The sword rises

Chapter 28 Promise!

Chapter 28 Promise!

Chapter 28 Promise!

Seeing the two shattered sharp sword marks on the broken restaurant door, Wen Ruomei stared at Gu Hengsheng viciously, clenched her teeth, her chest sank as if she was trying her best to suppress the riot in her heart.

A 50-meter sword glow rose from the ground, and a crack nearly 80 meters deep and three inches deep, the former one was the result of Gu Hengsheng's sword with Qi, and the latter one was the result of swinging the Jinghong Sword.

Holding the Jinghong Sword in his hand, his power has been increased by nearly [-]%, it is really a precious sword.

"Excellent sword! It is indeed from the hand of an old man, and it is absolutely unmatched by extraordinary products." Gu Hengsheng nodded to the old man very satisfied.

From the first moment he held the Jinghong Sword, Gu Hengsheng knew that this sword was not ordinary, but a sword that had already reached the mid-level spiritual level or even infinitely close to the top-level.

"Of course, the sword polished by the old man is of extraordinary quality." The old man was very pleased with Gu Hengsheng's words. For him, it was a hundred times more comfortable for others to praise the sword he polished than to compliment him.

"However, old man, you won't let me use this Jinghong sword all the time! This should not suit your temperament." Gu Hengsheng likes this Jinghong sword very much, but with the improvement of his cultivation, in the future, the Jinghong sword It will help him less and less.

"It's just a little doll in the Human Profound Realm, so ambitious, hum!" the old man glanced at Gu Hengsheng angrily, and snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Gu Hengsheng didn't feel anything wrong, he just kept silent with a smile on his face, because he knew that the old man had something to say next.

"Three years later, if you can go further, come here to find the old man!" The old man looked at the piece of heavy iron beside him with a look of arrogance: "This piece of heavy iron, the old man has used it for ten years. Time has worn away the impurities. Now, in just three years, this old man can forge a peerless sword that surpasses the past."

The old man looked at Shen Tie's eyes full of cherishment. He spent countless efforts to get this piece of Shen Tie, just to be able to exhaust all his life's knowledge and polish a sword that is unparalleled in the world.

Originally the old man was still thinking, if the sword is sharpened, who in this world can be worthy of this sword.Looking at Gu Hengsheng now, he knew that the future sword wielder had already appeared.

"Okay, three years later, I will go to Chensha Town in person, find the master, and ask for the sword."

At this time, Gu Hengsheng was no longer aloof, but bowed respectfully to the old man.

The old man didn't say the price of Jinghong Sword, nor did he say what conditions he needs to polish the sword.Because, his sword is priceless, and worldly gold and silver cannot measure its value at all.

Gu Hengsheng didn't ask the old man about the rewards, because he had already promised that the sword polished by the old man would suppress hundreds of nations in the future and coerce nine days.

The two of them tacitly agreed that they would not stain the sword with ordinary gold and silver objects.Also, they did not report each other's family and names, because these are not important.The important thing is that three years later, the old man will polish the sword and wait for Gu Hengsheng to arrive; and Gu Hengsheng will return to Chensha Town three years later to ask the old man for the peerless sword.

If nothing else, this is the promise.

Gu Hengsheng turned around slowly, and saw Wen Ruomei who seemed about to burst into flames.

Facing Wen Ruomei's charming and angry face, and looking at the Jinghong Sword in his hand, Gu Hengsheng coughed a little embarrassedly, and then took out a silver ticket worth a thousand taels from his pocket: "Wen Miss, I was really embarrassed just now, here is a 1000 tael silver bill as compensation, do you think it will work?"

In the blink of an eye, Wen Ruomei took the thousand taels of banknotes handed over by Gu Hengsheng, and carefully lowered her head to confirm the authenticity of the banknotes.After reading the stamp on the bank note several times, Wen Ruomei directly stuffed it tightly around her willow waist.

Then, the anger on Wen Ruomei's delicate face disappeared without a trace, and she said softly to Gu Hengsheng with winking eyes like silk: "Young master, do you want to try your hand at swinging a few swords?"

"..." Gu Hengsheng and others heard this.

Wen Ruomei's beautiful eyes were full of joy, but the gate was damaged, so she made 1000 taels of silver for nothing, this deal is too good.If Mr. Gu is allowed to swing a few more swords, will he make a lot of money right away?Thinking of this, Wen Ruomei felt that she was so smart, and her red lips showed two small canine teeth.

Fortunately, this was just Wen Ruomei's inner thoughts, if the old man knew about it, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood.Not to mention the treasured sword three years later, the Jinghong Sword taken away by Gu Hengsheng, is a priceless treasure that cannot be measured in gold or silver at all.

"It's time for the girl to get in touch with real practice. Otherwise, when will this girl be cheated and still help others lose money, it's too embarrassing."

Seeing Wen Ruomei's appearance as a rich ghost, the old man secretly covered his chest and head, feeling a little headache.

Gu Hengsheng did not stay in Chensha Town, and left the restaurant directly with Yan Chenge.

And Wen Ruomei seemed a little bit reluctant to hope that Gu Hengsheng would stay and rest for the night. After all, she took 1000 taels of silver notes and took such a huge advantage, so she still felt a little guilty.

Watching Gu Hengsheng's leaving back, lowering his head and contemplating the two sword intents vertically and horizontally at the door, the old man slowly raised his head, and muttered to himself: "In the past, Dugu Shang comprehended the sword intent in the Lingxuan Realm, But now this kid has climbed to the realm of Xiaocheng Sword Intent with the cultivation of Human Profound Realm."

"The land of a hundred countries in the future, I'm afraid it will become extremely exciting..." The old man closed his eyes, and slowly fell into the memories of a hundred years ago, as if he saw the young man standing in front of him in the past scene.


Leaving Chensha Town, Gu Hengsheng carried the black sword case with the Jinghong Sword on his back, and led Yan Chenge to walk forward quickly.

Originally, Gu Hengsheng just planned to go to the sword market to polish his sword body and practice sword intent, but he never thought that he would meet Yan Chenge, and the most surprising thing was that he got a good sword in his hand.

The trip to the Sword Market lived up to expectations.

"My lord, where are we going now?" Yan Chenge asked Gu Hengsheng respectfully from the bottom of his heart.

"Go to the nearby city to rectify first, then buy two fast horses, and return to Beijing as soon as possible." Gu Hengsheng looked at the majestic city wall in front of him, and his pace slightly accelerated.

"Yes, my lord." Through the previous relationship, Yan Chenge already knew the origin of Gu Hengsheng's origin from the Gu family in the capital of Tianfeng Kingdom.

Thus, a master and a servant stepped into the city under the starry sky of the dark night.

Yishan City is the name of this city.

After Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge went to the city, they quickly found a larger restaurant and inn to stay and rest.

There are only a few days left before the business meeting in January that the old man of the Li family said.

The matter of marrying into the Li family is even more imminent...

(End of this chapter)

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