The sword rises

Chapter 211 Test!

Chapter 211 Test!

Chapter 210 Probing!

Drunk with a pot of flowers, he directly took out 5000 taels of silver notes, and he even planned to buy some.Even directly speaking boldly, as much as you want, this cannot be described as rich and powerful, and it makes it difficult for everyone to keep calm.

An Xingbai was stunned, as if he had forgotten that he planned to teach Gu Hengsheng a lesson just now.The person who can throw away so much money at will is definitely not an unknown person.No matter how extravagant An Xingbai is, he will not fail to understand this.

"Ridiculous! This is Hundred Flowers Drunk, and it's still a fine wine that has been brewed for a hundred years. Now there are only a few left in the whole world, and no one can brew it anymore, and you actually plan to have it all. My son, your The appetite must be too great!"

In the crowd, someone sarcastically said in displeasure.

"If it weren't for Baihuazui, the ordinary hundred-year-old wine would not be worth a few thousand taels of silver." Immediately, a young master agreed.

Gu Hengsheng didn't know the source of the Hundred Flowers Drunk they were talking about, but he only knew that since the crazy old man had spoken, he had no choice but to buy it.Otherwise, if you let the crazy old man go crazy, the consequences will be a little troublesome.

"Liu Chen Pavilion, is there any more?" Gu Hengsheng asked Song Shishuang indifferently, ignoring everyone's remarks.

Song Shishuang stared into Gu Hengsheng's eyes, and her heart trembled uncontrollably. She had never seen such indifferent and contemptuous eyes, like the eyes of an emperor who ruled the world.

"My lord, Baihuazui, I only have three altars left in Liuchen Pavilion." Song Shishuang didn't know why she replied, and her tone was completely changed from before.

Maybe it was panic, maybe it was subconscious, in short, Song Shishuang didn't dare to look Gu Hengsheng in the eyes anymore, she was afraid that she would fall into an indescribable abyss.

"I want it all." Gu Hengsheng immediately took out a stack of thick bank notes from his pocket, then casually lowered his eyebrows to look at the roll of bank notes in his hand, and said slowly: "There is probably a stack of bank notes here." 3000 taels, let’s take it as money for drinks!”

Immediately, Gu Hengsheng put the bank note in his hand on the table without paying attention.


At this moment, everyone including Song Shishuang was dumbfounded.

He... directly took out more than 1 taels of banknotes, just to buy a few jars of Baihuazui?
Although Hundred Flowers Drunk is rare in the world, no one can brew it anymore, but this is not the way to buy it, right?
Whose family is this young master Hao Shao?To be able to throw tens of thousands of taels of silver notes so carelessly, could it be the illegitimate son of some wealthy businessman?
In an instant, many people's hearts were in a mess, they completely forgot the sarcasm and ridicule just now, and eagerly wanted to know Gu Hengsheng's origin and background.

"This..." Song Shishuang was a little embarrassed. If she sold all the hard-won Baihuazui to one person, it might cause dissatisfaction among other princes and wealthy businessmen, and it would be a bit bad for Liuchen Pavilion's reputation.

"Don't you think it's too little?" Gu Hengsheng looked at Song Shishuang with some hesitation, and asked with a sinking gaze.

"Master, you are joking. It's not about money. It's because I, Liuchen Pavilion, should take care of all the gentlemen. I can't decide to sell the remaining hundred flowers to you." Song Shishuang didn't dare to underestimate Gu Hengsheng anymore, her attitude was extremely extreme. polite.

From the current point of view, Gu Hengsheng is very likely to be the son of some powerful force, otherwise, why would he bid so boldly for wine, obviously he doesn't care about money.

"Liuchen Pavilion is open to do business, so naturally someone can afford it, so it should be sold according to the rules. Could it be that Liuchen Pavilion doesn't treat me as a guest? Or is it that you don't intend to sell to me."

Gu Hengsheng chuckled disapprovingly, and there was a hint of sharpness in his words.

Song Shishuang took a deep breath, sank her mind, then played with Qingsi with a charming smile, and said crisply: "Dare to ask the young master's name?"

"You, want to find out about me?" Gu Hengsheng directly stated what everyone was thinking on the surface, causing many people to twitch their mouths in embarrassment.

Song Shishuang's red lips tightened slightly, maintaining a sweet smile.She directly turned the blame on Gu Hengsheng, which can be said to be unintelligent.

If Gu Hengsheng reported his name, everyone would definitely know Gu Hengsheng's origin.At that time, whether Gu Hengsheng is qualified to take away all these fine wines will depend on his own background.

If Gu Hengsheng reported himself as a family member without any powerful background, just a lucky upstart, then everyone's attitude towards him would be quite different, and the consequences would be unpredictable.

Although Song Shishuang's move seemed simple, it actually contained many profound meanings.Since you want all the drunken flowers, it depends on whether your own background and background are deep enough.

"Master, you are joking. I just want to know your name. I have no other intention." Even though the thought in her heart was broken, Song Shishuang still maintained her charming appearance, pursing her red lips slightly as she spoke.

Gu Hengsheng smiled tacitly, then set his eyes on the crazy old man, and saw a glimmer of hope in the crazy old man's cloudy eyes.

"Tianfeng Country, Gu Family, Gu Hengsheng."

Gu Hengsheng put his hands behind his back lightly, glanced at the crowd, stared at Song Shishuang and said.


Hearing this, there was a loud noise in everyone's heart, and trembling ripples flashed in the complicated eyes.

Gu Hengsheng, the Gu family of Tianfeng Kingdom, could it be that this person is the famous Marquis of Tianyu, Gu Hengsheng?
"The young master is the world-famous Marquis of Heavenly Feather?" Song Shishuang's heart was shocked, she stared at Gu Hengsheng closely with a pale face, and asked with some doubts in disbelief.

Rumor has it that Gu Hengsheng, Marquis of Feather of Heaven, is an unrivaled arrogance who has comprehended Xiaocheng's sword intent and can cut through the Earth Profound Realm with a single strike.Most importantly, it is said that beside him there is a peerless strong man who is suspected to be at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm to protect him, which is shocking to hear.

"It's me." Gu Hengsheng nodded slowly and admitted.

All of a sudden, everyone in the audience showed surprise and shock.Although Tianfeng Kingdom is only a mid-level dynasty, its Gu family has been in full swing these days, much stronger than many families in Moyang.

Some time ago, the Marshal of the Tianfeng Kingdom and the Princess Yong'an had a big marriage, which stirred up all the nations, and they all came to congratulate with heavy gifts.This kind of prestige is not comparable to that of ordinary aristocratic families.

Because the Gu family suspected that a strong man at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm was in charge, they asked all dynasties and forces to inquire.According to rumors, a general of the upper dynasty was crippled by a slap in the face in order to test the suspected peak powerhouse.

This matter shocked the whole world, and it has been confirmed that there is indeed a strong person at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm in the Gu family.It can be said that the current Gu family is definitely a first-class family in the land of a hundred countries, who would dare to provoke them lightly?
"It turns out that it is Tian Yuhou, and I, Liu Chenge, have neglected you." Song Shishuang immediately greeted him with a smile, not daring to be disrespectful, and said charmingly: "Come on, hurry up and move a chair for Tian Yuhou."

(End of this chapter)

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