The sword rises

Chapter 2091 The old man sat down, and Lichen preached

Chapter 2091 The old man sat down and Bailichen preached

Chapter 91 The old man sat down and Bailichen preached

Gu Hengsheng and Ren Wuhen looked at each other, and said with a light smile, "An old friend from long ago is here to ask for a wedding wine."

Ren Wuhen was full of doubts and opened his mouth without saying a word.Because Ren Wuhen did feel a trace of familiarity from Gu Hengsheng's body, but he couldn't tell Gu Hengsheng's origin, so he felt a little ashamed, so naturally he couldn't continue to ask.

"Please come in." The visitor was a guest, and Ren Wuhen welcomed Gu Hengsheng in.

Gu Hengsheng sat in a corner of the hall like a mortal.

Seeing Ren Wuhen get married with his own eyes, Gu Hengsheng dreamed back to the past, and in his ears, he seemed to recall a lame old man with yellow teeth calling "Jiu Ye" in his mouth.

Gu Hengsheng calmly pointed at Ren Wuhen across the air, to ensure that Ren Wuhen would have no disasters and difficulties in this life, and that his life would be peaceful.

"In the past, you fought against the Nine Nether Seas with your old body, and stained the starry sky with blood. In this life, I promise you good health, peace and auspiciousness."

"In all the heavens and worlds, there is only one Lai Wuhen."

"The Buddha talked about the past life, and sighed about the future life. Buddha, you have crossed the world, but who can come to cross you?"

Gu Hengsheng drank a few cups of wedding wine, and left the town quietly.

After drinking for three rounds, Ren Wuhen chatted with all the relatives and friends, and kept scanning the crowd, as if looking for someone.However, after searching the entire hall, Ren Wuhen did not see the man in white, and felt very regretful.

I always feel like I've seen him somewhere before.

Ren Wuhen looked at the sky and couldn't help but be dazed.

Spring has passed and autumn has come, and many years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The Tianjiao and evildoers who fought with Gu Hengsheng back then became old one after another, and most of them died because their lifespans had come to an end.

One day, Gu Hengsheng heard a piece of news and hurried back to the Fusheng Tomb.

"Old man, long sleep."

An Chusheng sent a voice transmission to Gu Hengsheng, very anxious.

For these years, Mr. Gu has been eating the longevity pill refined by the fifth senior sister Xiang Ruyu, supporting his old body with painstaking efforts.Now that Gu Hengsheng has really stood at the peak position, and the enlightenment has come to an end, Mr. Gu can leave with peace of mind, without worrying that his own sake will affect Gu Hengsheng's Taoism.

Gu Hengsheng looked at Mr. Gu's sleeping state, and there seemed to be a smile on the corner of his mouth.The old man fell into a long sleep with joy and did not experience any pain.

"The old man is gone, and I will be soon."

Uncle Gu Youmo was extremely old, his face was wrinkled, and it was extremely difficult for him to walk.

Gu Hengsheng opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a single word.If possible, how much Gu Hengsheng wanted to go back to the original place, everything is beautiful.

Many years ago, my aunt died and was buried in a corner of the Fusheng Tomb.Gu Youmo was afraid that his departure would make Gu Hengsheng sad and affect his practice.

Now, Gu Youmo has no worries about the future, he can finally let go of the pressure all over his body, and quietly waits for the arrival of death.

During this time, Gu Hengsheng stayed with Gu Youmo and didn't go anywhere.

In October of the same year, Gu Youmo sat on a chair, slowly fell into a deep sleep, and never woke up again.

Before the long sleep, Gu Youmo said a word: "Hang Sheng, after I die, bury me in the same place as your aunt. If possible, take us back to the Land of Hundred Kingdoms!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Youmo tightly closed his eyes.

"Baby, obey."

Gu Hengsheng got up slowly, bowed to Gu Youmo, his voice trembling.

Vaguely, scenes from his childhood appeared in front of Gu Hengsheng's eyes.

If I made a mistake, I would go to the backyard to find my uncle, and let my uncle settle it.According to his uncle's words, as long as he doesn't die, even if Gu Hengsheng pierces the sky, his uncle will support him.

On this day, Gu Hengsheng left the Fusheng Tomb with three coffins, expressionless.

Senior brother Dongfang Mo and the others looked at Gu Hengsheng's back and remained silent.They all knew very well that no matter what comforting words they said, no one could understand the pain in Gu Hengsheng's heart.

Gu Hengsheng rode the wind and waves, all the way to the land of a hundred countries.

Arriving at the ancestral land of the Gu family, Gu Hengsheng buried the old man, uncle, and aunt.

"Old man, this place is remote, quiet and peaceful, and you will definitely not be disturbed."

When Gu Hengsheng said these words, he swallowed non-stop, his eyes turned red.

Gu Hengsheng knelt in front of the tomb and guarded the tomb for a hundred years without moving it.In the same way, Mr. Liu from the Fusheng Tomb, Zhu Zhentian's health improved a little, and he knelt in front of Xue Di's tomb.

When the master sits down, the disciples cannot send the master for the last time.Now, the disciple must guard the tomb of the uncle for thousands of years, as long as the disciple can live to that day.

People from the Fusheng Tomb, they all hide their feelings in their hearts, bear it silently by themselves, and won't mess around.

After so many years, no one knows where Gu Xiujie, the son of the emperor who is now proclaiming himself emperor, has gone.Gu Xiujie seemed to have disappeared without any news about him.

