The sword rises

Chapter 27 Why?sword!

Chapter 27 Why?sword!
Chapter 27 Why?sword!
Gu Hengsheng's words made the old man feel like he recalled some past events back then, and there seemed to be a faint memory in his eyes.

However, the old man quickly recovered his expression, and snorted coldly: "Do you think that with a few arrogant and conceited words, the old man can sharpen your sword for you?"

As soon as the old man said the words, he thought of the scene a hundred years ago. At that time, the man only said a few words, and then let himself spend ten years sharpening his sword.

Every time I think about this place, the old man feels a little bewildered, and he doesn't know why he agreed so easily.Maybe it was because of that person's unwavering character back then, or maybe it was because that person was very sympathetic to my appetite.

In short, that person is no longer there, and there is no one like him in the world anymore.

"What I said, I can definitely do it." Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly, without any burden at all.To him, the Land of Hundred Kingdoms is just a place of training, and he will definitely be able to return to the Realm of Profound Sky and overlook hundreds of millions of living beings.

Both Yan Chenge and Wen Ruomei fell into a horrified silence with complicated emotions.

"Why?" The old man turned around, and still said the previous sentence.

He is old and can't afford to toss, maybe he won't be able to sharpen a few swords in this life.Therefore, he didn't dare to gamble at will. Without the enthusiasm of the past, now he just wants to find someone who is truly worthy of his sword, so that the sword he polished can reach its peak again.

The old man's voice lingered inside and outside the small restaurant for a long time without dispersing.

At this moment, Gu Hengsheng's eyes darkened, his breath came together, his index finger turned into a sword, and he raised his hand to slash outside the restaurant door.

A sound of thunder suddenly came together.

Fingers are like swords, qi is like awns, and the sword lights shoot out in all directions, splitting a crack of more than [-] meters.

"Sword Intent!"

The moment Gu Hengsheng made his move, the old man's hunched body suddenly shook, his sunken eyes shrank sharply, and he exclaimed.

In the beginning, because Gu Hengsheng used the technique of Mengtian, his cultivation was hidden, so others couldn't see it at all.Now that Gu Hengsheng's profound energy swung out his sword energy, the old man realized that Gu Hengsheng's cultivation was only at the late stage of the Human Profound Realm.

"Relying on the cultivation of the Human Profound Realm to control the sword intent, is this possible?"

What kind of talent is it to cultivate at the Human Profound Realm and to comprehend the meaning of the way of the sword?The lonely Shang of the past did not have such a peerless posture.

The old man's sarcasm, suspicion, and indifference just now became more and more shocking and fiery.

The old man stared at the cracked ground with hollow and deep eyes, and his body trembled in horror again, because he found that the sword energy on the crack had not dissipated for a long time, permeating the surroundings, and exclaimed: "Sword intent is small! Realm! How is it possible!"

At this moment, the old man's chapped lips kept trembling slightly, his eyes were filled with shock when he looked at Gu Hengsheng, and all kinds of huge waves rolled up in his heart, which could not be calmed down.

Yan Chenge, who was watching from the side, took a deep breath, trying to keep calm.Although he already knew that Gu Hengsheng had comprehended the sword intent, but watching this scene again, he still couldn't feel relieved.

And Wen Ruomei was stunned for a long time, and couldn't help but uttered a twitching sentence: "Ah! My restaurant! You bastard! You actually smashed my shop!"

"..." Seeing Wen Ruomei's unusual reaction, Yan Chenge twitched the corners of his mouth blankly, expressing that he no longer understood the world.

This is sword intent!Or is it the sword intent comprehended by the Lord through the Human Profound Realm cultivation base!This girl's film actually... actually said that the Lord destroyed her small restaurant.Yan Chenge secretly covered his chest, feeling that his soul was a little suffocated.

Wen Ruomei has a transparent heart, she has never heard of her grandfather talking about cultivation since she was a child, and her own cultivation in the early stages of the Human Profound Realm is still based on her own cultivation, so how would she know what sword intent means.

All she knew was that the restaurant she had worked so hard to build was smashed, and it might not be able to open normally for a long time.Angrily, she put her hands on her willow waist, planning to come over to settle accounts with Gu Hengsheng.

"Xiaomei, step back! Don't be unreasonable." Before Wen Ruomei walked to Gu Hengsheng's side, the old man sternly scolded Wen Ruomei.

"Oh, grandpa." Hearing the old man's words, Wen Ruomei could only puff out her pink cheeks and let go of the anger that was rising to the sky.

"Old man, what do you think now?" Gu Hengsheng asked calmly with a faint smile.

The white-haired old man closed his eyes, took a deep breath, suppressed the shock and complex emotions in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Boy, how long ago did you comprehend the sword intent, and it has reached the realm of Xiaocheng."

"This life is full of calculations, and I have been practicing swords for about ten days." Gu Hengsheng replied seriously: "Well...just a few days ago."

ten days?Small success in sword intent?
"..." Speechless, the old man felt that the corners of his mouth were not his own anymore, he was twitching non-stop, he could hardly describe his inner feelings.

The old man didn't notice the present life that Gu Hengsheng said, but even if he did, he would never have guessed that Gu Hengsheng was the reincarnation of a strong man at the peak of the Sky Profound Realm in his previous life.

Gu Hengsheng did not lie, he only practiced swords for about ten days in this life.

"Old man, talk! You haven't answered me yet. Would you like to sharpen a sword for me?"

Why didn't Gu Hengsheng know the shock and collapse of the old man's heart at this moment, but Gu Hengsheng wanted this result, otherwise how could he be able to make a move against this proud master craftsman.

The old man's chest heaved and heaved, he turned his head to Wen Ruomei, who had an aggrieved expression on his face, gritted his teeth and said, "Xiaomei, go and take out the black sword case from the old man's room."

"Oh." Wen Ruomei murmured and then followed the old man's instructions and took out a black sword case about 1.2 meters long.

Gu Hengsheng looked at the sword case Wen Ruomei held in his arms, then at the old man with a dark face, and asked, "What is the meaning of this sword?"

"Open it and see if it fits." The old man said with his chest heaving up and down, trying to suppress his shock.

Hearing this, Gu Hengsheng slowly opened the black sword case that Wen Ruomei took out.

The sword box was opened, and a three-foot green blade exuding spiritual energy came into Gu Hengsheng's eyes.

The sword is three feet long, the hilt is silver-black, and the edge is sparkling without any clutter, and there are strands of green light attached to the edge of the blade.

"Sword, what's its name?" Seeing this, Gu Hengsheng's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help stretching out his right hand to stroke the three-foot green blade.

"Jinghong." The old man snorted coldly.

"Shocking sword... one sword shocks thousands of blood..." Gu Hengsheng muttered, then drew his sword, and couldn't help but slashed at the door again.

Suddenly, a ray of coldness rose.

In this regard, Wen Ruomei's beautiful eyes flashed, and then she turned to the sky and roared, furiously swearing: "My old lady's restaurant! You bastard, you still want to tear it down!"

(End of this chapter)

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