The sword rises

Chapter 30 Breaking Four Limbs?

Chapter 30 Broken Limbs?

Chapter 30 Broken Limbs?

Although Ning Shan was seriously injured, the aura of the martial artist in the Spirit Profound Realm burst out, and many others couldn't help but take half a step back.

Sun Mocheng snorted coldly, and then said: "Ning Shan, you are already at the end of your battle. If you don't hand over the Ning family property today, I'm afraid there will be no Ning family in Yishan City in the future."

Sun Mocheng's words made many people gasp.

Looking at the battle of the Sun family, regardless of whether the Ning family handed over the family property today, the Sun family would probably have the Ning family expelled from Yishan City!

"Sun Mocheng, you can give it a try." Ning Shan glared, and took a fierce step in the direction of Sun Mocheng and others, immediately billowing up waves of dust and smoke.

The people watching this scene couldn't help but clenched their fists tightly, and cold sweat broke out in their hands.

Many people know that after today, the Ning family's status in Yishan City may not be worthy of its name, and it may even be expelled from the city if it is on the verge of decline.

Seeing the confrontation between the Ning family and the Sun family, and when a war was about to break out, an extremely soft voice broke the oppressive atmosphere.

"Does the Ning family have fast horses?"

Gu Hengsheng passed through many crowds, past the places of the Sun family and other families, stood in front of Ning Shan, and asked calmly.

Yan Chenge followed closely beside Gu Hengsheng in silence, without any mood swings.As far as he was concerned, in the remote town of Yishan City, there was absolutely nothing that could threaten him and Gu Hengsheng.

Faced with the sudden Gu Hengsheng and his questioning, not only Ning Shan and other members of the Ning family were stunned for a moment, but even the Sun family and the crowd of onlookers were also stunned.

It's him!

Ning Xi, who was beside Ning Shan, heard the reputation and saw Gu Hengsheng's slender figure, her beautiful eyes flashed with doubt.

When she was in Chensha Town before, it was this person who told her that there was no Xingyue Grass around Jianxuan, so she rushed back to Ning's house, trying to find other ways, but who knew that she ran into Ning's house that was approaching fiercely.

"This is not the place for you to stay, hurry up and leave." Ning Xi looked at Gu Hengsheng who had a calm face, and quickly reprimanded him in a cold voice.

When she was in Chensha Town, Gu Hengsheng kindly reminded her, so at this moment, she didn't want an ordinary person without any fluctuations in cultivation to get involved in the dispute between the two big families, and it was considered a repayment of her words of persuasion.

However, Gu Hengsheng ignored Ning Xi's words at all, but looked directly at Ning Shan, who was majestic but somewhat weak, and asked plainly: "Although the Ning family is not a big family, it should be Keep some good horses."

Ning Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Gu Hengsheng who looked like Mr. Pianpianjia, his heart was filled with complex emotions.

Ning Xi, who was standing beside Ning Shan, stared at this scene, gritted her white teeth lightly showing a look of coquettish anger, and whispered to herself: "I really don't know how to live or die, can this person not understand the situation in front of me? "

"The breath is calm, no different from ordinary people. Could it be that these two are fools?" Ning Shan looked at Gu Hengsheng in front of him and Yan Chenge who covered his face and figure, and said to himself in his heart with a slight frown .

Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge naturally covered their aura and cultivation, as long as they are not people with high cultivation, ordinary people can't see through it at all.Ning Shan is just a martial artist in the middle stage of the Spirit Profound Realm, so how can he see clearly.

"You two, my Ning family does have some strong horses, what's the matter?"

Even in Ning Shan's eyes, Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge are ordinary people, but with his years of hard work experience, he can't draw conclusions from the surface.Therefore, under such circumstances, he still responded politely.

"I want to buy two fast horses from the Ning family. I'm in a hurry." Gu Hengsheng said lightly.

When Gu Hengsheng was indifferent, he would usually call himself "my young master". After all, he had been a dandy in the capital for so many years, and for some time to come, he would still need this dandy who was just waiting to die to hide himself.

buy a horse?

Go to Ning's house to buy horses?
Moreover, he came out of this urgent situation in front of him. I'm afraid this person has something wrong with his brain, right?
Suddenly, many people onlookers secretly shook their heads, and began to mourn for Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge.

In the eyes of everyone, Gu Hengsheng would be kicked out by the Ning family at most if it were normal.But showing up in this situation is tantamount to slapping the Sun family and others in the face, and I'm afraid there will be no good end.

"Where did you come from, get out of here!" Sun Mocheng's face was slightly livid, and he shouted thunderously at Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge.

court death!

Yan Chenge raised his eyes suddenly, and the scarlet eyes looked at Sun Mocheng under the cover of the black robe.

However, just when Yan Chenge was about to make a move, Gu Hengsheng turned his head and glanced at Yan Chenge lightly, telling him to restrain himself.Of course Yan Chenge didn't dare to disobey Gu Hengsheng's order, the next moment he lowered his head like an ordinary person, and didn't make any further movements.

"You two, my Ning family does not sell horses, so you should look elsewhere!" Ning Shan glanced at Sun Mocheng indifferently, then turned to Gu Hengsheng and replied solemnly.

There is absolutely no need for two ordinary young people to get involved in the family dispute in Yishan City. Although Ningshan is not a good person, he doesn't want to see the Sun family involve other people.Therefore, he solemnly refused and told Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge to leave quickly.

Gu Hengsheng seemed to turn a deaf ear to Sun Mocheng's scolding words, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to Ning Shan: "If you can buy fast horses elsewhere, I won't bother to come to Ning's house. It's a pity that today's battle of your Ning family almost attracted people from the entire city to watch, I have no other choice but to come to the Ning family to beg for some fast horses and go on the road."

I don't know whether it's good or bad, this is the evaluation of Gu Hengsheng by everyone present.

"How did such a foolish young man survive until now? It's really strange." A sneering voice came from the crowd.

Sun Mocheng's face was ashen, and the anger seemed to have burned to the brow, and he said in a cold voice: "Come here, break the limbs of these two lifeless things, and throw them outside the city."

"Yes." Following Sun Mocheng's order, several vicious servants came out from behind him.

It’s over.

Seeing this, all the onlookers couldn't help but secretly shook their heads. They seemed to have seen the miserable appearance of Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge whose limbs were broken on the spot by the servants of the Sun family.

At this moment, Ning Xi frowned, and angrily scolded Sun Mocheng: "Sun Mocheng, they are just two ordinary people, why should you bother with them."

(End of this chapter)

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