The sword rises

Chapter 2093 What is 4 conversion

Chapter 2093 What are the Four Refugees

Chapter 93 What are the Four Refugees

"There are four refuges?"

All the young novice monks were stunned when they heard the old monk's words: "Aren't there only three refuges written in the Buddhist scriptures? Where did the four come from?"

The old monk looked at the sky with deep eyes and remained silent.

There seemed to be a girl in a long red dress in front of the old monk. That girl was innocent and innocent, and she would not be afraid of Dugu Shang, the Sword Master, or Gu Hengsheng from the Floating Tomb, and said whatever she had.

In the ear, the old monk seemed to hear the voice of the girl in red again, and his eyes looking at the sky gradually became blurred.

"Little monk, why do you look so good-looking! Don't get me wrong, this girl is looking for you, not your skin."

"Little monk, why don't you return to vulgarity and marry me."

"Little monk, if you have long hair, you must be very handsome, no one can compare to you."

That year, the sky was full of Buddha light.The Buddha sat under the bodhi tree and hadn't moved for a hundred years. Tianling Gai, who was originally blessed with the imprint of Buddhism, grew long black and beautiful hair, which fell over his shoulders.

The saints of that era, seeing the appearance of the Buddha with long hair, were all stunned and shocked.

The old monk was tired, and his eye sockets were a little moist.

All the little novice monks were dumbfounded watching this scene, and kept silent for fear of disturbing the Buddha.

The old monk's vision was a little blurred, and he vaguely saw a figure appearing in the sky.Immediately, the old monk took a closer look, but it was not his own dazzled.

"Fu Mengyao, a disciple of Mr. Nine of the Fusheng Tomb, has met the Buddha."

A woman rode the clouds and fog, landed in front of the old monk, and saluted.

The old monk took a deep look at Fu Mengyao, and a complicated expression flashed in his eyes.After a while, the old monk nodded slowly: "Helping the benefactor, the poor monk is being polite."

Looking back suddenly, the woman in red at that time seemed to be close at hand, but far away in the sky.It's her, but it's not her.

"I came to the Buddha this time to return something."

Fu Mengyao took out an ultimate treasure, the nine-color jade lotus.At that time, the Buddha's son proved the way in a different way, the soul became the ancestor, and the Dharma of his life was condensed together, and evolved into a nine-color jade lotus, which is comparable to an emperor's treasure.

Later, Fu Mengyao appeared, and the Buddha gave her the nine-color jade lotus, which became her treasure of body protection.For thousands of years, the nine-color jade lotus has accompanied Fu Mengyao, so that Fu Mengyao has never encountered a catastrophe in her life.

"This thing belongs to the benefactor, so there is no need to return it."

The old monk shook his head.

"Back then, the younger generation was ignorant and asked the Buddha for the most precious treasure. This thing belongs to the Buddha, and it should be returned."

Fu Mengyao looked at the nine-color jade lotus in her palm, although she was reluctant, she thought she had to do so.Because in her opinion, as long as the nine-color jade lotus warms the Buddha's roots, it can slowly restore the Buddha's lost blood and energy and increase his lifespan.

Fu Mengyao didn't want to see the Buddha pass away, whenever she thought of this, her heart couldn't help but throbbing.At first, Fu Mengyao went to see Xiang Ruyu, the fifth senior aunt, but Xiang Ruyu said that Fu Mengyao was caused by cause and effect, not because of illness.

The old monk still shook his head and did not put away the nine-color jade lotus.

A dozen or so young novice monks walked aside, knowingly treating themselves as a transparent body, not daring to take a breath.One is a living Buddha, and the other is Fu Xianzi from the Tomb of Floating Life, both of whom are top figures in the world.

"The monks don't lie, this jade lotus should belong to you, and there is no need to return it to the poor monk."

The old monk said seriously.

"How is it possible?" Fu Mengyao naturally didn't believe it, and retorted: "This thing is obviously the treasure of Buddhism that the Buddha spent his whole life to condense. Why is it mine?"

The old monk smiled and said nothing, some things have passed, let it pass!

The person in front of her is her and not her.

In the land of a hundred countries, Gu Hengsheng let out a long sigh.

I saw Gu Hengsheng opened a door with a wave of his hand. This is the ghost gate of the underworld, a bridge between Yin and Yang.A spiritual thought of Gu Hengsheng entered the underworld, and he said bluntly: "I entered the underworld today only to get one thing, please forgive me, the Lord of the underworld."

"I can't beat you, take whatever you want."

The current underworld lord Mo Yibai said coldly.

The always rampant underworld and heaven also remained extraordinarily calm at this moment, as if they hadn't noticed Gu Hengsheng's actions.If it were someone else, they would have been suppressed by the power of the law of heaven in the underworld in the first place.

"The reincarnation bridge crosses yin and yang. The stele of three lives engraves the past."

Gu Hengsheng reached out to a stone tablet filled with the laws of the great way. This is the Three Lives Stone Tablet of the Underworld, and it is one of the treasures used by the Underworld to suppress the dead.

Gu Hengsheng directly found a causal memory of the past in the stone tablet of three lives, and extracted it without disturbing the laws of the underworld and the six reincarnations.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng brought the law fragments back to the world.

