Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Confronting the First Rank Members


With Gu Hengsheng's sound of stopping and falling, Li Tianyuan's striding strides came to a halt.

The officials and princes sitting on the scene were all stunned, not knowing what Gu Hengsheng meant by his sudden utterance.

All of a sudden, Gu Hengsheng became the center of attention, and even the old man Gu Cang focused his eyes on Gu Hengsheng, with a hint of doubt in the depths of his eyes.

"Is there anything else you can do, Mr. Gu?" Li Tianyuan couldn't help but frowned, staring at Gu Hengsheng with his deep eyes, making the air around him freeze a bit.

Gu Hengsheng took a few steps towards Li Tianyuan, then smiled lightly, stared into Li Tianyuan's eyes without fear, and said bluntly: "Master Li, what you said just now is slightly wrong, I want to correct it."

"What?" Not only Li Tianyuan was stunned, but Gu Cang and others were also stunned.

"Master Li, you said that I will give the dowry to the Gu family in January, but this is the opposite." Gu Hengsheng's breath sank, his eyes shone like stars, and he didn't hesitate at all even when facing the first-rank officials of the dynasty. fear.

"Mr. Gu, what do you mean?" Li Tianyuan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then put his hands lightly on his back, and stared straight at Gu Hengsheng with a livid face.

Having been a first-rank minister for many years, Li Tianyuan's fierce and sharp aura has already penetrated into his bones.At this moment, the oppressive momentum rushed towards Gu Hengsheng, causing some civil and military officials who were watching to watch tense up, and even took a few steps back without realizing it.

Li Tianyuan glared at Gu Hengsheng, as if he wanted to oppress Gu Hengsheng's heart.However, Gu Hengsheng stood still, without changing his face, and still looked at Li Tianyuan calmly, as if nothing had happened.

Gu Cang, who was sitting in the main seat, seeing this situation, couldn't help flashing a solemn look in the depths of his eyes, then turned his head to look at Gu Hengsheng who was as independent as Xueao in the center of the hall, and said in a dignified and solemn voice: "Hangsheng, don't Unreasonable, quickly apologize to Mr. Li."

As soon as Gu Cang's words fell, bitterness flooded his heart.Many years ago, his Gu family was well-known and mighty, so why bother to "please" the Li family and let his son-in-law join the Li family.

When did his Gu family fall so badly?

Gu Cang sat high on the main seat, his face was stern and unchanging, but his heart was filled with grief.If the Gu family and the Li family hadn't been on good terms, I'm afraid it would have been impossible for Gu Hengsheng to marry into the Li family. After all, the reputation of the Li family is not weaker than that of the Gu family, and Gu Hengsheng is still such a dandy, causing trouble all day long.

Thinking of this, Gu Cang's hair seemed to be a little grayer again.

"Grandpa." Although Gu Hengsheng has awakened the memory of his previous life and his vision is different from ordinary people, he still dare not disrespect the old man of the Gu family, because if there is no old man Gu, he may already be in the weak crown. Die, let alone lift the six senses and restore the memory.

"Grandpa, please believe in all the decisions made by Hang Seng today." Gu Hengsheng turned around slowly, bowed heavily to Gu Cang, and looked at Gu Cang with deep eyes, as if expressing the respect and love deep in his heart. meaning.

Looking into Gu Hengsheng's eyes, looking at Gu Hengsheng's slender figure, a figure seemed to appear in front of Gu Cang's eyes, that figure slowly overlapped with Gu Hengsheng, and a familiar voice rang in his ear : Father, when I return at the end of the year, I will pay my respects at your knees.

It's a pity that the words that came to my ears have become the words of parting forever.

That year, when the end of the year was approaching, the greeting that Gu Cang had hoped for had turned into a cold, bloody corpse.Since then, the prestige of the Gu family fell into a slump for a while, and Tianfeng Kingdom lost a general.

Now, looking at Gu Hengsheng's graceful figure and deep and familiar eyes, Gu Cang sighed in his heart that the children of the past had already grown up.

"You are the son of my Gu family, up to you!" Gu Cang murmured for a while, his hands clenched on the armrest of the main seat, and he opened his chapped lips and said.

Originally, Gu Cang wanted to scold Gu Hengsheng and scold him for his lack of manners, but he found that today's Gu Hengsheng is not as playful as before, and has a bit of his father's heroic appearance.Therefore, Gu Cang himself didn't know why he suddenly had a feeling of trusting Gu Hengsheng, a feeling of peace of mind.

Everyone present looked at this scene with complicated feelings in their hearts, and even a bad premonition rushed into their hearts.

"Master Li, you said that after January, I will give a dowry from the Gu family to marry this young master." With Gu Cang's permission, Gu Hengsheng's only worry was swept away, and he turned to Li Tianyuan who looked solemn and said: "This The young master did not agree, how about this, after one month, my young master will give the dowry and come to the Li family to marry the jewel in the palm of the Li family, how about it?"


As soon as these words came out, it was no less than a thunderbolt from the blue sky, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

Not only Li Tianyuan and Gu Cang were stunned, but even everyone present was stunned.

Although it was rumored that the jewel in the Li family's palm could not speak, she was beautiful and charming, with the demeanor of a lady of every family. There were as many dignitaries and dignitaries who wanted to marry Miss Li as a cow.

But Gu Hengsheng caused trouble since he was a child, and almost brought down the entire imperial city.As long as there are officials of some status in the court, no one dares to push their own girls into the fire pit of Gu Hengsheng. Gu Hengsheng may cause a big disaster and be implicated one day.

