The sword rises

Chapter 306: I'm Visiting the Kingdom of Chu, Be Happy!

Chapter 306: I'm Visiting the Kingdom of Chu, Be Happy!
Chapter [-]: I will travel to the Kingdom of Chu, be happy!
In the prison cell, the smell of wine wafted into his nostrils, and Che Jianbai was so full of tears that he had no regrets.

"Sir, the guilty minister is puzzled by something, I wonder if I can give the guilty minister some guidance."

Che Jianbai could completely let go of the burden on his shoulders now, he got up and stood to the side, and asked with the courtesy of a disciple.

"Master Che, please tell me." Gu Hengsheng asked.

For the old man in front of him, Gu Hengsheng couldn't imagine what kind of belief he was relying on to persevere.

"Sir, may I ask what is Confucianism? What is road?"

Che Jianbai gently placed the jug on the withered yellow straw, bowed and cupped his fists and asked softly.

"Some people say that Confucianism is the "unity of man and nature", and only by following the will of heaven and the principles of heaven can the country live in peace and the people live in peace. Some people think that if you are poor, you will benefit yourself alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world."

"For Confucianism, everyone has a standard in their hearts, and they are not the same. Why stick to this circle?"

According to his own thoughts, Gu Hengsheng patiently answered Che Jianbai's question: "Three thousand avenues are all roads. Break through the illusion and confusion in front of you, and the road is just under your feet."

Gu Hengsheng's words lingered in Che Jianbai's mind for a long time, making him stand there in a daze, as if he had fallen into a strange state.

"It's a long road, why should I be confused and hesitant?" Che Jianbai opened and closed his cracked lips slightly, muttering to himself: "If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world..."

"In this life, just take one scoop, it's enough."

"That's enough!"

Suddenly, Che Jianbai seemed to have figured something out, raised his head and laughed loudly.

For ten years, he has been living very hard.It is necessary to sneak away from the spies of the enemy country and try to help some people as much as possible, but also to protect their relatives from persecution and search for criminal evidence of the enemy.

Che Jianbai's life has carried too much bitterness and burden. At this moment, he can finally let go of his obsessions and face his past experiences.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt from the blue sky was startled in the sky, and the rolling thunder sounded above the Dali Temple, which shocked countless people to look up and be at a loss.

In the cell of Tianlao, Gu Hengsheng looked at the momentum of the world rolling up around Che Jianbai, and said with emotion for a moment: "Congratulations, Mr. Che, you have finally embarked on this road."

"Thank you for your guidance, sir. The path of great Confucianism that I have pursued all my life has finally reached its threshold." Che Jianbai wept with joy and said, "This life is enough."

Che Jianbai has stepped into the realm of great Confucianism.

He let go of the obsession in his heart and the burden on his shoulders, and after hearing Gu Hengsheng's words, his state of mind changed dramatically.In one thought, he entered the realm of great Confucianism.

Those who can enter the great Confucianism are all people with a firm heart, and they can never be the generation of treacherous and evil.

Just from the fact that Che Jianbai was able to become a great Confucianist in one step, it can be seen that what he has done in this life, although full of sorrow, has a clear conscience.

It's a pity that Che Jianbai has just stepped into the realm of great Confucianism and found the path he pursued all his life, but the curtain is about to come to an end.However, he has no regrets.

As he said, no matter what the reason, everyone has to pay for their actions.For this, he is willing to be punished, because his belief will be carried by more people, and this life is enough.

"Come! Today, I'll give Mr. Che a ride." Gu Hengsheng was sincerely happy for Che Jianbai, holding a flagon in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Drink a glass of wine together, and live up to our acquaintance."

"it is good!"

Che Jianbai was not pretentious, he laughed, lifted the pot and drank heavily.

Today, Gu Hengsheng was very happy. He saw the ascension of a truly peerless Confucianist, and he knew that there are still many heroes hidden in a remote small country.

