The sword rises

Chapter 3 Marry Young Master Gu?

Chapter 3 Marry Young Master Gu?
Chapter 3 Marry Young Master Gu?
Gu Hengsheng stepped slowly from the gate. The white long gown on his body gave him a bit of chic and unrestrained temperament, and his black hair was curled up with a sense of arrogance.

Coming step by step, he casually glanced at the dignitaries sitting on both sides of the hall, and then concentrated his gaze on Gu Cang, the old man of the Gu family.

Looking at Gu Cang's white hair and wrinkled face, Gu Hengsheng's deep black pupils silently flashed a few rays of light.

"Grandpa." Gu Hengsheng slowly bent down, cupped his hands and called out to Gu Cang.

It was the old man Gu Cang who looked extremely old in front of him, who supported the huge Gu family.Gu Hengsheng knew very well in his heart that it was because of Gu Cang's protection that he was able to live in peace until today, and was able to be alive and kicking every time he got into trouble.

This "Grandpa", in the eyes of others, is just a call.But for Gu Hengsheng, this is an indistinct gratitude and respect for Mr. Gu Cang.

"Well, it's good that you're here, why don't you hurry up and salute to your lords." Gu Cang looked at his grandson who he had raised for 20 years, without any fluctuations in his heart, and pretended to be indifferent as he glanced at everyone present, and said.

Gu Hengsheng nodded to Gu Cang, and then bowed his hands to the adults on both sides of the hall to show respect: "My lords are polite."

Seeing Gu Hengsheng's polite appearance at this time, everyone shuddered in their hearts, feeling extremely weird.Everyone thought that it would be the greatest politeness for this young master to make less noise on weekdays.

"The old man of the Gu family has been a hero all his life. Now the third son Gu is a man of talent, with a personable demeanor, just like the old general Gu."

Not long after, after everyone was stunned for a while, a voice came out from the crowd.

As soon as these words came out, many people twitched the corners of their mouths abruptly, and in unison glanced at the official who said these words, all of them showed a look of contempt in a calm manner.

The official who said this seemed to feel the attention from all corners. He coughed lightly a few times to hide his embarrassment, and then smiled so happily that no falsehood could be seen.

Everyone twitched slightly at the corners of their mouths, thinking to themselves: "Mr. Gu is a handsome man? Is he still personable? He can even have the demeanor of old General Gu? Nowadays, people like to open their eyes and talk nonsense."

Inside and outside the capital, who doesn't know that the third son of Gu, Gu Hengsheng, is extremely dandy. Apart from the holy face that he dare not touch, there are things that the third son of Gu dare not make troubles and commit crimes in the huge capital city.

However, in front of the old man of the Gu family, the dignitaries sitting on both sides of the hall did not dare to speak their minds.After all, now is the best time to flatter Mr. Gu, so don't talk nonsense.

"Today's young master's weak crown ceremony, I'm here to congratulate old general Gu on his prosperity, and congratulate third young master Gu on his bright future."

"Young Master Gu is indeed a young hero, and he really lived up to his reputation when I saw him today."

"Today, the lower official brought a stinky brat here, and it is a great blessing to be able to participate in Mr. Gu's weak crown ceremony."

Immediately afterwards, compliments came out from the crowd one after another.

Mr. Gu sat high in the lobby, listening to the crowd's compliments one after another without changing his expression.Gu Cang has been a soldier all his life, and has been blood-stained for dozens of years, so how could he not know the thoughts of everyone in front of him.

Gu Cang knew very well in his heart that as long as he lived one more day, then Gu Hengsheng would have one more day to worry about, and one more day would allow others to open their eyes and talk nonsense like this.

It would be great if Hang Seng was really as talented as they said!

Gu Cang calmly sighed in his heart: "Hey, it's up to now, I just hope that this stinky brat won't make too much trouble in the future! Otherwise, if I let go and leave, then the Gu family will really be isolated. There is no help."

Gu Hengsheng sat lightly on Gu Cang's left side. Even though his six senses had been opened and the memories of his previous life had been recalled, he couldn't help feeling in his heart that these people's pretentiousness was really... admirable to Gu Hengsheng.

After a while, the compliments in the lobby gradually dissipated.

Immediately, Gu Cang slowly opened his wrinkled and chapped lips, scanned the crowd, and said, "Thank you, my lords, for coming to celebrate Hang Seng's coming of age. I would like to respect you, my lords."

After finishing speaking, Gu Cang picked up the fine wine on the table and drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing Gu Cang put down the empty wine glass, everyone was shocked, they quickly picked up the wine glass, and said in unison: "Old General Gu, you are polite."

Then, everyone poured the fine wine in the wine glass into their mouths, not daring to have the courage to trust them.

"Hmph!" A cold snort broke the seemingly lively and cheerful atmosphere.

The Li family, Li Tianyuan, is nearly 70 years old, and he is the same servant of the dragon as Gu Cang.He is a first-rank official, worships the crown prince and Taifu, and handles the political affairs of the court for the current emperor. It can be said that he has great power.

Li Tianyuan is also the current head of the Li family, and Li Qiurou's grandfather.

And Li Qiurou was the person Gu Hengsheng molested a month ago, and she was also a well-known dumb girl in the capital.

Gu Cang quickly looked at Li Tianyuan who was sitting on the honored seat, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and said: "Today, apart from giving the gift of the weak crown to Hang Seng, the second thing I want to tell you is grown ups."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of all the officials present were shocked.They are able to occupy high positions, they are all good people, and they immediately guessed at all about what Gu Cang was going to say next.