From their point of view, the Gu family now has no successors, and only Gu Cang is alive in the older generation. If Gu Cang lets go in a few years, then the status of the Gu family will be gone forever like spring water.

Therefore, the marriage between the Li family and the Gu family is considered pretty good.However, Gu Hengsheng said such words abruptly, and wanted to marry the jewel in the palm of the Li family, which was a bit bold.After all, today's Li family has Li Tianyuan on top, and a group of young talents under it. Compared with the Gu family's lackluster status, the future is as stable as Mount Tai.

"Mr. Gu, I can't hear you very clearly, so please say it again."

If it wasn't for Gu Cang's relationship with him in the past, or for the sake of Gu Hengsheng's verbal insults to Miss Li, Li Tianyuan would have chopped Gu Hengsheng to pieces, let alone let Gu Hengsheng, a troublemaker, marry Li. home.

"Lord Li, although this young master is useless and useless, he is also the only son of the younger generation of the Gu family. If this young master joins the Li family, what face does my Gu family have, what prestige does it have, and why should I lead my Tianfeng?" The country's hundred-war army, go to guard the border of our Tianfeng country, go to defend our home and country!"

After being silent for a while, Gu Hengsheng suddenly took a step in Li Tianyuan's direction, then glanced at the civil and military officials present, and spoke in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

After Gu Hengsheng's words fell, the hall was completely silent, and there was no sound for a long time.

yes!For so many years, everyone has only seen the power of the Gu family, but how many people know the blood price that Gu's son Lang paid for defending the Tianfeng Kingdom?

Gu Family Dalang, Gu Chengjun, Gu Hengsheng's biological father, he guarded the frontier in the past and defended against so many foreign enemies that he was so shocked that the foreign enemies would retreat for thirty miles and dare not invade as long as they heard the name of General Chengmeng - Gu Chengjun.

Gu Jia Erlang, Gu Youmo, Gu Hengsheng's second uncle.Five years ago, in order to defend against the foreign enemies who were about to break through the important barriers of Tianfeng Nation, he led the army in a bloody battle for three days and three nights, and ended up being disabled for life, sitting alone in a wheelchair.

The eldest son of the Gu family and the second son of the Gu family even carried the majestic appearance of their parents. They joined the army early and made great achievements. They are the top young talents in the Tianfeng country. No one can match their sharpness.

For this reason, countless people are saying that if the Tianfeng Kingdom had no Gu Jiaerlang to guard it, it would have been riddled with holes.

As for Gu Hengsheng, the third son of the Gu family, there were only dandy and unbearable words left.

However, compared to the death of the Gu family and the military exploits they made, Gu Hengsheng's dandyism seems so insignificant.No matter how dandy Gu Hengsheng was, he didn't hurt the common people, it was just a small fight.

Thinking of this, everyone present fell silent, and Li Tianyuan's tense and dignified anger also disappeared.

"Smelly... brat..." Gu Cang was stunned for a few seconds, a layer of mist appeared in his slightly sunken eye sockets, his chapped lips moved slightly, and he muttered to himself.

Suddenly, everyone realized that Gu Hengsheng's dandyism was so natural that even the Holy One turned a blind eye to it, unwilling to accuse Gu Hengsheng of being a dandy.

"Master Li, I know that my actions a month ago damaged the Li family's prestige and surprised the young lady of the Li family. Therefore, I am willing to accept the punishment and marry the young lady of the Li family. Maybe, Lord Li please forgive me."

Gu Hengsheng said to Li Tianyuan unhurriedly, without any intention of avoiding it.

Li Tianyuan stared at Gu Hengsheng for a long time, and did not scold him in anger. Instead, after pondering for a long time, he turned his head to look at Gu Cang on the main seat, and said, "Old man Gu, is this also your final decision?"

Gu Cang opened his mouth and looked at Gu Hengsheng, but he didn't answer after all. It seemed that what Gu Hengsheng said just now made his suppressed emotions completely overwhelmed, so he fell into silence.

"Master Li, as a minister of the first rank, you are very clear about the consequences if my son joins the Li family. Not only will the army led by my Gu family lose their morale, but it will also cause a lot of discussion in the countries that are on good terms with my Tianfeng country. .”

In an instant, everyone present seemed to see Gu Jiaerlang's heroic appearance from Gu Hengsheng. Although Gu Hengsheng was extremely dandy, there was no place to refute his statement today.Once Gu Hengsheng really joined the Li family, there would be too many causes and effects involved.

"Hmph! Gu boy, how could I not know the importance of it? If you have half the handsome appearance of the two dead brothers, it doesn't matter if my girl from the Li family marries you. It's a pity, the tiger father and son, embarrassing use .”

At this moment, Li Tianyuan stopped showing face to the Gu family, and directly called Gu Hengsheng a boy in front of everyone present, and even compared Gu Hengsheng's two elder brothers who died in battle.

Hearing the sound, everyone shook their heads in their hearts and sighed.

What kind of heroes were the eldest son and second son of the Gu family in the past, not to mention half as talented, even if Gu Hengsheng was only one-tenth of theirs, then the Gu family would not have no successors, let alone There is such an embarrassing scene now.

Gu Jiaerlang has been a soldier all his life and has killed countless enemies, but unexpectedly he lost to the lone grass on the grave.

Sad, sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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