The sword rises

Chapter 307

Chapter 307
Chapter Three Hundred and Seven
In the depths of the imperial palace of the Chu Kingdom, everyone in the Yu family was very worried because of the many accumulated political affairs, and it seemed that two strands of blue hair could not help but turn white.

"Sir, why are you here?"

Seeing Gu Hengsheng approaching lightly, everyone Yu hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

Gu Hengsheng held a yellow and wrinkled book in his hand, and handed it directly to everyone Yu.

Everyone Yu took the folded book that Gu Hengsheng handed over, frowned and asked, "Sir, what is this?"

"Che Jianbai asked me to give you something." Gu Hengsheng said.

"Master Che?" Everyone Yu frowned even more, and opened the yellowed book for some unknown reason.

On the first page of the book, it is written: The late emperor has passed away for three years, I hate him deeply, and want to kill myself every night to accompany the late emperor.However, after all, I can't escape with death, I can only fall into sinking.

The second page of the booklet: In January of the 72nd year of the Republic of China, the prefect of Ranyou State colluded with the enemy and killed more than [-] of our people.In May of the same year, Xun Wang, the servant of the household department, colluded with the enemy country and wantonly searched for the people's fat and anointment, harming nearly a thousand young girls.In July of the same year...

With just one glance, Everyone Yu's beautiful eyes widened, and his breathing stopped.

"Sir, this..." Everyone Yu's red lips were somewhat pale, and they raised their eyebrows and stared at Gu Hengsheng, making a trembling sound.

"He said, even if he doesn't do some things, there are some people who will do them. I hope you can completely eradicate the remnants of the enemies and thieves lurking in You Chu Kingdom." Gu Hengsheng sighed softly, and warned: "He doesn't want to embarrass you. Now that the punishment of beheading is over, let him be buried generously! Treat his family and relatives kindly."

After saying that, Gu Hengsheng turned around and left the deep courtyard of the palace.He knows that at this moment everyone needs to be quiet.

"Che...Master Che..."

Master Yu pressed the yellowed book tightly with his bare hands, and looked in the direction of the execution ground with red eyes.It seemed that a long howling sound came from the execution ground, reached her ears, and spread to every corner of the streets and alleys of Youchu Country.

Travel to the Kingdom of Chu, be prosperous!

The world may forget Che Jianbai's stooped body and his wrinkled appearance.However, the long roar before his death is destined to be passed down from generation to generation, recorded in history, and remembered by the world.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed silently.

In the past ten days, everyone Yu has been dealing with the follow-up matters almost day and night, selecting capable people from the major households and reorganizing the officials.Moreover, according to the book left by Che Jianbai, everyone Yu sent General Hu Ganwen to personally lead the troops to suppress Xiaoxiao from all sides.

Perhaps it will take a lot of time for Hu Ganwen to suppress those traitors and collaborators, but these things must be done.

It was only after ten short days that the entire court slowly recovered and the officials regained order.

Everyone, as the eldest princess who listened to the government, moved a phoenix chair and sat on the left side of the dragon chair, listening to the ministers' discussions and discussions.

"Princess, the treasury of our dynasty has been emptied by the enemy country. What should we do if the enemy country comes here with a large-scale attack at this time?"

A newly promoted Hubu Shangshu stood up and asked with a worried bow.

"I know, I will think about it carefully then."

The thing everyone was worried about finally came. After pondering for a long time, she opened her mouth and said.

"If there is nothing else to do, let's retreat for the time being and deal with government affairs separately, and we cannot slack off."

Immediately afterwards, everyone Yu got up from their chairs, planning to retreat and leave.

"Send the princess!"

All the officials bowed and saluted to see them off one after another.

After leaving the palace hall, everyone Yu went straight to the East House.

Soon, everyone Yu came to the East Courtyard wearing glazed jade gauze skirts, and saw Gu Hengsheng sitting in the deep courtyard and closing his eyes quietly.


Master Yu called back all the maids, and walked to Gu Hengsheng's side with long lotus steps, and groaned softly.

"You're here." Gu Hengsheng slowly opened his eyes, glanced at everyone Yu, and nodded.

"Sir, Menghua is busy with state affairs these days, so I can't meet you, please don't blame me."

Although everyone Yu is now the eldest princess, she still maintains great respect for Gu Hengsheng.Because she knew very well that most of what happened today was obtained with Gu Hengsheng's help.

"How?" Gu Hengsheng asked thoughtfully.

"Sir, over the years, the treasury of our dynasty has been emptied by the enemy, and there is nothing left. Menghua is very worried about this matter."

Regarding Gu Hengsheng, everyone Yu didn't hide anything, and directly told all the boring and trivial things in their hearts.

"There are many aristocratic families in Chu State, all over the states and cities. If you want to replenish the national treasury, you should start here." Gu Hengsheng sipped the fragrant tea on the stone table, and said slowly.

"Moving the great families? This..." Everyone Yu was stunned, and asked worriedly: "But, sir, this touches the interests of the great families, and they will definitely not agree to it, and will definitely try their best to resist."

"Stupid! If the national treasury is not sufficient, and there is no food, grass, gold and silver, how can we replenish our troops? If there is an invading enemy at this time, such as attacking from the country, then what can You Chu country do to resist?"

Gu Hengsheng snorted coldly, and reprimanded: "Remember, there is a country first, and then there is a family! If You Chu Kingdom is destroyed, what do you need these aristocratic families for?"

"Menghua understands what Mr. said."

The rest of the people suddenly came to their senses, bowed immediately, and decided to follow the proposal of Gu Hang Seng: "Sir, if the big families gather together to resist, what should we do?"

"The leader will be punished as treason, and he will be executed." Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly, and said hoarsely: "I don't believe that these big aristocratic families who put their interests first, are desperately fighting against the dynasty."

Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, to be an example to others.

"Thank you for your reminder, sir. Menghua will deal with this matter now."

There was a gleam of brilliance on everyone's charming face, and she said to Gu Hengsheng Yingyu with a smile on her lips.

"Go!" Gu Hengsheng waved his hand.

So, everyone followed Gu Hengsheng's instructions and began to discuss with Prime Minister Fu Cheng about how to replenish the national treasury, and some ministers recorded every countermeasure in detail.

After three days of early consultations, the matter of supplementing the national treasury was finally arranged, and it was rushed to each state city. I hope that the major families can get acquainted.

Now that there are domestic and foreign troubles in You Chu, it is absolutely impossible to increase the taxation of the people, otherwise the consequences will be extremely serious.Moreover, everyone Yu also lowered taxes in some poor towns, which made those people cheer.

When the matter of supplementing the national treasury was communicated to the major families, the entire Youchu Kingdom really turned upside down.

The aristocratic families in Zhoucheng in various places were tied to a rope, and began to call for resistance, unwilling to implement the decision of the dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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