The sword rises

Chapter 2092 Youyou 5 years old monk preaching

Chapter 2092 For five hundred years, the old monk preached

Chapter 92: Five hundred years of yoyo, the old monk preaches

Gu Hengsheng's cultivation was enough to make Dugu Shang and Bailichen look up to him.

The level of the immortal and the Taoism contained in it are no longer comparable to the emperor.

"Yes." Of course Gu Hengsheng can change a person's life, hesitatingly said: "However, this will destroy the way of the Buddha."

"This world cannot be completely changed by him alone. The Buddha crosses the world, but who can cross the Buddha?"

Bailichen couldn't bear to see his former best friend end up in a tragic death.

"He has already paid off the sins that Lei Yao Buddhist Sect committed in the past. If this continues, he will exhaust all his Taoism and die in less than a thousand years."

Dugu Shang couldn't understand Buddha, as if no one could understand his obsession with swordsmanship.

Everyone has a reason to live and a belief to persevere.Someone once advised Buddhists not to work so hard, it's time to stop and take a good rest for a while.

To this, the Buddha replied with a smile: "The poor monk violated the precepts of killing, love, and drinking, and he should use his life to atone for his sins."

The poor monk has only a little selfishness in this life, which is to hope that the familiar and unfamiliar people can live in peace forever.

Under the willow tree, there was a gentle breeze, messing up the black hair of Gu Hengsheng and others.

"Let's do it! If Master Buddha blames me in the future, I will bear it together."

Dugu Shang said in a deep voice.

Bai Lichen nodded silently, also expressing that Gu Hengsheng should not have any worries.

Actually, even if Dugushang and Bailichen didn't open their mouths, Gu Hengsheng still had this idea.For so many years, the Buddha has walked the world and done countless good deeds. I don’t know how many innocent souls sunk in the dark abyss have been rescued, and how many ghosts and monsters have turned back to the shore and crossed them into the underworld to redeem their sins.

"Since you want peace in this world, then I will allow you a prosperous world. Not for the people of the world, but for you."

Gu Hengsheng looked at the Buddha who was separated by the endless sea of ​​stars, and muttered to himself.

Ever since he experienced the imperial war, Gu Hengsheng has been disappointed in this world and owes nothing to anyone.Later, Gu Hengsheng proclaimed Taoism and became emperor, and he never suppressed riots and killings in various places.

Gu Hengsheng is not a kind person, nor is he a wicked person.He has his own principles of doing things, and he no longer has the enthusiasm of his youth.

Today, Gu Hengsheng came out to save the world, not for the sake of the world, but just for an old friend.

With a wave of Gu Hengsheng's sleeve, the law of Xianwei enveloped every corner of the fourteen states of the world.Spiritual rains began to fall from all parts of the world, and wisps of white mist containing fairy charms drifted away with the breeze.

In a certain place, hundreds of people who were fighting for a Tao treasure were suddenly blown by a gust of wind, and the monstrous killing intent suddenly disappeared.Each of them lost interest when they looked at the blood-stained Daobao.

"It's just a Taoist treasure. Is it necessary to risk my life?"

"With this free time, I might as well go back and see my children, and have a few glasses of fine wine with some old friends."

"Daobao? It's just bullshit, whoever wants it will want it!"

Although the hundreds of people were still very unhappy looking at each other, they had no killing intent. They kept thinking about the most precious things in their lives, and they ran away without a trace.

Similar scenes happened in every corner of the world, and the strong killing intent was blown away by gusts of wind.

Of course, some irresolvable grievances between life and death can only be stopped when one of them dies.

The world is so big, it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no killing.The only thing Gu Hengsheng can do is to reduce the greed and desire of the world, which can greatly reduce unnecessary fighting.

Somewhere in the world, the Buddha looked up at the sky, and faintly smelled a ray of fairy charm, and his expression was deep.

Gu Hengsheng exerted his magical powers and interfered with the progress of the entire world.In just a few years, more than half of the killings in the whole world have been reduced, and there are even many places that do not close their doors at night and do not pick up lost items on the road.

The Buddha still did things according to his own ideas, traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, and stepped through the heavens and stars.The Buddha found that all living beings are peaceful and there are few disputes.

Even if there is any grievance, the two sides will find a suitable solution to resolve it, and will not fight at every turn.

"Is it really good to affect the rules of the world and the nature of creatures?"

The Buddha could see at a glance that the wisps of immortal charm had the aura of Gu Hengsheng.Furthermore, apart from Gu Hengsheng and the Lord of the Immortal Court, who have already reached the highest level of cultivation, who else in the world can do it?

As for the Lord of the Immortal Court, he definitely has no intention of benefiting the world.

The Buddha did not stop his footsteps, and gradually became old, with white eyebrows and beard, and his face was full of wrinkles.

For five hundred years, the whole world has become extremely peaceful, the whole family is happy, and everything is healthy.Even the bloodthirsty primordial race fell asleep because of Gu Hengsheng's fairy charm, and did not cause persecution to all races in the world.

An old monk in plain cassock staggered forward and unknowingly came to a human city.

"Mother, look quickly! Is that bald head the legendary monk?"

