The sword rises

Chapter 279 Returning to the Wind and Snow Building

Chapter 279 Returning to the Wind and Snow Building

Chapter 270 IX Revisiting the Wind and Snow Building

Inside the thatched hut, Little Heizi sized up Gu Hengsheng with a confused and puzzled expression, and remained silent for an unknown period of time.

After a long time, Xiao Heizi finally spoke, and said, "Brother Yun, you... who the hell are you? Why do those people respect you so much?"

"Although I don't understand anything, I heard from those people that the general and the old man are both high-ranking officials. I have lived for so long, and I have never even seen Mr. Zhen, let alone these high-ranking officials from Kyoto. gone."

Little Heizi stared at Gu Hengsheng curiously, as if he wanted to clear up the doubts in his heart: "Brother Yun, can you tell me?"

"Silly boy, didn't I tell you before that in their eyes, Brother Yun is Mr. Daru, that's why they are like this. Do you understand?"

Gu Hengsheng stroked his black hair, and whispered to Xiao Heizi.

"Brother Yun, is the great Confucianism you said so powerful? Do even high officials from the capital kneel down?" Xiao Heizi vaguely remembered the appearance of Hu Ganwen in white armor kneeling on one knee, slightly shocked and excited asked.

"Of course." Gu Hengsheng replied with a chuckle and nodded.

"This great Confucian is so powerful! He is even more powerful than the pharmacists in our town." In Xiao Heizi's eyes, those pharmacists in the town are very important figures.

"Silly boy, if you want to learn, Big Brother Yun will teach you." Gu Hengsheng walked up to Xiao Heizi, looked at his simple and honest appearance, and couldn't help but pat him on the head.

Hearing the words, Little Heizi couldn't help but tremble slightly, his eyes flashed a look of astonishment and hope, he looked up at Gu Hengsheng, and said, "Really... is it really possible? I can also talk to Yun Is he as powerful as big brother?"

"Of course you can." Gu Hengsheng smiled and nodded with a look of doting on his younger brother, "As long as you want to learn, whether it's a pharmacist, a Confucian scholar, or martial arts, Brother Yun will teach you everything you know. you."


Xiao Heizi was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and laughed foolishly: "I'm so stupid, I'm sure I won't be able to learn."

"Actually, if you really want to learn, there are probably not many people in this world who can compare to you." Gu Hengsheng glanced at Xiao Heizi deeply, and couldn't help but pat him on the shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Heizi frowned in confusion, not knowing what Gu Hengsheng meant by this sentence.

"It means that you are very smart, you know?" Gu Hengsheng pondered for a moment, and praised him greatly.

"Hey... Brother Yun even praised me for being smart, I'm so embarrassed." Xiao Heizi lowered his eyebrows a little bit shyly, and whispered to himself softly.

"Stinky boy." Gu Hengsheng cursed with a smile.

The night gradually darkened, covering the entire You Chu Kingdom.

However, it is difficult for the entire Youchu Kingdom to be silent. After all, no one can keep calm about the news of a great Confucian.

And the news of a world-shattering Confucian came out of Chu State, and with the passage of these few days, it has completely spread to every place and dynasty in the land of a hundred countries.

In the past few days, the tide of the entire land of a hundred kingdoms has begun to roll again.

"Among the mortal world of a low-level dynasty, there is actually a world-shattering Confucian hidden, who can write down the word "country" that gathers the general trend of the world, which is a bit surprising!" A middle-level emperor heard this. After some news, he couldn't help saying solemnly.

"After the Battle of Tianxu, the aura of the entire Hundred Kingdoms seems to have revived, geniuses have emerged, and now a top-notch Confucian gentleman has emerged in a remote small country. I don't know, is this a good sign!"

In the depths of the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, some powerhouses of the Earth Profound Realm looked at the Wanli Tianxu on the top of the sky, still looking dignified and horrified, and muttering to themselves.

"Write the word "Guo" casually, which contains the power of heaven and earth, and strengthens the national power and destiny of a country. I am afraid that this person has reached the realm of a top scholar. There are very few top scholars in a hundred countries. Who is it?"

"Investigate it right away! Gu wants to know all the news about this great Confucian. If it is used by Gu, it will have the luck of suppressing the country, and it will be enough to deter everyone from Xiaoxiao."

All of a sudden, the entire land of a hundred countries began to discuss about a top Confucianist who appeared in You Chu Kingdom.Many dynasties even sent a large number of masters to focus on You Chu, wanting to take action.

As time passed, another five days passed, and the entire Wenxing Town seemed extremely quiet.

Today, Gu Hengsheng recovered a little bit of his mind and mind, and planned to go to the town.

"Little Heizi, I'm going to the town today, do you want to go there together?" Gu Hengsheng asked, looking at Xiao Heizi who was about to go out to collect herbs early in the morning.

"Today's weather is fine, I'd better go up the mountain to gather herbs! Brother Yun, be careful on the road and come back early." Xiao Heizi shook the bamboo bag on his back, not wanting to waste today's fine weather.

Gu Hengsheng looked at Xiao Heizi's innocent eyes and nodded: "Okay."

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng walked alone towards Wenxing Town.And Xiao Heizi climbed up the mountain to gather medicine by himself with a bamboo bag on his back.

For Xiao Heizi, he still earns money with his own hands, which is more practical to use.Otherwise, he would always be a little apprehensive, and always feel that everything is like a dream, unrealistic.

Wenxing Town, because of Gu Hengsheng's intrusion, has already become famous throughout You Chu Kingdom.At this moment, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are looking at this place, but they dare not step in, for fear of disturbing the great Confucian gentleman who lives in seclusion here.

"First... sir, please come in!"

When Gu Hengsheng's figure just appeared at the gate of Fengxue Tower, several graceful women immediately recognized his identity, respectfully invited Gu Hengsheng in, and went to report to everyone.

Now, in the entire Wenxing Town, who doesn't know that Daru is wearing a simple mask?
"Sir, you are here." Everyone Yu immediately came down from the attic, and saluted Gu Hengsheng very respectfully.Su'er also followed closely behind everyone, and glanced at Gu Hengsheng from the corner of her eyebrows from time to time.

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng nodded in response.

"Sir, please go upstairs and wait a moment. I'll go and prepare the best food and wine right away." Regardless of everyone's eyes, Yu said directly with bright red faces: "Su'er, you go upstairs first, sir."

"Yes." Su'er was wearing a light green tulle dress, she looked extremely enchanting and charming, and she was fascinated. She raised her eyebrows and glanced at Gu Hengsheng: "Sir, please go upstairs with Su'er."

Gu Hengsheng nodded indifferently, and then slowly followed Su'er up to the third floor of the Fengxue Building.

After a while, everyone Yu personally brought some delicious food and wine, and put them on the table in front of Gu Hengsheng.

(End of this chapter)

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