The sword rises

Chapter 212 Aged Wine, Flower Drunk

Chapter 212 A Hundred Years of Wine, Drunk with Hundred Flowers
Chapter 210 Two Centuries-old Wine, Hundred Flowers Drunk
"No need."

Gu Hengsheng directly rejected Song Shishuang's invitation to take the seat, and said indifferently: "Now, can Liuchen Pavilion sell the remaining Baihuazui to me?"

"Not for sale." Song Shishuang smiled charmingly, bowing her body and saluting, and then said immediately, "I presented these jars of hundred-year-old wine to Marquis Tianyu on behalf of Liuchen Pavilion. Good wine and heroes, how can these vulgar things be tarnished by gold and silver?" ?”

What?Do not sell?

At the beginning, when Song Shishuang said "not for sale", everyone's heart sank, they shouted stupidly and panicked.But when Song Shishuang changed his tone and wanted to give all the fine wine to Gu Hengsheng, everyone couldn't help admiring him.

Although ten thousand taels of silver is expensive, but getting acquainted with a Marquis Tian Yu who has infinite possibilities in the future, this deal couldn't be more cost-effective.What's more, behind the current Marquis of Tianyu, it is rumored that there is a peerless powerhouse at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm protecting the Dao. Getting to know a Marquis of Tianyu is no less than friendship with the entire Gu family and that peerless powerhouse.

Song Shishuang from Liuchen Pavilion, truly worthy of being Jiaochu among girls, saw this matter very clearly.Everyone admired this and sighed in their hearts that it was no accident that Song Shishuang was able to take over the entire Liuchen Pavilion.

"Come here, return the 5000 taels of silver ticket that Marquis Tian Yu bought just now." Immediately, Song Shishuang turned to the maid next to him and said, "Immediately bring up the only three altars of Baihuazui left in the back hall and give them to Marquis Tian Yu .”

Thus, the 5000 taels of silver bills collected by Liu Chenge just now were returned to the table in front of Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a deep look at the charming and graceful Song Shishuang. How could he not know what she had in mind?It is not so easy to make Gu Hengsheng owe him a favor.

"No need, although the price of wine is expensive, I can still afford it." Gu Hengsheng pursed his thin lips and smiled lightly.

After a while, three beautiful maids came to Gu Hengsheng with a bunch of flowers in their hands.

"Tian Yuhou is the unrivaled hero in today's world. Liu Chenge and I have admired it for a long time. Now that we can see Tian Yuhou's true face, we can't express our admiration in our hearts. We can only express our feelings with these few altars of flowers." , I hope Marquis Tianyu will not blame you."

Song Shishuang doesn't care about tens of thousands of taels of silver bills now, but smiles charmingly at Gu Hengsheng very politely.

"If Marquis Tian Yu doesn't dislike my small and simple place in Liuchen Pavilion, how about letting me serve wine for Marquis Tian Yu personally and make amends?" The next second, Song Shishuang bowed slightly to Gu Hengsheng again, with a crisp voice road.

Song Shishuang's enchanting and charming appearance made many people present roll their throats uncontrollably, making their mouths dry.However, Gu Hengsheng was unmoved and smiled lightly, and responded: "No need, I'll leave with the drink."

I really don't know how to pity beautiful women!
This was the recognition of Gu Hengsheng by everyone present, they all sighed secretly and shook their heads, a little regretful.

However, none of them dared to disturb, because the person in front of them was the famous Marquis of Tian Yu!

Not to mention his background power, but his own prestige, no one present can match it.Maybe some of the elders in the family behind the young master who were present could barely talk to Tian Yuhou.

"Is this Tian Yuhou blaming me for my poor hospitality before Liuchen Pavilion?" Song Shishuang couldn't see Gu Hengsheng's mood at all, as if his eyes were covered by a layer of tulle.

She was a little worried that if Gu Hengsheng hated herself and Liu Chenge, the loss would not be worth the gain.So, she hurriedly walked to the maid beside her, took a glass of fine wine and drank it: "Where the hospitality is not good, please don't take it to heart. I will drink three cups myself as a punishment wine."

In the blink of an eye, Song Shishuang drank three glasses of fine wine in a row, with a few drops of wine stained on the corners of her red lips.

Perhaps Song Shishuang can be described as a hero among girls!In every word and deed, it is difficult to make people hate her, and the tricks are not small.

"You're welcome." Gu Hengsheng disapproved, then turned his head to the crazy old man who had been silent and lowered his eyebrows, and said, "Qingfeng, the wine has already been bought, and there are only three jars left, let's go!"

Hearing Gu Hengsheng's call, the crazy old man immediately struggled out of his stupefied lowered brows, then looked up at Gu Hengsheng and the three jars of fine wine, and grinned: "Hehe... oh."

At this moment, everyone suddenly thought of the existence of the crazy old man.No way, when Gu Hengsheng announced his name, it really made everyone tremble, and they forgot about the crazy old man before they knew it.

Now, the eyes of everyone looking at the crazy old man have become a little weird.Logically speaking, the world-famous Marquis Tianyu shouldn't be on such good terms with an ordinary old beggar, right?


Song Shishuang's brows and eyes froze for an instant, and her tender body couldn't help trembling as if thinking of some rumors.Her beautiful eyes were looking at the sloppy figure of the crazy old man, and she gradually became frightened.

"Could it be that you are the senior protector of Marquis Tianyu?"

Song Shishuang took a deep breath, then bowed to the crazy old man and asked respectfully.She suddenly thought of the description in the rumors: Tian Yuhou's guardian, shabby and tattered, like an old beggar, but his strength is suspected to have reached the peak of the Earth Xuan.

When Song Shishuang said these words, everyone present gasped, and couldn't help but take half a step back in horror.Everyone was looking at the crazy old man's eyes, and gradually a look of panic filled the air.

No... no way!Is the old beggar in front of you the peerless powerhouse who shocked all nations?
The son of the family, An Xingbai, and the others shivered from the cold.Looking at the figure of the crazy old man, they felt their throat tighten even more, as if they were shrouded in death.

The crazy old man turned a deaf ear to Song Shishuang's question, but rolled up his hands and hugged Santan Baihuazui in his arms, muttering suspiciously: "The smell of wine is so familiar..."

Hearing the crazy old man's low eyebrows whispering again, Gu Hengsheng couldn't help frowning, then looked up at Song Shishuang and asked, "Dare to ask where this Hundred Flowers Drunk comes from? Where can I sell it?"

Song Shishuang's delicate body couldn't help trembling when she thought that the crazy old man reprimanded by everyone just now was a peerless powerhouse who defended Gu Hengsheng.

She is very clear about what it means to be a peerless powerhouse at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm. Even if she and everyone present are shot to death, I am afraid that Mo Yang Kingdom will not be against her, because such peerless powerhouses are not theirs. Capable of ridiculing and offending.

"Ah..." Song Shishuang whispered for a moment, keeping her calm with cold sweat on her forehead, and replied: "It is said that Baihuazui was brewed by a woman a hundred years ago with a unique technique. It all came from the hand of that woman, and it can no longer be brewed."

"Brew by a woman a hundred years ago?"

Gu Hengsheng frowned slightly, and his eyes shifted to the crazy old man beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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