A little boy in his early ten years old looked at the old monk who had just entered the city and was ecstatic.

"It's really a monk! Since the world was peaceful, Buddhism has been hidden from the world, and it is rare to see a monk in hundreds of years."

The people in the city looked at the old monk curiously.

"It's strange to say that since I don't know when, the former villains either changed their temper or disappeared. Not to mention monks, even a demon cultivator has disappeared."

All of this is naturally because Gu Hengsheng, a person who can reform himself, can give him a chance.Gu Hengsheng didn't intend to treat those people who did a lot of evil equally, so he just physically transcended them.

Although the old monk was dressed in ordinary clothes, he had the aura of an eminent monk, which made people awe-inspiring.

"May I ask which treasure temple the master came from?"

Due to the changes in the philosophy of Buddhism over the years, it has been respected by the creatures of the world.Therefore, the monks in the city respected the old monk very much and asked with a salute.

"The poor monk is just a walking monk, and he hasn't returned to the monastery for many years."

Although the old monk is old, everyone can tell that the monk must have been extremely handsome when he was young.

"If the master doesn't dislike it, then go to Linyuan Zhai to have a vegetarian meal. The master doesn't have to worry about the cost."

Everyone is kind, with sincere eyes.

"No, thank you benefactor for your kindness."

The old monk was relieved and lamented at the same time.

Over the past few years, the old monk has never encountered any troubles except for doing some rituals.The old monk finally left the city and walked slowly towards Dashi Zhongzhou.

The great world has been decided, and there is no need to help the world.

Naturally, the old monk doesn't have to keep running, he can stop and have a good rest.

"Buddha is probably blaming us."

Bailichen could tell that the Buddha was not very happy, and even the sadness on his face was a little more.

"He saves the world, and I save him. As for the world, it has nothing to do with me."

Gu Hengsheng doesn't care about the world, he only cares about his relatives and friends.Since you want the whole world to be peaceful, you are willing to stop and rest.Then I will grant your wish, I just ask you to live for yourself for a while.

On this day, Fozi came to a star field in Zhongzhou.

There is a linden tree here, but otherwise it is wilderness and uninhabited.

"Walking around for most of my life, the poor monk finally returned to the starting point."

The old monk stretched out his hand to caress the Bodhi tree, and the pictures of the past kept appearing in front of his eyes.The heart that had been silent for countless years seemed to be starting to ache again.

A few years later, an eminent monk from the Leiyao Buddhist Sect came under the Bodhi tree and said, "Buddha."

The old monk sat cross-legged under the bodhi tree, slowly opened his eyes, and remained silent.

"The world is peaceful, the Buddha will return to the sect to sit in town!"

The monk begged.

The old monk shook his head slightly, but did not agree.

Today's Lei Yao Buddhist Sect has no acquaintances of the old monk.The three old Buddhist masters and the nine Zen masters of that year have all passed away, and they have been replaced by other eminent monks.

It can be said that the elders of the old monk are basically gone.

"Buddha doesn't return, what to do!"

The eminent monk knelt in front of the old monk and said sadly.

Seeing that the old monk was silent, the eminent monk had no choice but to retreat and said: "The Buddhist sect has produced many disciples with roots of wisdom over the years. The poor monk and others know that the Dharma is not good enough, so they dare not teach it lightly. If the Buddha allows it, can you preach it?"

"Yes." The old monk did not refuse this time, and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you Buddha."

The eminent monk was overjoyed and immediately bowed and retreated.

Not long after, the eminent monk came here with more than ten young monks.These little monks are all the most intelligent new disciples of Lei Yao Buddhist Sect, just like a blank sheet of paper.

If he gets the guidance of the Buddha, he will definitely be able to take up the responsibility of the Buddhist sect in the future and become the mainstay of the Buddhist sect.

"The poor monk resigns."

The Dharma of the eminent monk has already been determined. If you don’t listen to the preaching of the old monk, otherwise you will disturb the Buddha’s heart.

After the eminent monk left, these ten or so little novice monks timidly walked up to the old monk, their eyes kept looking at the old monk, and they murmured in their hearts: "Is this the legendary current Buddha?"

"You can ask any questions you have, don't be restrained."

The old monk said bluntly.

Soon, these little novice monks got into the mood and slowly let go of their nervousness.Following a young novice monk asking about the Dharma, and after getting the old monk's answer, everyone started to ask questions, eager to try.

"Buddha, what exactly is a Buddha?"

A little novice asked.

"Everyone can be a Buddha, but everyone cannot be a Buddha. You will realize it later."

The old monk replied.

The young novice monks seemed to understand but didn't understand, they remembered what the old monk said in their hearts, and they will definitely understand it one day in the future.

"Buddha, take refuge in the Triple Gem, Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, what exactly are they and their meanings?"

A little novice took half a step forward and asked respectfully.

"Buddha is enlightened, enlightened but not confused; Dharma is righteous, righteous and not evil; Sangha is pure, pure and not defiled."

The old monk answered everyone's doubts, suddenly paused, and said to himself meaningfully: "For the poor monk, there are four ways to take refuge."

(End of this chapter)

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