The sword rises

Chapter 24 Leaving the Sword Market

Chapter 24 Leaving the Sword Market
Chapter 24 Leaving the Sword Market
Outside the sword market, there are many stone mountains.

Gu Hengsheng controlled the Fa Jue with his hand, threw Yan Chenge's soul twisted into a palm-sized piece into the air, and then slowly began to piece it together.

One piece after another, the broken souls slowly moved in an orderly manner, and Yan Chenge's phantom body slowly took shape.

Not long after, when the last soul fragment was covered, Yan Chenge's phantom body returned to its original state.


At the first moment of soul reorganization, Yan Chenge looked up to the sky with a ferocious face and roared.

One roar after another rushed towards the sky like a stormy wave.Yan Chenge was roaring and shouting, his handsome face was extremely ferocious and terrifying, he seemed to be venting the depression that had been locked up in the sword market for a hundred years, and he seemed to be crying because of the severe pain of the soul shattering before.

After a long time, Yan Chenge came to a stop panting, his illusory body was trembling a little, it should be because the soul was shattered and reorganized before, the consumption was too great.

"Master...Master, please forgive me for being presumptuous." Yan Chenge turned to look at the calm and silent Gu Hengsheng, and bowed and cupped his fists in a respectful manner.

"I reminded you a long time ago, the process was a bit uncomfortable, do you believe it now?" Gu Hengsheng stared at Yan Chenge with a half-smile.

"It's okay, as long as you can come out, no amount of pain is worth it." Yan Chenge gritted his teeth, feeling the quiet aura around him, and felt that everything was worth it.

However, when Yan Chenge thought of the feeling of his soul being broken just now, an endless chill surged in his heart.That feeling is a hundred times crueler than Wanjian Piercing the Heart and Ling Chi cutting the flesh.

Seeing Yan Chenge's resolute answer, Gu Hengsheng couldn't help staring at him for a few seconds.

Gu Hengsheng has personally experienced the pain of Mengtian's secret technique.In his previous life, his time limit was approaching, and he was not allowed to use the power he had obtained by chance.

The art of reincarnation can restore the memory of the previous life when the current life is weak.

The technique of Mengtian is the first part of the technique of reincarnation. It needs to crush one's soul, erase one's karma, and break the connection with heaven.

In his previous life, Gu Hengsheng smashed his own soul with the cultivation base of the peak of the Profound Sky Realm. Compared with Yan Chenge's soul, it was more than a hundred times stronger, and his pain increased a hundred times.In this regard, even Gu Hengsheng's scalp tingled when he thought of the feeling of breaking and reorganizing his soul.

Yan Chenge's face was pale, his illusory body was crumbling, but he didn't dare to move rashly, and waited respectfully by Gu Hengsheng's side.

"You are still a body of resentful souls. Gather your aura so as not to be noticed by others, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Gu Hengsheng looked at Yan Chenge, and said in a slightly gentle tone: "Still Yes, I said that you don’t need to stick to the title, you don’t need to call yourself a servant, just be more casual.”

"Yes, my lord. I...I understand." Yan Chenge nodded in response.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng took out a long black robe from the package he carried with him, and asked Yan Chenge to put it on.Covering his illusory soul body in this way, as long as Yan Chenge doesn't act casually, others will not find out that his origin is a resentful soul.

Therefore, Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge walked towards the outside of the Sword Market, and their figures were getting farther and farther away from the place of the Sword Market.

Leaving the Sword Market, we passed by the dusty town where we came from.

Gu Hengsheng was wearing a white robe, and with Yan Chenge covered by the black robe, he stepped into the small restaurant where he stayed when he came.

In the lobby of the restaurant, there are still five or six tables scattered here and there.

At the corner of the wall, the gray old man was already calm in his own world, unhurriedly polishing a piece of heavy iron in his hand.

When Gu Hengsheng looked at the lobby of the restaurant, two men and a woman came into view. They were sitting at a table in the middle, drinking and chatting.

"Hey! Young master, welcome to the shop again." Following a crisp voice, Wen Ruomei came to Gu Hengsheng wearing a coarse floral dress, and said with a smile.

"Miss Wen, please serve some food and wine." Gu Hengsheng grinned slightly and smiled.

"Okay, young master, please wait a moment." Wen Ruomei replied hastily.

When she turned around and went back to the backyard to prepare the food and drink, Wen Ruomei's ethereal eyes lingered on the silent Yan Chenge for a few more seconds.Although she was very curious that Gu Hengsheng was alone ten days ago, but now there is an extra person next to him, but she would not ask.After all, if you open the door to do business, why bother to make a fuss about things you can ignore, it's better not to know about some things.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge sat at an empty table.

Yan Chenge's face was hidden under the loose black robe, but it couldn't stop him from looking around.He hadn't left the Sword Market for a hundred years, feeling the long-lost breath of life and the comfortable environment, he couldn't help showing a touch of excitement.

"Gulu..." Yan Chenge glanced at the two men and a woman at the table from the corner of his eyes, his throat rolled down uncontrollably, and he let out a slightly undetectable aura.

"Hmph!" Gu Hengsheng raised his eyes, stared at Yan Chenge pretending to be dissatisfied, and snorted coldly.

The body of resentful souls, excellent flesh and blood, especially the blood of living people.The first time Yan Chenge appeared in front of Gu Hengsheng, he couldn't help but want to devour Gu Hengsheng's vitality and flesh and blood.

Looking at Yan Chenge's behavior at the moment, Gu Hengsheng knew that his soul was a little hungry.

"Restrain me a bit, don't forget the path you are going to take in the future." Gu Hengsheng hit Yan Chenge's heart hard with a very small voice.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I will restrain myself." Hearing Gu Hengsheng's admonition, Yan Chenge immediately shivered, and the bloodthirsty and tyrannical emotions also subsided by most.

In the way of ghost cultivation, the most taboo thing is to take away life and suck the flesh and blood of living beings.Otherwise, the next nine catastrophes of heaven and earth will definitely be contaminated with the cause and effect of life and death, making it difficult to survive.

"Just understand." Yan Chenge's attitude made Gu Hengsheng a little satisfied, so he didn't say any more.

Soon, Wen Ruomei from the restaurant brought some food and wine for Gu Hengsheng to eat slowly.

During the ten days or so that he stayed in the Sword Market, he was eating dry food, and Gu Hengsheng felt that his mouth was a little dry.Now returning to Dust Town, it is natural to change the taste with some wine and vegetables.

Thus, Gu Hengsheng drank wine and ate meat, while Yan Chenge who was sitting with him was sitting upright and motionless.This scene was reflected in Wen Ruomei's ethereal eyes, and she couldn't help muttering curiously in her heart: "Strange person."

Yan Chenge is a soul body, without a physical body, there is no way to eat vegetables and drink alcohol.He hasn't eaten food and wine for a hundred years, but now he can only watch but not enjoy, Yan Chenge feels more aggrieved than anyone else.

"Miss, let's go back! Just here, I can feel the terrifying sword intent in the sword market. If I really step into the sword market, I'm afraid it's not safe." A 30-year-old man at the next table Facing the young girl next to him, he advised.

"No, I must go to the Sword Market. Only by finding Xingyue Grass can I heal my father's injury." The young woman clenched her powder fist unwillingly, and said with silver teeth.

Star Moon Grass?
Gu Hengsheng vaguely heard the conversation between the men and women at the next table, and then calmly drank the wine in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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