The sword rises

Chapter 280 A Song of Qin Yinshang

Chapter 280
Chapter 280
"Su'er, you go down first!" Everyone Yu asked Su'er to leave after they entered the Accord.

Su'er raised her eyebrows and glanced at Gu Hengsheng, then walked out of the pavilion door with a bow and bow, and closed the door of the Accord lightly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone personally stretched out a pair of bare hands to pour wine for Gu Hengsheng, and said in a soft voice: "Sir, please try it, this is the best wine in my Fengxuelou, and see if it suits your taste."

"Thank you." Gu Hengsheng nodded lightly, and took the glass of wine from Master Yu's hands.

Taking a sip of the fine wine, a sweet and slightly spicy taste rolled up in his throat, making Gu Hengsheng's heart feel hot, and he exclaimed, "It's really good wine."

"It's fine if you like it, Mister." Member Yu replied with a pretty smile like a maid who stood by Liu Yao all the time.

"Everyone, what are you doing standing up? It looks like I'm declaring that I'm taking the lead." Gu Hengsheng pointed to the private seat in front of him, and said in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Yes." Ever since they learned that Gu Hengsheng was a great Confucianist in the world, everyone in Yu didn't dare to put on any gestures, and they were very respectful.

After Yu and everyone were seated, Gu Hengsheng said again: "Do you know why I'm here this time?"

"With the gentleman's elegance, I don't want to ask about the tens of thousands of gold and silver objects. Please forgive Menghua for being stupid, I can't figure out the purpose of the gentleman's visit, and I ask the gentleman to name it."

The members of Yu called themselves Yu Menghua, but at this moment, they behaved like a junior, respecting Gu Hengsheng.

"I'm a little curious. When the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs in the womb came a few days ago, why did Master Yu suddenly disappear?" Gu Hengsheng took a deep look at Master Yu, and the corner of his mouth curled into a faint smile.

Hearing this, Master Yu's delicate body couldn't help trembling slightly, and a ray of light flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes.

"Sir, can you listen to Menghua play a piece of music first?" Everyone Yu bit his lips, slowly raised his bright eyes like autumn water, and asked cautiously.

"Master Yu, please!" Gu Hengsheng slowly raised his right hand, expressing that he was willing to listen attentively.

Everyone Yu nodded slightly, took out a guqin from the curtain in the Accord, and then sat down in front of the guqin with a delicate body.

Qianqian rested her ten fingers on the strings of the guqin, and everyone's minds seemed to be concentrated on the guqin.

The string fluctuated, and a melodious note reached Gu Hengsheng's ears, lingering lightly in the Accord.

As Master Yu's bare hands fluctuated, strands of piano sound began to meander in the Accord like a stream.

At the beginning, the sound of the piano was mixed with a sense of joy and happiness, which made Gu Hengsheng close his eyes, feeling the charm contained in the sound of the piano.

As Master Yu's jade hands waved the strings more and more quickly, the style of the entire piano sound seemed to change suddenly. The warmth and grace in the melody just now became dimmed, and replaced by waves of sadness. .

Gu Hengsheng frowned slightly as he listened to the sudden changes in the tone of the piano, and continued to listen with his eyes closed.


The strings of piano sounds echoed in the Accord, filling the entire pavilion with a heavy atmosphere, making people breathless.

Not long after, the melancholy tone began to change again, and gradually became sharper, filling the air like a knife like a sword.

Everyone concentrated on integrating themselves with the guqin. Her body exuded a faint fragrance, which flowed in the pavilion along with the sound of the piano, lingering around Gu Hengsheng's body.

Suddenly, the rapid rhythm became as slow as a stream again, as if expressing a decisive mood.

Half a quarter later, Master Yu's right little finger gently fluctuated a string, causing an atmosphere of depression to stir up in the entire Accord room.

"It's a clumsy song, I hope it can reach Mr.'s ears."

Everyone Yu slowly got up from the front of the guqin, leaned forward and said with a slight support of the graceful willow waist.

"This song is not complete." Gu Hengsheng slowly opened his eyes, and looked at everyone Yu.

"Sir, you are talented, this song is indeed a remnant." Everyone Yu replied with a nod and lowered eyebrows.

Gu Hengsheng picked up the wine on the table, took a sip, and said deeply: "The meaning in the song is the person in front of you. Have you found the way forward?"

How could everyone in Yu fail to understand the meaning of Gu Hengsheng's words, his tender body moved slightly, and then saluted: "Thank you sir for your guidance, Menghua has found the way ahead. Hua is willing to give up his life."

"When you have really finished this road, this song will be complete if you think about it." Gu Hengsheng nodded in a low voice, and spoke slowly.

The meaning in the song just now is what everyone experienced.The song is not over, because her road has not yet officially embarked on it, nor has it come to an end.

"Sir, Menghua has something to ask, please agree, sir."

Suddenly, everyone Yu knelt down on the ground, and their long skirts swayed to the ground, showing a poignant look.

"Get up first!" Gu Hengsheng raised his eyes unmoved.

"Sir, I am willing to give everything, just to get Mr.'s help." Everyone Yu bowed his head, revealing a resolute look in his witty words.

"I passed by Fengxue Tower that day, and saw a pair of red couplets written by you. The handwriting on it faintly revealed the meaning of royal family and nobles. The first time I saw you, there was a faint glow on your body. A touch of luxury."

"Reminiscent of the civil and military ministers from the palace before, but you suddenly disappeared. You must have known the people in the palace and didn't want to recognize each other. If my guess is correct, you should be from the capital, and your status must be rich. !"

After pondering for a while, Gu Hengsheng stared at everyone who was kneeling before him, and said hoarsely.

Suddenly, everyone Yu raised a pair of red eyes, as if he didn't expect that Gu Hengsheng would be able to guess his identity through these points.

"Mr.'s words are true, Menghua admires it." Everyone Yu clasped his jade hands, nodded slightly and said.

"Get up first! I came today because I want to know what is the place where you are hiding in this remote town, and what is the origin?"

Gu Hengsheng drank the fine wine in the glass, poured a glass on his own, and asked with great interest.

With tight hands, everyone slowly stood up from the cold floor, then bit their red lips and walked to the window of the attic, looking at the endless blue sky and the celestial ruins on the top of the sky.

"Since Mr. asked, Menghua will no longer lie and hide." Everyone Yu closed a pair of Qiushui eyes, then slowly opened them and turned to look at Gu Hengsheng who was sitting quietly: "I am the eldest princess of You Chu Kingdom, named Yu Menghua."

Hearing this, the wine glass that Gu Hengsheng was holding couldn't help but froze slightly, and then it came to Gu Hengsheng's mouth again.

Originally, Gu Hengsheng was only guessing that Master Yu had something to do with the imperial court. He never thought that she was the eldest princess of You Chu Kingdom, but he raised his eyes in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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