The sword rises

Chapter 207 Legend

Chapter 207 Legend
Chapter [-] Legend
Three flavors of raw medicine, three flavors of death medicine, the intersection of yin and yang, and the fusion of life and death, can help the woman in the coffin recover her blood and vitality, and ignite her wisp of life that is about to dissipate.

"Tian Yuhou, I've heard about other elixirs, but what are the Nether Immortal Flower and Breaking Breath Water?" Bai Haoxia secretly kept what Gu Hengsheng said in his heart, and then asked suspiciously, clasping his hands together.

Yan Chenge clenched his fists tightly, imprinting the names of these six elixir firmly in the depths of his soul.

"It is said that the Nether Immortal Flower is a precious medicine made from the weeping blood of an immortal. It can surpass the heavens and the earth, and it is extraordinary. I have only seen the Nether Immortal Flower once."

Gu Hengsheng seemed to have remembered something, lowered his eyebrows a little, and replied softly.

"Immortals? In the world... are there really immortals?" Bai Haoxia and Yan Chenge were both stunned, and they looked at each other and saw the shocked expressions in their eyes.

"It's just a legend, who has seen it?" Gu Hengsheng shook his head and said calmly.

"Then ask Tian Yuhou, where did you see the Immortal Flower? Even if I pay all the price at the Zhenxi Palace, I will find it." Bai Haoxia resolutely said in a low voice.

"You can't go." Gu Hengsheng pondered for a while, and directly rejected Bai Haoxia's firm determination.

Bai Haoxia really couldn't go, because Gu Hengsheng had seen the Nether Immortal Flower once in his previous life when he came to the world. In that higher world, the Nether Immortal Flower was just a legend.

Not to mention the Zhenxi Prince's Mansion, people from the entire Hundred Kingdoms, who can't even touch the barriers of the Profound Sky Realm, how can they go to a higher level of the Great World?
"This..." Bai Haoxia wanted to ask further, but when he saw Gu Hengsheng's hollow and deep eyes, he didn't dare to speak anymore, he could only hold back the puzzlement in his heart.

"My lord, what is the breath-stopping water?"

Yan Chenge is well aware of Gu Hengsheng's horror, since Gu Hengsheng has identified himself and others, he can't go to the place where the fairy flower grows for the time being.Then let's put it aside for the time being and find another miracle medicine first.

"Breaking Soul and Breathing Water, its water is transparent at one moment, and becomes black and dark like ink the next moment. This kind of thing can be called a great poison in the world, as long as you touch it, it can swallow your vitality live."

Gu Hengsheng replied in a condensed voice: "Banxi water does not enter the ground, and does not melt water. Wherever it is located, it must be barren for a hundred miles, and it will take away the vitality of the world and make everything impossible to grow. You can only use a flawless jade bottle for storage, other vessels are useless."

"Remember one thing, you must not be contaminated with the breath-breaking water, otherwise, the consequences will be troublesome." Gu Hengsheng warned very solemnly.

"Thank you, Lord, for your reminder. Chenge understands. Even if I give up everything, even my life, I still want to find these elixir." Yan Chenge clenched his fists tightly and said with determination.

"Tian Yuhou, I would like to ask where the underworld flower usually grows? What does it look like?" Bai Haoxia was very curious why Yan Chenge would call Gu Hengsheng the master, but he knew how to be modest and not to investigate, but to put his mind at ease On the panacea.

Bai Haoxia had already memorized the description of Duan Xishui verbatim in his heart. He planned to send someone to search for the whereabouts of the medicine of three lives and three deaths immediately after he went out later.For this reason, even if the power of the entire Zhenxi Palace is used.

"The flower of Mingxian has three petals, one is as red as the sun, one is as black as black ink, and the other is as white as snowflakes. It is said that the red petals symbolize the weeping blood of the immortal, and the black petals are like the crisis of the abyss." , whose white petals are a ray of hope in the world of mortals."

Gu Hengsheng remembered a certain legend, and said slowly: "As for whether it is true or not, no one knows."

Bai Haoxia and Yan Chenge listened to Gu Hengsheng's description of the Nether Immortal Flower, and remained silent for a while, unable to believe that such legends still existed in the world.

After a long time, Bai Haoxia glanced at the beautiful figure in the ice coffin, bowed slowly to Gu Hengsheng, cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Marquis Tianyu, for your reminder. I thank you on behalf of my father and the entire Zhenxi Palace."

"It's okay." Gu Hengsheng replied indifferently.

Yan Chenge's qi and blood were still weak, he couldn't help coughing twice, looking at the ice coffin in a blink of an eye, endless thoughts flooded his eyes.In the sword market, he has lived for a hundred years with a trace of resentment turned into a resentful soul. He has not made an inch of his cultivation, and has been resisting the countless sword lights and sword intents in the sword market.

It wasn't until he met Gu Hengsheng that Yan Chenge managed to get out of the Sword Market, and those who were able to rebuild their lives stepped into the veins of ghost cultivators and reached the Earth Profound Realm.

Now, a hundred years have passed, and the beautiful figure of the past has been sealed in the ice coffin.Yan Chenge's heart was full of desolation and sadness, which was indescribable.

If possible, how much Yan Chenge hoped to use his own vitality in exchange for the awakening of the woman in the coffin.How much he wanted to take a look at the woman in the coffin, even if he was going to die in the next moment.

"Go out! Before the elixir is gathered, you can't disturb her anymore, or you will blow away her only vitality." Gu Hengsheng looked at the complicated emotions between Yan Chenge's brows, and said softly.

"Let's go!" Bai Haoxia nodded.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng and the three of them slowly exited the ice room and closed the door tightly, leaving the woman in the ice coffin alone to fall asleep in the deep cold.

After stepping out of the iceberg, Bai Haoxia used his profound energy to seal off the entire iceberg, so that no one would disturb him anymore.

"Tian Yuhou, please!" Now, Bai Haoxia respected Gu Hengsheng more and more, but at least he entertained him with the courtesy of his peers, without the arrogance he had before.

Mysterious and unfathomable, this is Bai Haoxia's judgment on Gu Hengsheng.

It is not the known enemy that is to be feared, but the unfathomable unknown enemy.Therefore, Bai Haoxia had long given up the idea of ​​being an enemy of Gu Hengsheng.Besides, now that Gu Hengsheng is likely to rescue his aunt Bai Huashang, it is even more important to make friends.

"Please." Under the leadership of Bai Haoxia, Gu Hengsheng walked towards the inner hall of Zhenxi Palace.

Passing by a small path outside, Gu Hengsheng saw the crazy old man hugging the wine jar and sound asleep, and called out: "Qingfeng, let's go!"

Hearing the word "Qingfeng", the crazy old man knew that Gu Hengsheng was calling him. He immediately opened his cloudy and empty eyes, then got up and followed Gu Hengsheng's bare feet.

Yan Chenge sized up the crazy old man, and followed him silently.Leaving the range of the iceberg, Yan Chenge's complexion improved a little, but the thoughts between his brows became more and more heavy.

"Come here! Prepare wine and dishes, I want to entertain distinguished guests."

Bai Haoxia led Gu Hengsheng and others into the hall of the inner hall, turned his head to the maid who was waiting on the side, and shouted orders.

"Yes, master." Immediately, all the maids followed Bai Haoxia's instructions and began to rush to prepare food and drinks.

(End of this chapter)

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