"What's the matter? Old General Gu might as well just say it straight." But even though everyone had guessed it, they still had to pretend to be puzzled and asked.

Gu Cang stared at Li Tianyuan in a blink of an eye, and Li Tianyuan nodded with a dark complexion.Then, Gu Cang slowly opened his mouth and said: "My lords, after discussing with the old man and Mr. Li, I intend to form a family, so that Hang Seng and Mr. Li's favorite jewel will form a marriage."

"One month later, the wedding will be officially held."


Although the Gu family and the Li family had consulted the current Holy Majesty for instructions a few days ago, and the Holy Majesty also issued an edict to agree to this matter, but at this moment Gu Cang mentioned it again, which still shocked everyone.

The Gu family and the Li family were originally the first-class families in Tianfeng Kingdom, with enormous influence, and now they are tied together by marriage, like a tiger with wings added, who would dare to offend these two tiger whiskers in the future.

"Congratulations to General Gu, and congratulations to Master Li." After a few seconds of silence, someone stood up and clapped their hands in agreement.

"Congratulations to the old general. I heard that Mr. Li's favorite girl looks like a fairy, and Mr. Gu and the third son are a match made in heaven. Then I will come to ask for a glass of wine."


Waves of congratulatory sounds spread in all directions, but Gu Hengsheng was completely silent.

"This... old man..." Gu Hengsheng was startled suddenly, his pupils shrank quickly, and he sighed helplessly in his heart: "It seems that there is no room for us to hold back."

Originally, Gu Hengsheng was still thinking about dealing with this matter slowly, but when Gu Cang proposed to inform the matter in front of all the adults, the meaning contained in it was different.Gu Cang made it clear that he wanted to frighten the major official families in the capital, and let everyone understand that even though Gu Cang is not what he used to be, he can still support the Gu family.

Mr. Gu Cang's decision is to deter all parties, to hope that Gu Hengsheng's future life will still be carefree, and to solve the previous matter of Gu Hengsheng's bullying of Miss Li Qiurou, so that Gu Hengsheng will marry Li's family. , even if the members of the Li family don't want to see Gu Hengsheng, they can't do anything, and they even have to protect Gu Hengsheng, a cheap son-in-law.

Gu Hengsheng looked at Gu Cang's side face and could clearly see Gu Cang's white temples. He couldn't help but clenched his fists and muttered to himself: "Old man, for the safety of this stinky brat, I will send you The last remaining majesty and solemnity are lost, is it worth it?"

Everyone in the world knows that the third son of the Gu family is extremely dandy, and he can be said to be the one who caused great trouble. Maybe one day he will offend the words of the Holy Majesty, and that is not a joke.Gu Hengsheng broke into Li's house a month ago and taunted Miss Li's family as dumb. Not only was he not punished by Li's family, but he was also tied up in marriage with Li's family.

It is conceivable that old man Gu Cang discussed matters with Li Tianyuan, the old man of the Li family, in private, and he was afraid that he would be inferior and lose his character.

Looking at Gu Cang's hunched figure, Gu Hengsheng's heart began to tremble uncontrollably.

On weekdays, Gu Cang was strict with Gu Hengsheng in every possible way, just wanting to train Gu Hengsheng to become a talent, but no matter what Gu Cang did, Gu Hengsheng didn't make any progress, which caused Gu Cang's heart to be very sad.

A month ago, Gu Hengsheng recklessly provoked and insulted Miss Li's family, which made Gu Cang even older.For this reason, Gu Cang thought for a long time, since there is no way for Gu Hengsheng to revive the prestige of the Gu family, it is better to let him spend his life in peace.

Therefore, there was a marriage between the Gu family and the Li family.

"In this case, after one month, I will send someone to send a congratulatory gift to marry the third son of the Gu family on behalf of my family Qiurou."

Li Tianyuan's face was dark, he snorted reluctantly, and said.Li Tianyuan was still very displeased with Gu Hengsheng, and was simply too lazy to talk nonsense.

All of a sudden, there was a slight hiss, all looking at the high and powerful Li Tianyuan.

To marry... the third son of the Gu family, Mr. Li is too disrespectful to the Gu family, so please say a few polite words!

Everyone was swallowing their saliva, suppressing the trembling in their hearts, and constantly observing the changes in old man Gu Cang's expression, for fear that old man Gu Cang would suddenly lose his temper.

However, to everyone's surprise, Mr. Gu Cang only trembled slightly, then took a deep breath and said, "I will follow... what Mr. Li said."

After Gu Cang said these words, it seemed that all the strength in his body had been drained, and his whole body seemed to be a little older again.

boom -

The Gu family, the family of Zhen Guo in the Tianfeng Kingdom, it is really unimaginable that Mr. Gu Cang is willing to let the only remaining seedling of his Gu family into the Li family.Even though everyone had already heard about it, they still couldn't hide the shock and astonishment on their faces when they actually heard these words from Mr. Gu Cang's mouth.

Li Tianyuan stared at Gu Cang, seemed to be stunned for a moment because of Gu Cang's compromise, and the dark color on his face disappeared by most of it.Then, Li Tianyuan glanced lightly at Gu Hengsheng who was sitting quietly, and was about to leave the banquet in great disappointment.After all, if it wasn't for the marriage, Li Tianyuan wouldn't be here, and a junior of the Gu family couldn't afford to ask him to come and congratulate him.

Everyone looked at the back of Li Tianyuan walking away step by step, and the sound of pattering footsteps reached everyone's heart.


Suddenly, a stern voice broke the eerie silence.

"Master Li, let's stop!"

(End of this chapter)

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