The sword rises

Chapter 208 Becoming Friends

Chapter 208 Becoming Friends
Chapter Two Hundred and Eight
Soon, all kinds of delicacies and fine wines were placed on the tables in the inner hall of Zhenxi Prince's Mansion to entertain Gu Hengsheng.

"Tian Yuhou, please sit down!"

Bai Haoxia wouldn't underestimate Gu Hengsheng, but in terms of being extremely polite.

Gu Hengsheng took his seat slowly, while the crazy old man stretched out his hand and rolled the fine wine on the table into his arms regardless of etiquette, and drank it in a big gulp.Seeing this, everyone grinned and let the crazy old man do what he did.

As for Yan Chenge, he stood silently on one side, not taking a seat.He is very clear about his current status, he is Gu Hengsheng's subordinate, and he cannot sit side by side with the master.

Besides, now Yan Chenge doesn't have any thoughts of drinking and eating, and completely attaches his heart and soul to the beautiful figure in the iceberg coffin.

"Chen Ge, eat something! Take a good rest, otherwise, with your current state, even walking is difficult, how can you find those elixir?"

After Gu Hengsheng took his seat, he turned his head to look at Yan Chenge standing behind him, and pondered.

Yan Chenge stared at Gu Hengsheng, after a moment of silence, bowed and said: "Yes, my lord."

Afterwards, Yan Chenge took a seat at the end, sitting upright.

After the banquet, the crazy old man's feet were full of empty wine jars, his face was ruddy and dizzy from alcohol.

Jiao Yongrong, the housekeeper of the palace, didn't know what happened between his master and Gu Hengsheng, but seeing the smooth talk between the two, it seemed that the embarrassment of the previous conflict was resolved.

Therefore, Jiao Yongrong's attitude towards Gu Hengsheng and others has also become extremely friendly.

"Tian Yuhou, why don't you stay in my Zhenxi Palace for a few more days, and let me do my honor as a landlord." Bai Haoxia and Gu Hengsheng walked side by side in the small courtyard of Zhenxi Palace, breaking the silence between the two parties.

"You don't need to do this in Zhenxi Prince's Mansion, let's try to find out the whereabouts of these elixir! If you really found the three life and three death medicines, you can send someone to the Gu family in Tianfeng Country to invite me to help your aunt wake up soul."

Gu Hengsheng flatly refused, and warned in a deep voice.

"Then there will be Lord Lao Tianyu first, and I will thank you on behalf of the Zhenxi Palace. From today on, my Zhenxi Palace will become friends with the Gu family and will never infringe on the interests of the Gu family." Bai Haoxia stopped and walked towards the Gu family. Hang Seng lightly arched his hands, and said righteously.

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng accepted Bai Haoxia's friendship and nodded slightly.

After the two were silent for a while, Gu Hengsheng said again: "I think King Zhenxi should be in the palace!"

"This..." Bai Haoxia's eyes sank for a moment, and after thinking for a long time, he nodded in response: "Yes, father is retreating in the palace right now."

"If possible, let your royal father inject a profound energy into your aunt's heart! Your royal father and aunt are brothers and sisters, and they are connected by blood, so there will be no rejection. This will stabilize your aunt's desire to disperse. If you want to go, delay for a while, so you can find a way to save your aunt."

Gu Hengsheng could sense that in the depths of Zhenxi Palace, there was a vague aura floating around.

"I remember." Bai Haoxia replied solemnly.

"I hope that next time I come to Zhenxi Wangfu, I can witness the demeanor of Zhenxi Wang." Gu Hengsheng admired the rumored ability of Zhenxi Wang very much. He was able to move a huge iceberg from the northern border country. Not small.

"Definitely." Bai Haoxia said expressionlessly, but his heart was not so peaceful, and he was shocked.He couldn't think of why Gu Hengsheng could be so sure that his father was in the palace.

