The sword rises

Chapter 262 Mr. Yun?

Chapter 262 Mr. Yun?
Chapter 260 Mr. Yun?
"On the present day, sighing at the world of mortals, bewildered by the prosperity of the world, dare to ask where is the road ahead?"

Many people looked at this sentence and fell into deep thought, wanting to know what Master Yu meant by this sentence.

Free to play in Fengxue Building for three days, this is a great thing in the world, and no one wants to give it up.Therefore, many scholars who thought they were well-versed in poetry and books began to lower their heads and muttered speculations.

At the door of Fengxue Tower, there were a dozen or so beauties standing there, making the hearts of all the young people at the door very hot.

A twenty-year-old girl stepped out from the gate, glanced at everyone with a smile like a flower, and said: "Young masters and masters, I have said that if someone can give an answer that satisfies him, then you can ask him Go to the third floor of Fengxue Tower and talk for three days."


All of a sudden, there was a commotion in the crowd.Originally, everyone thought that the first floor of Fengxue Building was free for three days, but who knew it was the third floor.

It is said that the beauties living on the third floor are all the beauties of Fengxue Tower. They never receive guests, but come out occasionally to play music and paint.

There was once a wealthy businessman who spent thousands of dollars to go to the third floor, but unfortunately he was invited out soon.Therefore, the third floor of Fengxue Building has become extremely mysterious, making countless people's imaginations run wild.

Now, everyone Yu actually said that as long as she answers the answer that satisfies her, she can drink freely on the third floor for three days. This undoubtedly aroused the thoughts in the hearts of countless people.

"It turned out to be the third floor, I must answer correctly." Many sons and scholars showed excited expressions, wanting to take a look at the third floor of Fengxue Building.

"The girl on the third floor of Fengxue Tower is much more wonderful than the seat card in Xuncheng Hualou. If she can go up to play for three days, it will be the day of the gods..."

"What is the answer, I must figure it out."

In the crowd, a series of noises began to rise.

"Everyone Yu said that everyone has only one chance to answer. Just write on the white paper and leave your name." The girl's crisp voice quickly covered up the noise of the crowd.

"There is only one chance..." Many people were eager to try it, but when they heard that there was only one chance, they became cautious and solemn.

Only half a quarter of an hour later, a scholar couldn't help but walked forward, went to the paper, ink, brush and inkstone placed aside to meditate for a while, then picked up the pen and dropped it.

A maid presented the scholar's answer, and came back soon after, shaking her head.

"Alas..." Shuchang sighed, and returned to the crowd unwilling to leave.

"I'm coming!" A vulgar man shouted, and also wrote a line.

It's just that it doesn't make any sense, and it's still ruled out by everyone in Fengxue Building.

In the next half an hour, more than 100 people went up, and everyone wrote down their own answers.However, all meaningless ones were rejected.

A series of lamentations resounded in the crowd, as if countless gold and silver treasures were lost, it was very uncomfortable.

"Brother Yun, what is written on it? Why is it so lively?" Xiao Heizi jumped up, looking very interested, and turned to Gu Hengsheng and asked.

"Nothing." Gu Hengsheng patted Xiao Heizi on the shoulder and said softly.

Then, Gu Hengsheng slowly squeezed forward from behind the crowd, trying to reach the gate of Fengxue Building.

"Brother Yun, where are you going?" Seeing this, Xiao Heizi immediately called softly.But soon, Xiao Heizi was squeezed to the back by many people, and he could only quietly watch Gu Hengsheng slowly shuttle through the crowd.

Thus, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Gu Hengsheng stepped onto the steps at the gate of Fengxue Building, and walked to the place where the paper, ink, brush and inkstone were placed.

"Who is this person? He's dressed in such rags, he couldn't be a beggar from the cave by the bridge to join in the fun!" Someone raised his tone with extreme disdain, as if he was a little dissatisfied.

"A stinky beggar is too wishful thinking!" A scholar couldn't help but said, he just lost the battle just now, and the depression in his chest happened to have no place to vent.

When Gu Hengsheng was about to write, a maid came over and asked sharply: "Come to me to answer the question in Fengxue Tower, why do you have to cover your face? Could it be that you are not visible?"

Gu Hengsheng raised his eyebrows slowly, and stared at the maid. The look of aloofness and disdain flashed in his eyes, which made the maid back a few steps in shock, almost falling to the ground.

Gu Hengsheng slowly turned his eyebrows to the girl in charge who was standing gracefully at the side, and said hoarsely: "Could it be that the people in the building stipulate that you have to prove your integrity before you can answer the question?"

The girl in charge didn't know why, when she saw Gu Hengsheng's eyes, she seemed to have fallen into an abyss and found it difficult to climb out.However, she soon came to her senses, bowed her body with a sinking heart, and said, "There is no such rule."

"Can I pick up my pen?" Gu Hengsheng pondered.

"Please, sir." The girl in charge couldn't tell Gu Hengsheng's age, so she had to call him "Mr." to show her respect.

Then, Gu Hengsheng began to write with a pen under the gaze of the young masters who were still confused.

As soon as the ink pen was lifted, vigorous and powerful characters slowly appeared on the white paper.

On the white paper, Gu Hengsheng first wrote two words - Tianxia.

Immediately afterwards, another line of words was written below it-the so-called flowers are not flowers, fog is not fog, no one knows your way, only you have the answer in your heart, so why ask others.If you are lost, look around the world, there are all roads.

The ink pen falls, and a word cloud is written at the end of the white paper.Then, Gu Hengsheng slowly turned around and left, hiding among the crowd.

A maid quickly handed Gu Hengsheng's white paper to Fengxue Building, and after a short while, the maid rushed out and shouted loudly, "Where is that Mr. Yun just now?"

In the crowd, no one answered, and many people looked at each other, at a loss.

"That beggar's answer just now won't satisfy everyone!" Someone said boldly, seeing the excited and anxious look of the maid.

In an instant, the people standing on the whole street became lively and began to chatter.

"No way! That person just now can attract everyone's attention?" Many scholars were unwilling to believe this fact and kept whispering.

Everyone present began to look around, trying to find Gu Hengsheng.

At the gate of Fengxue Building, the maid called again loudly: "Where is Mr. Yun?"

"Mr. Yun, please show up. Everyone, I invite you to come upstairs and have a drink together." The maid's voice echoed for a long time, causing an uproar among the crowd.

Unfortunately, there is still no answer.

Because, at this moment, Gu Hengsheng and Xiao Heizi had already set foot on the yellow mud path, heading towards the thatched hut.

(End of this chapter)

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