The sword rises

Chapter 2141 One eye ten thousand years!

Chapter 2141 Ten thousand years at a glance!

Chapter 140 Ten thousand years at a glance!

There is an Accord in the town, and occasionally there will be fairy sounds, which makes many monks go crazy.

Over the years, no one has ever been able to set foot in an Accord.

Because there is a fairy living in the Accord, the world calls it the Fairy of Juequ.

Gu Hengsheng rode a black donkey, dressed in white clothes, and descended from the real world.

"Young man, you can't just approach here casually."

People passing by saw Gu Hengsheng planning to walk towards Accord, and quickly reminded him.

Gu Hengsheng just turned his head and smiled, without saying anything.

Many people looked at Gu Hengsheng, and with just one glance, they had the feeling of looking up at the sky, filled with awe.

Gu Hengsheng walked to the door of Yage, and said softly, "Girl, I'm here to listen to the music, do you have time?"

When Gu Hengsheng's voice reached the Accord, he immediately woke up the fairy of Juequ who was meditating in seclusion - Cheng Xunran.

click -

The Accord door, which had been closed for many years, slowly opened.

"I met Young Master Gu."

A person came in a long white dress, holding a xylophone in his hands, and bowed to Gu Hengsheng, his eyes were full of unspeakable joy, and there was a flash of awe.

In Cheng Xunran's eyes, no matter what kind of situation Gu Hengsheng has reached, he is still the boy in white clothes back then, and has not changed.It's a pity that the two of them can only be said to be destined to each other.

However, the karma between the two of them has long since ended, and there is no entanglement anymore.The reason why Gu Hengsheng came here was just to see old friends and listen to a little song.

"Young master, please come in!"

Cheng Xunran welcomed Gu Hengsheng in, respectfully.

The people around Ya Ge saw this scene and their jaws dropped, they couldn't believe it.

In the crowd, not only an old monk who had lived for a long time looked at the back figure in white clothes, but also looked at the extremely respectful Fairy Juequ, and said in shock: "Could it be... Could it be the fairy Lord Linchen?"

Cheng Xunran poured tea and water for Gu Hengsheng, played the piano and played music.

Gu Hengsheng leaned on the stool, closed his eyes lightly, and many images of the past appeared in front of his eyes.

In the twentieth year of the year, he put on armor and went out to fight, deterring tens of thousands of enemy troops and inspiring the morale of the troops.

He practiced swordsmanship, entered the Sword Market, met Yan Chenge, and now he is an emperor warrior under Gu Hengsheng, guarding the side of the fairy world.

When he was young and practiced swordsmanship, he got a sword called Jinghong.

Later, Gu Hengsheng climbed to the top of the Hundred Kingdoms, the world called him the Supreme, and he got the sword Blood Sky.As Gu Hengsheng's cultivation became stronger and stronger, the two swords could no longer keep up with Gu Hengsheng's footsteps.Now, Jinghong and Xuexiao have been warmed up in a corner of the Fusheng Tomb, and they both have good luck.

The ancient You Palace encountered a catastrophe, and Li Qiurou was on the verge of death.Gu Hengsheng was summoned by the Sword of Everlasting Sorrow, which had been dormant for 10 years. The old man of the former Su Dynasty drew his sword and died in order to protect Gu Hengsheng, which became the wound in Gu Hengsheng's heart for a lifetime.

Gu Hengsheng dragged his sword for hundreds of millions of miles, starting from Beizhou and ending at Guyou Palace.Facing powerful enemies from all directions, Gu Hengsheng sacrificed his sword with blood, and displayed the unrivaled sword power of the Sword of Eternal Hatred, beheading the immortal platform with the Profound Sky Realm, shocking the world.

Later, during the battle, Gu Hengsheng came to the Great Dao, and all the gentlemen from Fusheng Tomb came out together, truly including Gu Hengsheng into the gate wall.

So far, the world knows the Fusheng Tomb, and also knows that Gu Hengsheng is Mr. Nine.