You must know that even the current king of Moyang Kingdom doesn't know the whereabouts of King Zhenxi, only Bai Haoxia knows.

"By the way, let me tell your father, the long road to practice, don't do it overnight, and go against the road, it is not advisable. Xuan enters the heavenly spirit, gathers energy in Baihui, cultivates the heart and stabilizes the soul, the road can be expected."

Immediately afterwards, Gu Hengsheng said something that puzzled Bai Haoxia.

Bai Haoxia frowned, not knowing what Gu Hengsheng meant by these words.However, when he thought of Gu Hengsheng's mystery, he still secretly remembered it in his heart, and replied: "I remember, if there is a chance, I will tell my father on behalf of Tian Yuhou."

"Well, if that's the case, then I won't bother you." Now that Yan Chenge has been found, Gu Hengsheng has no reason to stay in Zhenxi Palace and wants to leave.

"Is Marquis Tianyu planning to leave?" Bai Haoxia said in a deep voice, "If there is a lack of hospitality in my Zhenxi Palace, please don't take it to heart, Marquis Tianyu."

The meaning of Bai Haoxia's words should be that when Gu Hengsheng came to Zhenxi Palace at the beginning, he was neglected and almost met with swords.

At this moment, Bai Haoxia was extremely jealous of Gu Hengsheng on the one hand, and on the other hand was entrusting Gu Hengsheng whether her aunt would wake up or not.Therefore, Bai Haoxia didn't want to make Gu Hengsheng feel bad, and apologized extremely.

"Don't worry, I won't hold grudges against Zhenxi Palace because of this. In the future, I, the Gu family, may need Zhenxi Palace to take care of me a little bit more." Gu Hengsheng smiled disapprovingly.

"Tian Yuhou was joking." Bai Haoxia smiled and said softly.The current Gu family, not to mention the two mid-Earth Profound Realm warriors, just relying on the unfathomable Gu Hengsheng and a peerless powerhouse at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm to protect the way, no one can be bullied.

After saying that, Bai Haoxia seemed to have thought of something, and slowly took out a dark token from his waist.On the token, bursts of sharp profound energy were exuded, and the word "Zhenxi" was engraved on it.

"This is the token of my Zhenxi Prince's Mansion. A total of three pieces have been forged, and there is a seal of my Zhenxi Prince's Mansion inside. No one can fake it. Today, this token is given to Tian Yuhou. May you and my two families be united." Friendship."

Bai Haoxia handed the token in his hand to Gu Hengsheng's eyes, and said very solemnly.

Gu Hengsheng lowered his eyebrows to look at the token in his hand, then raised his head to stare deeply at Bai Haoxia, and accepted the token from him tacitly: "Okay! I'll take this token."

Gu knew that Bai Haoxia was still worried that Gu Hengsheng would complain, so he did not hesitate to present the extremely precious token of Zhenxi Palace.

If Gu Hengsheng didn't answer, he must be dissatisfied.And if Gu Hengsheng took the token, he had received the friendship of Zhenxi Prince's Mansion, and the misunderstanding between the two parties would be gone like a breeze.

"Please!" Seeing that Gu Hengsheng took the token, Bai Haoxia finally showed a relieved smile.

If there were other people here, they would definitely be shocked by Bai Haoxia's move.

Because the token of the Zhenxi Palace has great meaning, it can even represent the will of the entire Zhenxi Palace, and it is the most important thing to be able to mobilize all the troops under the Zhenxi Palace.

Today, in order to befriend Gu Hengsheng, Bai Haoxia even gave away such important tokens. It can be seen that Bai Haoxia really attaches great importance to Gu Hengsheng.

"If something happens, you can find me in Tianfeng Country."

After Gu Hengsheng said a word to Bai Haoxia, he led Yan Chenge and the crazy old man out of the territory of Zhenxi Palace.

Thus, under Bai Haoxia's gaze, the group of three gradually disappeared into the crowd...

(End of this chapter)

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