On this day, an old monk walked around the world, helping the world and saving people.

This old monk is the former disciple of the Buddha. For countless years, he has been wearing the original simple cassock without changing it.

As the Buddha said, the world is not fair, and the Tao will never be proved.

In fact, the Buddha can completely open the road to enlightenment and become an emperor in one step.However, the Buddha has great ambitions and sticks to his original heart.

Some people may say, after proving the Tao and becoming an emperor, isn't it possible to save all sentient beings better?

However, the Buddha once made an oath that he would use his life's merits to exchange her for a lifetime of peace.If you prove the Tao, the merits and virtues of the Buddha's life will be blessed in your body and become the opportunity and foundation for enlightenment.

In this way, if she encounters any troubles and dangers during this period, what should she do?Therefore, the world is not stable for a day, and the Buddha does not prove the Tao for a day.

"You have crossed the world, but who can cross you?"

In a trance, Gu Hengsheng's voice transmission fell into the ears of the Buddha.

Gu Hengsheng is still guarding the tomb in the land of a hundred countries, across the endless sea of ​​stars, just to make the Buddha let go.Today's Buddha is already showing an old appearance, because the Buddha spent many years preaching and helping the world, and spent unimaginable effort, resulting in his short lifespan.

"The Buddha crosses the common people, who can cross the Buddha?"

Buddha paused, lowered his eyebrows and muttered to himself.

Standing at this place, the Buddha thought for several days, opened his chapped lips and said: "The poor monk just wants to be a ferryman, not to cross the river, but to be healthy."


Gu Hengsheng's long sigh seemed to affect the laws of the whole world.In the fourteen prefectures of the great world, the light rain has been pattering for a whole day, and there is a sense of sadness everywhere.

The same is true for the ancient burning Buddha back then.

The Buddha continued to preach and save people, because there are still some corners of this world filled with gunpowder and fighting.Gu Hengsheng didn't want to see his old friends leave one after another. The feeling was like being cut into the heart one by one, which was unbearable.

After the Everlasting Chess Game, Gu Hengsheng can be sure that the whole world no longer has the aura of the Lord of the Immortal Courtyard.For a while, the turmoil in the world came to an end for the time being, giving Gu Hengsheng enough time.

However, Gu Hengsheng always felt that this was the calm before the storm.

In the age of law at the beginning of the ancient times, there were gaps in the way, and everything was full of unknowns.

Bailichen has been practicing in seclusion since leaving the Eternal Age, studying the Shangqing Immortal Scripture.On this day, Bailichen finally comprehended the Shangqing Immortal Sutra and became emperor in one step.

"The old Taoist has proved the truth!"

Now the Dao Master of Dust Dao Sect is Bailichen's direct disciple, so Bailichen has become an old Taoist master.

In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and the young man who shouldered the responsibility of revive the Dust Dao Sect back then is already old.Even in his old age, Bailichen still possesses an unrivaled talent.

"When Dao Patriarch, Dust Dao Sect will flourish!"

Countless forces flocked towards Daoist Sect, hoping to establish a good relationship with Daoist Sect and celebrate the old Taoist's testimony.

Dust Taoist sect opened the mountain gate to entertain the guests.However, Daozu disappeared and disappeared.

After another few decades, a sword glow opened the sky, as if piercing through the entire Nine Heavens, shocking the world.

"Emperor Beigu's sword is unparalleled in sharpness!"

An old guy recognized the origin of this sword light and exclaimed.

In a certain corner of the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, under a willow tree, there is a stone table.

Gu Hengsheng, Taoist Patriarch Bailichen, and Beigu Great Emperor Dugushang sat around the stone table, drinking dirty wine.

"He has never stopped to rest these years, and his body is constantly overdrawn, making him look extraordinarily old."

There was a white transparent vortex in front of everyone, and the scene presented in the vortex was the Buddha who was saving sentient beings.

"If this continues, he will die."

Gu Hengsheng and others did not want to see the Buddha reduced to this level.

"The incident back then has always been a hurdle in his heart. Miss Miao's death is still unacceptable to him."

Dugu Shang put down the wine glass in his hand and murmured.

That year, Miao Hong'er died tragically, and the Buddha's son fell into a demon, killing countless people with blood.If an old Buddha Lord hadn't appeared back then and forcibly pulled him back when he was still a disciple of Buddha, the consequences would have been disastrous.

For this reason, the Buddha put away his supernatural powers and prayed to the Buddha for a hundred years, with scars all over his body.Later, he prayed to Buddha for many years and turned into a stone statue.

Until one day, Mr. Ba from the Fusheng Tomb came forward to enlighten him, and once the Buddha attained the Tao, he set up the Buddha name, Tao Tathagata.On that day, the Buddha statue that stood for countless years collapsed, because a true Buddha was born in the world.

I would like to use my whole life's merits to pray for that person to be reincarnated and be safe for the rest of my life.

"In this life, he is a Buddha, so he must not have any affair with his children."

Gu Hengsheng understood the heart of the Buddha very well.

If the Buddha had a choice, he would not wear cassocks or chant scriptures from the very beginning, just to find the familiar and unfamiliar figure in the vast crowd.

"With your ability, can you change his fate?"

This time the three of them gathered together to discuss the matter of the Buddha, and they didn't want to watch the Buddha fall.

(End of this chapter)

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