The sword rises

Chapter 29 Arriving at Yishan City

Chapter 29 Arriving at Yishan City

Chapter 29 Arrival in Yishan City

In the inn in Yishan City, Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge silently found a remote place to drink and eat quietly.

One master and one servant seemed a bit inconspicuous in the huge inn.

The noisy voices in the inn rushed towards Gu Hengsheng's ears like a wave.

"I heard that the Sun family has already summoned many families in the city, and they plan to deliver the ultimatum to the Ning family tomorrow." In the lobby of the inn, a warrior said without hesitation.

"Who doesn't know about this matter, the entire Yishan City has been making a fuss because of this matter in the past two days."

"At the beginning, the Ning family was one of the best families in our Yishan City. Unfortunately, the head of the Ning family was seriously injured a few months ago, and now he has been reduced to being bullied by the Sun family."

Someone sighed with regret.

A burst of noisy discussions rose up, most of them were discussing what would happen to the Sun family and the Ning family tomorrow.

Gu Hengsheng, who was sitting in an inconspicuous corner, didn't pay any attention to these things, and just drank on his own.As for Yan Chenge, he sat upright and motionless, not daring to show any disrespect in front of Gu Hengsheng.

As the sky got darker and darker, the people in the lobby of the inn seemed to be left in twos and threes.

Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge rested in the inn, waiting for the arrival tomorrow, and then bought two fast horses and rushed back to the capital.

After a night of silence, the sky soon dawned.

After paying the money, Gu Hengsheng asked the inn boy where he could buy a fast horse, and left the inn with Yan Chenge.

Walking on the streets of Yishan City, Gu Hengsheng watched many people rushing in one direction, and murmured, "What happened?"

Seeing many people rushing in one direction, Gu was slightly puzzled and stopped thinking about it.

After a while, Gu Hengsheng arrived at a stable that sells horses that the inn boy said.

Pushing open the wooden door of the stable, Gu Hengsheng saw a dozen majestic horses tied to the posts.However, no one was seen: "Is anyone there?"

After Gu Hengsheng's words fell for a long time, a middle-aged woman came quickly from the depths of the stable. She carefully looked at Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge, who had covered her face, and then asked with a chuckle. : "Two sons, what's the matter?"

"Buy two fast horses." Gu Hengsheng said straight to the point.

"This..." The middle-aged woman grinned in embarrassment and said, "You two young masters, this is really a coincidence. The head of the house has just left, and I, a woman, cannot make decisions."

"Going out?" Gu Hengsheng looked at the helplessness in the woman's eyes and said softly.

From the expression and words of the middle-aged woman, Gu Hengsheng knew that the woman might not be able to decide to sell the horse to him.

"Then may I ask if there are other places that sell fast horses in Yishan City?" Gu Hengsheng asked the woman politely after pondering for a while.

"My lord, there should be no horse selling places nearby. There are several places that are either in the farthest west of the city, or are monopolized by some big families." The woman thought for a while, and then answered kindly, no. Half a lie.

Gu Hengsheng frowned and said, "How long will it take for those who can make decisions here to come back?"

Since ancient times, the status of ordinary women has been very low. Therefore, women do not have the courage to decide to sell horses to Gu Hengsheng.Gu Hengsheng also knew the woman's helplessness and did not persecute her.

"The head of the family went to the Ning's house to watch the fun, and he probably won't be back for a while." The woman pointed in the direction of the Ning's house cautiously, and smiled apologetically.

"En." Gu Hengsheng could only nod his head.

Therefore, Gu Hengsheng didn't linger, turned around and left here.

Yan Chenge couldn't understand why Gu Hengsheng was polite to an ordinary person. If they really needed to be in a hurry, with their cultivation, there were many ways to easily get a fast horse and rush back to the capital.

Although Yan Chenge was puzzled, he didn't ask.Because he knows what to say and what not to say.

Gu Hengsheng will not show any kindness to cultivators and warriors, but to ordinary people, Gu Hengsheng will not use power to overwhelm them.Dao Xin, this is something that Gu Hengsheng has comprehended in his previous life. He will never do things that bully ordinary people for no reason, as it will affect his state of mind and cultivation.

"My lord, where are we going now? Do you want me to get two fast horses?" Yan Chenge knew how to measure, every step he took was behind Gu Hengsheng's side and would not overstep.

"Ning's house in Yishan City, let's go and see the excitement!" Gu Hengsheng looked at the direction of the crowd rushing past on the street, and said softly.

The Ning family, one of the largest big families in Yishan City, was blocked by a group of small and medium families led by the Sun family today.

If the Patriarch of the Ning family hadn't been injured, the Sun family would definitely not dare to offend the Ning family openly.But now, the Sun family surrounded the entire Ning family without any scruples.

As for the reason, nothing more than the word interest.

At the gate of the Ning family, many people gathered, the leader was a middle-aged man with two beards, he was the head of the Sun family, Sun Mocheng.

Behind Sun Mocheng, there are some respectable patriarchs in Yishan City, who are heavenly figures in the eyes of common people.

"Ning Shan, why don't you invite me to sit in the mansion later?"

Sun Mocheng looked at the closed door of the Ning family, sneered, and shouted loudly.

"Patriarch Ning, this is the end of the matter. If your Ning family hand over the property in the west and east of the city, I won't be too embarrassed." A man standing behind Sun Mocheng also yelled.

After a while, the door of the Ning family opened slowly.

A middle-aged man with pale complexion and torch-like eyes stepped out. He is the pillar of the Ning family, Ning Shan.On the left side of the man, a young girl as green as jade gently supported him, her beautiful eyes looking at everyone were full of resentment.

"It's this girl..." In the crowd, Gu Hengsheng looked at the young girl who came out of Ning's house, and said to himself from the bottom of his heart.

Ning Xi, the eldest lady of the Ning family, is the daughter of Ning Shan.She was the girl who was in Chensha Town and wanted to find Xingyue Grass in the Sword Market, and had a relationship with Gu Hengsheng once.

"Although Xingyue Grass is a second-grade spiritual herb, it has miraculous effects in healing internal injuries." Gu Hengsheng muttered to himself as he looked at Ning Xi, who had a delicate and angry face on her fair cheeks.

Yan Chenge also seemed to have discovered that Ning Xi was the girl who had appeared in Chensha Town before, he just squinted his eyes slightly, and there was no mood swing.After all, there are many people who meet by chance in this world, so there is nothing strange about it.

At this moment, Ning Shan, who stepped out of the gate of the Ning family, glanced coldly at the heads of the many families, burst out with the aura of the middle stage of the Spirit Profound Realm, and said fiercely: "Hmph! You have such a big appetite, you actually want to take me directly!" The Ning family's property in the west and east of the city will cut off the lifeblood of my Ning family. Do you really think that I, Ning Shan and the Ning family, are easy to bully?"

(End of this chapter)

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