"Did you go to Hades just now?"

Dugu Shang looked at Gu Hengsheng in front of him and asked.

"Yeah, got some stuff."

Gu Hengsheng nodded.

In the past, Gu Hengsheng needed to be extremely vigilant when entering the underworld, and if he was not careful, he would be swallowed up by the laws of the underworld, and he would just fall away.Nowadays, Gu Hengsheng's entry into Hades is like visiting his own back garden, the wind is calm and the clouds are calm.

Gu Hengsheng pointed the law fragment towards the void.

Zhongzhou, under the Bodhi tree.

Fu Mengyao originally wanted to continue to argue and asked the old monk to accept the nine-color jade lotus.However, just when Fu Mengyao was about to speak, a memory that seemed to belong to her but not belonged to her flashed in front of her eyes.

A long time ago, the Buddha was just an ordinary Buddhist disciple.As usual, he rescued the suffering, walked in the great world of Zhongzhou, and tried his best to help the world and save people while experiencing.

One day, the Buddha stopped by a bodhi tree.Not long after, Fozi saw two people running over in a panic.

The mother and daughter were extremely embarrassed, especially the mother, who was seriously injured.

"Master, please save us!"

The mother looked at the little monk in front of her, knelt down and begged, and there was a six-year-old girl beside her.

"The benefactor please get up quickly."

The little monk immediately helped his mother up and asked, "What happened?"

"Master, my mother and daughter have been hunted down by strong men, and they are at the end of the road." The mother said sadly, "It doesn't matter if I die, but I beg you, Master, to save my poor daughter!"

The six-year-old girl was holding her mother's hand all the time, with a timid expression, she poked her head out in fear, and quietly looked at the little monk.The girl's first reaction was, how could this monk be so good-looking.

The six-year-old girl has no idea about life and death, she is full of curiosity about the world.

Not long after, five men in black came to kill them, intending to take the lives of the mother and daughter.The little monk shot immediately and repelled all the men in black.

"Thank you, master." The mother kowtowed in tears.

"Amitabha." The little monk found that his mother's heart pulse had been broken and she would not live long.

With the last of her strength, the mother kissed the six-year-old girl on the forehead.

Finally, the mother watched her daughter slowly close her eyes and fell to the ground.

"Mother, mother..."

The daughter didn't know what death was, so she just squatted beside her mother, pushing and shouting all the time.

The little monk recited the Buddha's words several times, and slowly walked forward: "Little benefactor, your mother...has gone to another world, and she can't wake up anymore."

" are talking nonsense, mother will definitely wake up."

Hearing that her mother could not wake up again, the girl wept.

The little monk was silent for a long time, then he glanced under the bodhi tree, and reached out to take a stone: "Little benefactor, this is a seed, as long as you take good care of this seed, when it blooms, your mother will wake up." when."

"Is what you said true? As long as this seed blooms, can I see mother again?"

"The little monk is a disciple of Buddhism, and he never tells lies."

"Well, I will definitely let this seed bloom."

Later, the little girl's family came and took her away.

Thousands of years later, a woman who likes red clothes finally got rid of the control of her family and often sticks to a monk.

Until one day, a catastrophe happened, and the girl in red died.When he was dying, an extremely ordinary stone slowly slipped from his hand.

Seeing that stone, the Buddha suddenly understood everything.One drink and one peck, already doomed.

On that day, the Buddha fell into the devil's way and killed countless people with blood.

On that day, the Buddha's heart was destroyed, and he just prayed that God could put the sin on him alone, and don't let that poor girl be tortured.

On that day, all the stone statues of the ten thousand Buddhas in the world collapsed, and the Buddha made a wish for the merits of his life, and that person could be reincarnated and rebuilt, and he would be safe for the rest of his life.

On that day, the Buddha had long hair and planted the stone under the bodhi tree.Then, the stone blossoms and bears fruit, and finally condenses into a nine-color jade lotus.

Looking at thousands of years, these things are as vivid as yesterday.

Fu Mengyao looked at the nine-color jade lotus in her hand, and then at the extremely aged old monk, her delicate body shook violently.At this moment, even if there are thousands of words, I don't know where to start.

The old monk seemed to notice the change in Fu Mengyao's eyes, but he didn't think much about it, with a kind face on his face.

"May I ask the Buddha, what are the three refuges that Buddhism talks about?"

Fu Mengyao trembled all over, and asked solemnly.

"Taking refuge in the Buddha, in the Dharma, and in the Sangha, these are the Three Jewels of Buddhism."

The old monk replied.

However, the old monk always felt that this scene seemed familiar, and there were layers of ripples in his heart.

"Buddhism has three refuges, but I think you should have four refuges."

Fu Mengyao and the old monk looked at each other, did not look away, and said slowly.

"What are the Four Refugees?"

When the old monk said these words, no one noticed that his hands were trembling slightly, and his voice trembled a little.

"Take refuge in the Buddha, take refuge in the Dharma, take refuge in the Sangha, take refuge in..."

Fu Mengyao pursed her red lips, her eyes gradually turned red, she smiled slightly, and said with a choked up voice, "Take refuge...Miss Miao."

(End of this chapter)

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