He ascended to the realm of Confucianism, and there was no splendid gift to celebrate him, and not many people knew about it.Yes, just a jug of fine wine, and Gu Hengsheng.

Che Jianbai has a feeling that he hates being late when we meet each other. If he could wake up earlier, maybe he has already entered the realm of great Confucianism!However, it is not too late to know his way at the end of his life.

Gu Hengsheng and Che Jianbai drank this pot of wine together for a long time and talked for a long time.

Unknowingly, the sky has gradually darkened, and the jug of wine has long been empty.

The iron door of the cell opened slowly, and Gu Hengsheng silently cupped his hands at Che Jianbai, expressing his respect for him.

"Sinner, Che Jianbai, send off Mister!"

Che Jianbai got up, bowed and bowed like a junior, and shouted in a low voice.

Gu Hengsheng paused slightly, glanced at Che Jianbai again, and nodded silently.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng stepped out of the cell, and his figure gradually disappeared.

Both of them knew that they would never see each other again.

Drink a glass of wine together, live up to the acquaintance.

The fate of the two of them is almost here.

Today, Che Jianbai drank the jug of wine very happily, the most enjoyable time in the past ten years.

"Mr. You Chu Guoyou's help will make Daxing happen!"

When the iron door of the cell was closed again, Che Jianbai was still standing and looking towards the direction of the palace, a smile appeared on the corner of his chapped lips, and he muttered to himself.

Things in this world are not always so perfect.Some things have to be done by someone, because if you don't do it, there will be others.And Che Jianbai voluntarily embarked on this road, stuck in the quagmire, struggling hard.

Three days later, Princess Youchu gave an order: "Treasons and collaborators, behead!"
With this order, Kyoto shook.

Nearly more than 60 officials were escorted to the execution ground, and countless people watched from afar.

Some of these officials compromised with the enemy country for the sake of their families, some for the sake of prosperity and wealth, and some... carried the faith of You Chu Kingdom.

No matter what the reason is, they all end up in the same end today, asking to be killed.

The state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. The crime of treason and collaborating with the enemy cannot be forgiven.If not, the whole world will be in chaos.

Among the more than 60 officials, Che Jianbai, who was wearing a prison uniform, stood out.Unlike others who are cursing or begging for mercy, he is calmly facing the imminent death with a smile.

"By order, behead!"

The supervisor threw out a command arrow and looked at more than 60 officials from the DPRK and China kneeling on the execution ground.roared loudly.

Countless Limin people watched this scene, clenched their sweaty palms, with complicated emotions surging in their hearts, it was difficult to explain.

When the butcher's knife was about to fall on Che Jianbai's neck, he raised his head and let out a long roar, and shouted domineeringly: "Ah... I'm visiting Chu, Dang Xing! Dang Xing!"

The next moment, Che Jianbai's head fell to the floor, with blood gushing from his neck.However, his long howl and roar still echoed between the heaven and the earth, penetrated into the ears of countless people, and stayed in the depths of everyone's hearts forever.

The supervisor's eyes turned red, his teeth clenched on the blood stains, and he echoed loudly: "I will travel to Chu, and I will make Daxing!"

Countless Li people listened quietly to the long howls lingering in the void, their bodies couldn't help but opened their mouths tremblingly, and fell into silence.

Everyone looked at Che Jianbai's still kneeling body, and a mist gradually appeared in front of his eyes, making them hard to see clearly.

Oh... It turned out that it wasn't mist, but a layer of tears soaked in their eye sockets.

"I'm traveling to the Kingdom of Chu, be happy!"

In the crowd, someone shouted out loudly, and the roar seemed to cater to and answer the long roar in the sky, shaking the sky and the earth.

"Dang Xing!"

Countless people raised their heads passionately and roared, and the roar went straight into the sky, as if awakening You Chu State who had been sleeping for many years.

Perhaps, starting today, You Chu will usher in a new day.A new chapter will really kick off with Che Jianbai's yelling before his death!
(End of this chapter)

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