The sword rises

Chapter 2142 Everyone Reunites in the Tomb of Floating Life

Chapter 2142 Everyone Reunites in the Tomb of Floating Life

Chapter 140: Everyone Reunites in the Floating Life Tomb

Gu Hengsheng and the others returned to the Immortal Realm and appeared directly in the Floating Life Tomb.

When Zhuge Haokong returned to the Floating Life Tomb in his physical body, tears seemed to be rolling in his eyes.For everyone in the Tomb of Floating Life, Zhuge Haokong just left for thousands of years.

However, for Zhuge Haokong, he has experienced endless years.Countless times in the long river of time, Zhuge Haokong would lose himself and be completely annihilated, all supported by his obsession with his relatives.

"Three Senior Brothers!"

Seventh Senior Brother Chu Xiaoyao ignored Gu Hengsheng and rushed towards Zhuge Haokong with a bear hug.

Zhuge Haokong and Chu Xiaoyao hugged each other fiercely, and then kicked Chu Xiaoyao away, with disgust on his face: "It smells like wine."

Chu Xiaoyao smiled foolishly, his eyes flushed unconsciously.

"The third child." Dongfang Mo maintained a calm appearance, and his body couldn't help shaking, as if he was forcibly suppressing the joy and excitement in his heart.

The second senior sister, Meng Xiaoxiao, stood side by side with Dongfang Mo, a smile appeared on her previously cold face, and they stayed together for a long time.

"Senior brother, you are finally back!"

Fourth Senior Brother Wen Muxuan, Fifth Senior Sister Xiang Ruyu, Sixth Senior Brother Zhu Zhentian, Eighth Senior Brother Wukong Monk and others all called out loudly.

"I have met the third uncle."

An Chusheng and others bowed in awe, in awe.

For many years, the Tomb of Floating Life has never been so lively and joyful.

Looking at the relatives in front of him, Zhuge Haokong's lips trembled slightly, and a tear fell from his red eye socket.

In the void, Jun Qingchen and Tuoba Yun were shocked when they saw Zhuge Haokong crying.So it turns out that people like Zhuge Haokong have such a soft-hearted side?

The crowd chattered non-stop, and surrounded Zhuge Haokong.

At this time, Dongfang Mo looked at Jun Qingchen and Tuoba Yun, and said politely: "The visitor is a guest, please invite the two of you."

"Chusheng, bring tea and water."

Dongfang Mo looked at An Chusheng again, and ordered.

"Yes, Master."

An Chusheng immediately took out the excellent tea leaves and brewed them carefully, not daring to neglect the guests.

Jun Qingchen glanced at Gu Hengsheng, and thought in his heart that this kid drank so much of his fine wine and fairy brew, and he just came here to have a cup of tea, so he didn't take advantage of it.

Dongfang Mo and the others couldn't see the depth of Jun Qingchen and Tuobayun's cultivation, either they had a secret method to cover up their cultivation, or their strength was far superior to themselves and others.

Dongfang Mo's intuition told himself that the two strangers in front of him were not simple people, and their strength was definitely superior to his own.

There was a stone table, and four people were seated. They were senior brother Dongfang Mo, third senior brother Zhuge Haokong, Gu Hengsheng, and Jun Qingchen.

"As your servant, how dare you sit down and drink tea."

Originally, Dongfang Mo didn't intend to take a seat, so he asked Tuoba Yun to have a cup of tea.However, Tuoba Yun has been standing behind Zhuge Haokong, and has no such plan.

In this way, it was difficult for Dongfang Mo to refuse, and he sat down to entertain guests.He glanced at Jun Qingchen, didn't deliberately inquire about his identity, and chatted without saying a word.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Gu Hengsheng and Zhuge Haokong's face, Jun Qingchen, the master of the Immemorial Immortal Court, would never sit and drink tea with Dongfang Mo.

"Hey, if you don't want tea, why don't you come and have a glass of wine with me?"

A voice reached Tuoba Yun's ear.

Tuoba Yun turned his head and saw a handsome man walking slowly with two jugs of fine wine in his hand.This person is Bai Moli, the mascot raised by the gentlemen of the Fusheng Tomb.

"That's fine." Tuoba Yun was a little embarrassed standing here, and the pressure was enormous.

Then, Tuoba Yun, Bai Moli and the others found another quiet place to drink.

While drinking, Wen Muxuan, Chu Xiaoyao, and Monk Wukong were all present.They wanted to inquire about some news from Tuobayun, and they were very curious about how Tuobayun became the attendant of the third brother Zhuge Haokong.

"What is your name?"

Chu Xiaoyao asked very politely.

"I'm Tuobayun, I've met all of you."

If it was before, Tuoba Yun wouldn't even look at a group of people who didn't even have the realm of a great emperor.But the current situation is different, these people are all relatives of Mr. Fusheng Xianjun and Master Fusheng. Of course, Tuoba Yun has to curry favor and not offend.

"I don't think your excellency is weak, why are you willing to be my third senior brother's attendant?"

Wen Muxuan was straightforward and directly expressed his inner doubts.

"Following Mr. is my good luck."

Tuoba Yun said seriously.

Chu Xiaoyao and Monk Wukong kept silent all the time, they couldn't see anything about Tuobayun, so they didn't dare to underestimate it.

However, although Bai Moli has the cultivation base of the Nine Realms, his Taoism and vision are not good after all.Bai Moli walked up to Tuoba Yun's side, and put his arms around his shoulders: "Since you are Mr.'s attendant, from now on you can call me Brother Bai, and I will take good care of you."

"Okay, Brother Bai, I'll do it first as a respect."

Tuoba Yun picked up a jug of fine wine and drank it straight away.

Seeing this, Bai Moli turned his face immediately, pointed at Tuoba Yun's nose and cursed: "This is the immortal wine that I managed to get from Emperor Nangong, and you just ruined it like this?"

"Uh..." Tuoba Yun looked helplessly at Bai Moli's turned face, and murmured in his heart, "Is this also considered immortal wine?"

Immediately afterwards, Tuoba Yun took out a few pots of real immortal wine, which was brewed according to the principles of immortality, and a drop of it could be compared to the world's great medicine.

Just the scent of wine that wafted out made Chu Xiaoyao and the others a little confused, and even improved their cultivation.

Fairy wine!

Chu Xiaoyao and the others suddenly had a thought in their minds, they didn't dare to drink the wine rashly, but asked cautiously: "May I ask how old is Brother Tuoba this year? Where did this wine come from?"

Tuoba Yun pinched his fingers and said seriously: "I guess I have more than 6000 million years old! It's been too long, and I can't remember clearly."


Chu Xiaoyao, Bai Moli and the others jumped up in an instant, almost overturning the Zhenshan Formation of the Floating Life Tomb.

Everyone was terrified, and there was a shocking change in the way they looked at Tuoba Yun.

Bai Moli, who was about to call Tuoba Yun brothers and sisters just now, froze in an instant, and trotted all the way to Zhuge Haokong: "Mr. San, the guy you brought back said that he lived for more than 7 million years, is it true or not?"

"He is a fairy, and what he said is true."

Zhuge Haokong said lightly.


In an instant, the entire Fusheng Tomb was hard to be quiet, and Dongfang Mo, who had always been calm, was also dumbfounded and dumbfounded when he heard this sentence.

Third child, you have kidnapped a fairy and come back!Still a servant!

(End of this chapter)

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