From that day on, Gu Hengsheng became famous, and no one in the world didn't know you.

"Ten thousand years at a glance!"

Gu Hengsheng took a sip of tea, not in a good mood.Then he took out a pot of fairy wine, listened to the music, drank it, and sighed.

Cheng Xunran won't spoil Gu Hengsheng's alcoholism, and has been playing the piano hard.After going through all kinds of things, Cheng Xunran saw through the interests and power in the world of mortals, and returned to the Land of Hundred Kingdoms many years ago.

Cheng Xunran didn't want much, he just hoped that Gu Hengsheng would pass by here occasionally, and that would be enough if he had the pleasure to come and listen to the music.It's like when I was young, a young man, a nobleman, found a little comfort and companionship in this vast world of mortals.

Before I knew it, several hours had passed.

Gu Hengsheng had already drunk the fine wine in the pot, and smiled slightly at Cheng Xunran, "Miss Xunye's music is the same as before, very good."

"As long as the son likes it."

Cheng Xunran could tell that Gu Hengsheng was about to leave, so he immediately stopped playing the piano and got up to salute.

Gu Hengsheng waved his hand, indicating that Cheng Xunran didn't need to see him off.

"Young master, you go slowly."

Cheng Xunran seemed to have a lot to say, but when she stopped Gu Hengsheng, she just said a very plain sentence.

"Okay, take care."

Gu Hengsheng no longer drunk, nodded and smiled.

When Gu Hengsheng opened the door, he found thousands of monks kneeling here.

"Meet Xianjun."

Everyone recognized Gu Hengsheng, they were in awe, and their voices were like waves.

Gu Hengsheng waved lightly, and helped everyone up: "Get up, everyone! There's no need to do this."

Immediately, Gu Hengsheng was lying on the back of the black donkey, and the chubby Shan Ling pinched Gu Hengsheng's calf, his face full of reluctance, probably because he was coerced by Gu Hengsheng.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Gu Hengsheng's figure gradually dissipated and disappeared.

In a certain chaotic space that was shattered, Gu Hengsheng's body and Jun Qingchen fought for a long time.

The two were tired, so they agreed to sit down and have a rest.

"Little brother, come here."

At this moment, the voice transmission of third senior brother Zhuge Haokong fell into Gu Hengsheng's ears.

Gu Hengsheng did not discuss with Jun Qingchen, and instantly tore the void and appeared in the chaotic space.

"Brother." Gu Hengsheng walked up to Zhuge Haokong.

"I don't think there will be any situation in a short time. Let's help brother reshape his physical body!"

Zhuge Haokong decided to go back to the Great World to take a good look, and missed his relatives in the master's school very much.

Beside Zhuge Haokong, there was another person standing, and that person was Tuobayun with a stern face.

"Okay." Gu Hengsheng had already prepared enough spiritual objects, enough for Zhuge Haokong to reshape his body.

Gu Hengsheng used his supernatural powers, and all kinds of fairy treasures were suspended around Zhuge Haokong.

Jun Qingchen was a little bored, he stood aside and watched this scene without making a move to disturb him.He can share life and death with Gu Hengsheng, but he will never make a surprise attack.

A few years later, traces of distortion appeared in the deepest space of the fairy world, and figures walked out of the twisted space.

This is the junction of fairyland and chaos, and everyone saw a person.

Su Lingchen, the former white-clothed fairy, was also the emperor who was revered by hundreds of millions of living beings.

Su Lingchen is still in a state of seclusion, and Xianwei is extremely strong.

"I didn't expect him to come to this step. It's not easy."

Jun Qingchen glanced at Su Lingchen who was retreating, slightly surprised.It seems that Su Lingchen's growth rate is indeed beyond Jun Qingchen's expectation.

"He is the emperor, so naturally he is not weak."

Zhuge Haokong came to the fairy world with a physical body, with a fairy demeanor and a peerless red dress.

(End of this chapter)

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