand lightly tightened.


The piece of amber suspended in front of Mo Yibai shattered, and cracks appeared one after another.In the end, the amber turned into fine powder, floating to every inch of the void.

Seeing the amber shattered into nothingness with his own eyes, Liu Changsheng couldn't help being stunned.

Then, Liu Changsheng stretched out his hands subconsciously, wanting to use his own power to reproduce the amber.However, Liu Changsheng failed and was unable to reshape the amber at all.

This is the underworld, and the person who made the move is the underworld lord. The thing has already happened, and there is no possibility of turning around.


Liu Changsheng's eyes instantly turned red. He risked his life to come here just to find an answer.However, not only did Liu Changsheng not get an answer, the amber was also destroyed by Mo Yibai himself.

pain!Heart-piercing pain!

Liu Changsheng held his chest with his left hand, he didn't understand why Mo Yibai wanted to destroy this piece of amber.

"I am the underworld, and I control this world."

One sentence from Mo Yibai blocked Liu Changsheng to death.

Everything in the underworld is controlled by Mo Yibai, even if that piece of amber is destroyed, so what.However, at the moment just now, Mo Yibai felt that something was missing in his heart.

However, Mo Yibai quickly returned to her icy appearance, as if nothing and things in this world could touch her.

"Since you broke into Hades, stay here forever!"

The order of the underworld cannot be disordered.

Mo Yibai planned to attack Liu Changsheng and suppress Liu Changsheng here.


The terrifying coercion of the Lord of the Underworld overwhelmed Liu Changsheng directly from the void to the ground, as if his body was being suppressed by giant mountains.

"go with!"

With a flick of his finger, Liu Changsheng drove the Years Guixu who had been protecting him towards Mo Yibai, the Lord of the Underworld.

Mo Yibai had no expression on his face, and with a flick of his sleeve, he wanted to suppress Suiyueguixu and Liu Changsheng together.

However, the power that erupted from Time Return to the Ruins exceeded Mo Yibai's expectations.

Years Returning to the Ruins devoured the laws of the underworld around him, piercing Mo Yibai like a long sword.

Mo Yibai condensed an invisible body protection barrier in front of him, wearing a long black skirt, swaying and dancing lightly.


Years Returning to the Ruins pierced through Mo Yibai's protective barrier, which made Mo Yibai very interested: "What is this?"

Although Liu Changsheng did not enter the immortal way, he was able to overcome the laws of the underworld in a short period of time, and said indifferently: "Years return to the ruins."

In the past, you and I were our companions, walking together in this troubled world.

Now, you and I both let go of everything in the past, confront each other, and even want to put each other to death.

Time is ruthless, but can people be sympathetic?
"I accept this thing."

Mo Yibai intends to subdue Years Return to the Market and borrow it for his own use.

Years Returning to the Ruins seemed to feel Mo Yibai's terrifying power, directly cut through the void, broke free from Mo Yibai's shackles, and returned to Liu Changsheng's side.

Liu Changsheng gently stroked the years and returned to the ruins without saying a word.

The more miraculous the performance of Sui Yue Gui Ru, the more Mo Yibai's interest will be aroused.

"Entering my underworld, life and death are not up to you."

Mo Yibai slapped Liu Changsheng lightly, directly blocking and imprisoning the void where Liu Changsheng was, leaving Liu Changsheng nowhere to hide.

Liu Changsheng was in charge of Returning to the Ruins of Time, exerting the power of Time, constantly devouring the power of Mo Yibai's supernatural power.

However, this is the underworld, which itself has a huge oppressive force on the living people of the world. In addition, Liu Changsheng's own strength has not yet taken a critical step, so it is difficult to resist.

Liu Changsheng's body sank half a meter, and his hair was disheveled.

Mo Yibai is in charge of the underworld and has the power of a fairy.Liu Changsheng was able to bear Mo Yibai's palm without getting injured, which is already considered incredible.

Liu Changsheng shattered the ground, opened a gap with the power of returning to the ruins of time, broke free from Mo Yibai's imprisonment, and looked at Mo Yibai from a distance.

"Some people say that there is a great cause and effect between you and me."

Liu Changsheng and Mo Yibai looked at each other and said slowly.


Mo Yibai is no longer the same girl she was at the beginning. Now she has no emotion and has lost many memories of the past.

"The moment you destroyed the amber, many strange pictures appeared in front of my eyes. I don't know if that is the answer I am looking for."

Liu Changsheng took a deep look at Mo Yibai, and merged with the flashing image just now.

The memory that Liu Changsheng had cut off appeared in front of his eyes like shards of glass.

There is a small stream in the picture fragments. A boy and a girl are standing by the stream, talking and laughing.The boy saw a stone in the stream, which was particularly conspicuous under the sunlight.The boy picked up the stone, regarded it as a treasure, and gave the stone to the girl.

The girl looked at the amber in her hand and showed a gentle smile.The two agreed that this stone was a token between them, bearing their emotions.

Mo Yibai didn't understand a word Liu Changsheng said.

Mo Yibai planned to suppress Liu Changsheng as soon as possible, and then go back to retreat to practice.

"If I don't want to die, you can't kill me."

Liu Changsheng looked at Mo Yibai with gradually complicated eyes, maybe he thought of something, and his heart was slightly touched.

"is it?"

Mo Yibai thought that Liu Changsheng's words were provoking his own authority, not hiding his true power.

At this moment, Liu Changsheng used the forbidden power of returning to the ruins of time, and opened the river of time in the underworld: "Open!"

An illusory long river appeared at Liu Changsheng's feet, making Mo Yibai temporarily stop thinking about making a move.

"How could the underworld manifest the long river of time?"

The upper echelons of the underworld were more and more surprised, and this was the first time they had seen such a situation.

Liu Changsheng borrowed the time to go back to the ruins, and forcibly opened the long river of time, hoping to use the slight opportunity he got from Mo Yibai just now to find the missing part of himself.

Liu Changsheng stepped into the long river of time without hesitation.


Mo Yibai watched Liu Changsheng step by step into the long river of time, thinking that Liu Changsheng's move was courting death.For those who entered the long river of time with flesh and blood, no one has ever been able to come out alive for hundreds of millions of years.


Suiyueguixu, suspended in the void, emitted bursts of Dao sounds, as if calling for Liu Changsheng.

"Stay by her side for me, please."

Liu Changsheng glanced back at Suiyueguixu and muttered to himself.

Time Returns to the Market seems to have sensed Liu Changsheng's pleading, and it is extremely calm without the restlessness just now.

Since you want time to return to the ruins, then I will give it to you.As long as you want, as long as I have.

In the blink of an eye, the river of time was closed, and Liu Changsheng had left the underworld, and his life and death were unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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