The sword rises

Chapter 23 Comprehend Sword Intent!Cold Mang 4

Chapter 23 Comprehend Sword Intent!cold

Chapter 23 Comprehend the sword intent!cold

In the following days, Gu Hengsheng didn't waste time on Yan Chenge, but quietly comprehended the sword intent.

Although he hadn't achieved great sword intent in his previous life, he was not far behind.As for the reason why I feel the sword intent now, it is to let my body get familiar with it now.

As for Yan Chenge, who was also practicing the ghost way, he didn't dare to disturb Gu Hengsheng.

The sword rises, the wind rises.

Using his fingers as swords, Gu Hengsheng constantly polished his body, allowing his body to slowly accept and adapt.

While exercising his sword body and polishing his sword intent, Gu Hengsheng seemed to have fallen into a state of ecstasy.

From sunrise to sunset, ten days pass in the blink of an eye.

Gu Hengsheng's sword condensed with energy became more and more sharp, which made Yan Chenge, who was watching from the sidelines, feel a kind of heartache.

Suddenly, countless sword intents scattered in the sword market resonated with a buzzing sound, and strand after strand of sword light rose in all directions, covering the entire sky.

"What's going on?" Yan Chenge, who was waiting quietly at the side, suddenly tensed up. He had never seen such a thing happen to the sword intent in the sword market.

Countless lines of aloof and fierce sword energy filled Gu Hengsheng's body, making Yan Chenge's worry and shock stuck in his throat.Faced with so many sword qis, even Yan Chen, who was at the peak of the Lingxuan Realm, felt chills.

"A sword with a cold glow...thousands of miles between life and death!"

As Gu Hengsheng's thin lips murmured, the sharp sword in his hand suddenly exuded a strong sense of coldness.

With a stab of the sword, a crack of nearly 50 meters opened in front of Gu Hengsheng's body.

Countless sword qi circling in the void resonated with Gu Hengsheng's sword, and fell forward following Gu Hengsheng's thoughts.

bang bang bang...

In an instant, sword glows appeared everywhere, and many stones were turned into powder.

"This... this is..." Yan Chenge stood not far away watching this scene, his illusory lips turned white instantly and trembled, and murmured dully: "Sword intent!"

Before Yan Chenge came out of the shock, he saw Gu Hengsheng sitting cross-legged on the ground in one go.

Gu Hengsheng's aura became stronger and stronger, strands of profound energy coiled around his body, and the dazzling sunlight enveloped Gu Hengsheng, looking so proud.

Not long after, Gu Hengsheng's breath suddenly sank, and he groaned slightly: "After ten days of polishing, not only has the sword intent entered the realm of Xiaocheng, but also the cultivation base has reached the late stage of the Human Profound Realm, and it is barely passable. "

The sword has a spirit and can communicate.

After ten days of sword training, Gu Hengsheng wanted to re-understand the meaning of the sword and improve his strength to a higher level.

When Gu Hengsheng performed the first form of "Nine Swords of Qingsheng" before, he could only split a boulder.Now the sword intent is small, one strike can split the ground more than [-] meters.

It is conceivable how important sword intent is to a sword cultivator.However, among the sword cultivators, those who can comprehend the intent of the sword are rare among a million people.

"My lord... the cultivation base of the Human Profound Realm comprehends the sword intent! This..." Yan Chenge was stunned. In his memory, all those who could comprehend the sword intent were those at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm , and there is no one in a million in the Earth Profound Realm.

For a moment, Yan Chenge looked at Gu Hengsheng's eyes not only with shock, but also with passion.If you have been following the Lord, you may even have a slight chance to touch the realm of the Sky Profound Realm!
Gu Hengsheng's endless tricks have completely conquered Yan Chenge, presumably even if Gu Hengsheng drives him away, he will follow him relentlessly.

This is sword intent!The sword master a hundred years ago was able to wipe out a prosperous dynasty with a single sword because he had comprehended the meaning of the sword.Rao was such a heavenly genius like the Sword Master in the past, and he also comprehended the sword intent when he reached the peak of the Lingxuan Realm.

However, Gu Hengsheng stepped into the realm of sword intent at the late stage of the Human Profound Realm. In the future, there will be infinite possibilities.

"My lord must have been a supreme figure in the Profound Sky Realm, even... a supreme power beyond the Profound Sky Realm." Yan Chenge had never heard of anyone who could comprehend sword intent in the Profound Sky Realm, let alone Gu Hengsheng's powerful aura in the depths of his soul and the ghost cultivation technique given to him.

At this moment, Yan Chenge made up his mind to follow Gu Hengsheng to the death.Even if Gu Hengsheng drove him away, he would not leave even if he was beaten to death.

Gu Hengsheng clenched his fists tightly, deeply feeling that his strength had become much stronger.

"In nearly ten days, the Li family will have a formal showdown with my Gu family. It's time to go back and prepare."

When Gu Hengsheng thought about marrying into the Li family, he felt a little tricky.Because, this is not only decided by the old masters of the Gu family and the old man of the Li family, but also agreed by the current king's holy order.

"Yan Chenge, come here." Gu Hengsheng put his hands on his back lightly, and turned his head to look at Yan Chenge at the side.

Hearing this, Yan Chenge turned into a ray of light, and appeared in front of Gu Hengsheng in the blink of an eye and bowed down, his eyes were full of reverence, "My lord."

"You can't leave the Sword Market because your flesh and blood were buried here in the past, and the resentment of your soul and the Sword Market have caused a trace of cause and effect." Gu Hengsheng said softly: "Now I want to cover up your soul breath, so that I can leave the sword market." Take you away from the Sword Market."

"Thank you, Lord, for your action!" Yan Chenge showed a joyful smile with great excitement, he desperately wanted to leave this ghostly place and take a look at the bustling world.

"The process may be a bit uncomfortable, you have to hold back." Gu Hengsheng glanced at the sword market sword energy in the void with an indifferent expression.

"Yes." Yan Chenge answered hastily.


Is there a hundred years of loneliness floating in the sword market?
Do you feel uncomfortable being enveloped by countless sword qi?
Yan Chenge didn't care about the pain at all, he just wanted to leave here, even if he gave everything he had.

"That's good. Calm down, get rid of distracting thoughts, and don't resist." Gu Hengsheng saw that Yan Chenge was full of excitement, and he didn't take the pain in his words to heart at all. A deep smile flashed across his mouth .

Thus, under Gu Hengsheng's guidance, Yan Chenge began to attract his own breath.

"Mengtian's secret technique, using the soul as the medium and the soul as the medium, draws qi into the body, covering the dust and hiding the eyes." Gu Hengsheng made a strange mark with both hands, and then slammed towards Yan Chenge's forehead.

In an instant, Yan Chenge's body of resentful souls turned into countless illusory fragments, and a pair of shattered eyes floating in the void were bloodshot and extremely hideous.

"Coagulate! Together!"

Gu Hengsheng murmured softly.

His hands then squeezed towards Yan Chenge's shattered body of resentful souls, Yan Chenge's shattered souls were gathered together one by one, and condensed in Gu Hengsheng's palm.

Yan Chenge's face was extremely distorted, flickering as if his soul was going to fly away, his shattered mouth was opened as wide as a lantern, as if he was shouting, roaring ferociously, but he couldn't utter a single word at all. sound.

Soon, Gu Hengsheng squeezed Yan Chenge's resentful soul body into a palm-sized illusory spirit body.

Then, he led Yan Chenge, who had been squeezed into a big ball in the palm of his hand, towards the outside of the Sword Market...

(End of this chapter)

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