The sword rises

Chapter 263 Heading to Fengxue Building

Chapter 263 Heading to Fengxue Building

Chapter 260 Three Heading to Fengxue Tower

"Brother Yun, what did you just write?" Xiao Heizi asked Gu Hengsheng curiously, holding some sundries and a pot of wine in his hand on the yellow mud path.

"It's just a few words, nothing more." Gu Hengsheng had already taken off the coarse cloth covering his face at this time, revealing more ferocious blood-black thin lines.

"Brother Yun, hehe..." Xiao Heizi scratched his head hesitantly, as if he was a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Gu Hengsheng asked, watching Xiao Heizi's fluctuating expression.

"I didn't know a lot of big characters since I was a child. Can Brother Yun teach me? I also want to learn to write. I will be able to read medical books in the future, and I will be one step closer to becoming a pharmacist."

Xiao Heizi laughed a couple of times in embarrassment, then stared at Gu Hengsheng with pleading eyes.

"Okay." Gu Hengsheng patted Xiao Heizi's shoulder disapprovingly, and smiled.

"Hey." Little Heizi grinned.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng and Xiao Heizi slowly returned to the thatched cottage.

At this moment, many people were sent from the Fengxue Building in Wenxing Town to look for the person who left the word "Yun", but unfortunately they couldn't find it after all, and there was a burst of lively noise in the town.

In the following days, Gu Hengsheng seldom went out, and stayed in the thatched hut to meditate, or waited for Xiao Heizi to be free, and then taught him to read and write.

The breeze was rustling, rolling up bursts of yellow sand all over the sky.

The land of a hundred kingdoms seems to have calmed down on the surface, but it is becoming more and more undercurrent.It seems that all the major dynasties have emerged Tianjiao, which is several times more than the Tianjiao before the Battle of Tianxu.

When the great world comes, it is inevitable that the heavenly pride will fight for the top.

After the Battle of Tianxu, the power of Heaven has weakened a little, the aura between heaven and earth has become much stronger, and the force of restraint hidden in nothingness has also decreased.

Therefore, today's Land of Hundred Kingdoms can be said to be full of arrogance.

The world says, this is a new era!The era of the great pride of the world!
A piece of news came like a storm, sweeping across the entire land of a hundred kingdoms in an instant.Xia Chengguo and Moyang Kingdom of the upper dynasties and many middle dynasties issued a statement:
Since the geniuses of the major dynasties have sprung up like bamboo shoots, no one in the land of a hundred countries can use weapons again, so that the geniuses of all countries will compete for the rankings.The higher the ranking, the dynasty it belongs to will reduce the tribute and get a lot of rewards.

This statement is the result of joint discussions among many dynasties, because they all know that this world will eventually belong to a new generation of heroes.Therefore, in order to reduce the bloodshed of the major dynasties, this rule was formulated.

The most important thing is that the one who made this proposal is Dugu Shang, the sword master who is now standing at the top of the Hundred Kingdoms!
Who would dare to defy the words of Sword Master?
Therefore, the dynasties of the Hundred Kingdoms have seconded the proposal and agreed to Jian Zun's proposal, and no one objected.Even though this statement would affect the interests of many dynasties, no one dared to have the slightest dissatisfaction, and they all agreed.

Thus, the Land of the Hundred Kingdoms officially opened a new chapter!Swordsmanship has been stopped throughout the land of a hundred countries, not daring to risk the disobedience of the world and cause chaos.

In the battle for the pride of the hundred nations, each dynasty can send three people to go there for a while to fight for the interests of the dynasty they belong to.

Time flies, and two months have passed in the blink of an eye, and October has passed since the Battle of Tianxu.

Gu Hengsheng has completely recovered his basic mobility, but the traces of blood-black thin lines and cracks on his body still show no sign of receding.

"You can't sit still, it looks like it's going to go out."

Gu Hengsheng could feel that his soul was a mess, and his body was full of cracks. He absolutely couldn't procrastinate any longer, or he would be in trouble if his injuries got worse.

"Little Heizi, follow me to the town today!"

Gu Hengsheng looked at Xiao Heizi who was arranging herbs in the courtyard, and called softly.

"Brother Yun, these herbs can't be sold for a lot of money, and I plan to pick them for another two days and go to the town? Brother Yun, is there something going on in the town?"

Little Heizi turned around slowly and looked at Gu Hengsheng with a pair of crystal clear eyes.

"Let's go! Brother Yun will take you to eat delicious food." Gu Hengsheng slowly covered his face with a piece of coarse cloth, and then smiled meaningfully.

"Delicious?" Xiao Heizi frowned, not knowing what Gu Hengsheng was trying to trick.When did Brother Yun become rich?How come there is something delicious?

"Let's go! It's still early, so I guess it won't be dark until we reach the town." As soon as Gu Hengsheng finished speaking, he walked forward with empty hands.

Although Gu Hengsheng's cultivation was exhausted and his soul was wounded, every step he took was still full of Dao rhymes, unlike ordinary people.

After being stunned for a moment, Little Heizi had no choice but to put down what he was doing, and followed closely behind Gu Hengsheng: "Brother Yun, wait for me."

Soul wounds cannot be healed without heaven and earth treasures, especially for people like Gu Hengsheng, who need heaven and earth treasures even more.Ordinary spiritual herbal medicines for healing the soul can at most relieve Gu Hengsheng's soul injury, but they are not very effective.

If Gu Hengsheng wants to recover, he still has to find a large number of real spiritual treasures by himself.If not, I'm afraid that Gu Hengsheng's soul will be completely eroded by the Tao injury in a few years, and he will disappear in the ruins.

Gu Hengsheng looked up, as if he could see an endless white line spanning the entire sky.And this white line is Wanli Tianxu, the Tianxu that Gu Hengsheng cut out with his last sword.

Before he knew it, Gu Hengsheng and Xiao Heizi stepped into Wenxing Town, and the sky was still relatively bright.

"Brother Yun, where are we going?" Xiao Heizi asked directly in bewilderment, not knowing what Gu Hengsheng wanted to do.

"Fengxue Building." Gu Hengsheng whispered, relying on his own memory, he walked slowly towards the bustling area of ​​this street step by step.

"Feng... Fengxue Building?" Xiao Heizi was startled, and immediately ran to Gu Hengsheng's side, surprised: "Brother Yun, what are we going there for? Only rich and important people can go in. look..."

"It's okay." Gu Hengsheng pursed his thin lips lightly, and said calmly: "If Fengxuelou doesn't invite us in, then let's change places."

"Brother Yun, this..." Little Heizi called Gu Hengsheng timidly, but hesitated to speak.

"Don't worry, if what I expected is correct, Fengxue Tower will invite us in." Gu Hengsheng patted Xiao Heizi, gave him a reassuring look, and let Xiao Heizi's slightly restless mood slowly calmed down.

"Okay!" Little Heizi took a deep look at Gu Hengsheng, gritted his teeth and nodded, "I trust Brother Yun."

Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly, and walked towards Fengxue Building in Wenxing Town together with Xiao Heizi.

(End of this chapter)

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