The sword rises

Chapter 424 Zhuge Haokong

Chapter 424 Zhuge Haokong
Chapter 420: Zhuge Haokong
"Who is your Excellency?"

Gu Hengsheng immediately turned his head, looked at the man in red robe beside him, and asked suspiciously.

"Yuanlin Dynasty, Zhuge Haokong."

The corners of the red-robed man's mouth were slightly raised, and his thin lips lightly grinned, revealing a bit of freedom and ease on his handsome cheeks.

"Gu Yun." Gu Hengsheng pondered for a while, then nodded.

"Gu Yun, it's really a good name, Mr. Gu, hello." The man in the red robe responded very politely.

Gu Hengsheng took a deep look at the red-robed man, and found that he couldn't see through the depth of the red-robed man at all, and his heart was in an uproar.

How can it be?

With his eyesight and soul power, how could he fail to see through the depth of the man in the red robe?
Gu Hengsheng's vigilance suddenly surged all over his body. This feeling was like that of the fat monk Kong Jie, which made him unable to see through it. It was extremely weird and mysterious.

Just when Gu Hengsheng's face was serious, there was a burst of discussion from the surrounding crowd.

"The man in red, is he the No. [-] Arrogant of the Hundred Kingdoms Contest, Zhuge Haokong?"

"I heard that he is still the current emperor of a small dynasty. He came out of nowhere and was able to suppress Jian Zun's disciples and all the talents in the world, and won the first place in Tianjiao."

"This is a true peerless genius. In the future, he will definitely be a peerless powerhouse. He may even become an existence comparable to Sword Master and Master. If we can make friends with him, it must be a great opportunity."

Hearing one after another news from the crowd, Gu Hengsheng's heart sank slightly.

In the battle of the Prodigy of the Hundred Nations back then, a man in red was indeed born out of nowhere, who immediately defeated the Prodigy of the Hundred Nations and aspired to be number one.Could it be that Zhuge Haokong in front of him is the No. [-] Arrogant?

Gu Hengsheng squinted his eyes, secretly tightened his heart, and remained vigilant to the red-clothed man Zhuge Haokong beside him.

"Is it possible that your Excellency is the number one pride of a hundred nations?"

Gu Hengsheng found that Zhuge Haokong was staring at him all the time, which made him a little nervous for no reason, as if his whole body had been seen at a glance, he was startled, and pondered.

"It's all a false name, and it can't be taken as real." Zhuge Haokong smiled lightly, looking very free and easy, without the arrogance of a young hero at all.

Gu Hengsheng pressed his palms calmly, tried his best to maintain a calm state of mind, and said: "It is rumored that your talent is unrivaled in the world, and you can beat the world's heroes. When I saw you today, you are really extraordinary."

This sentence, Gu Hengsheng definitely did not have the slightest compliment, but revealed a deep and heavy meaning.

Because, Gu Hengsheng couldn't see through Zhuge Haokong, as if his eyes were covered by a layer of mist.

"Master, you are joking, let's go into the city quickly! Otherwise, there will be even more people later."

Zhuge Haokong pointed at the city gate nonchalantly, and said softly.

A man who likes to wear red clothes, coupled with his unfathomable cultivation, made Gu Hengsheng feel an invisible pressure.

Gu Hengsheng walked alongside Zhuge Haokong silently, looking at Zhuge Haokong from the corner of his eye, hoping to see something.

It's a pity that as long as Gu Hengsheng shifted his gaze to Zhuge Haokong's body, his eyes would be blurred.

Forget it, no matter what happens, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it.

Gu Hengsheng calmed down the emotions in his heart, and stepped into the border gate of Tianfeng Kingdom with his face concealed.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng walked towards the capital of Tianfeng Kingdom without stopping.As for Zhuge Haokong, the man in red, he was gone.

"On the wedding day, it seems that I have to prepare a big gift for you."

In a certain corner, a man in red glanced at the direction Gu Hengsheng left, and slowly revealed a deep smile.


The imperial capital of Tianfeng Kingdom is densely packed with human figures, and powerful people and dynasties from all sides have poured in here.

Although Tianfeng Nation is only a middle-ranking low-ranking dynasty, the powerful people of all the countries obeyed Tianfeng Nation's national laws very much, and did not cause any commotion.

After all, the current Tianfeng Kingdom is not what it used to be, even the upper dynasties should pay attention to it.Because, your lord is the Marquis of Tianyu in name of Tianfeng Kingdom.

This reason alone is enough to deter hundreds of countries in the world.

The day of the big wedding is gradually approaching, and the emperors from all over the world have come to the capital of Tianfeng Kingdom in person to visit Gu's family with many important gifts.

Mo Xiuyang, Lord Tianfeng, is also extremely busy these days, constantly preparing to meet with the emperors of other countries, and making all arrangements.

However, Mo Xiuyang didn't feel tired, on the contrary, he was ecstatic and excited.Hundreds of nations came to court, although they all came for the honor, but it was also the honor of the Tianfeng Kingdom.

With a flash of Gu Hengsheng's figure, he stepped into the door of the Gu family.He originally wanted to go into the lobby to see if the old man was there, but he only glanced at him from afar and left the lobby.

At this time, in the lobby of the Gu family, there were many emperors of the dynasty, and Mr. Gu and Gu Youmo were accompanied by smiling faces.

Gu Hengsheng didn't want to get involved in these trivial matters, so he came directly to the West Wing Courtyard, wanting to see Li Qiurou.

"My lord, you're back!" The maid in the west wing courtyard saw Gu Hengsheng strolling over, put down everything in her hands in ecstasy, and called out loudly.

"Xiaoyu, where's Rou'er?" Gu Hengsheng asked in bewilderment as he didn't see Li Qiurou's beautiful figure in the west wing courtyard.

"My lord, madam has returned to Li's house now. I need to prepare well before the big wedding, and we can't meet in advance." The maid named Xiaoyu quickly replied with her eyebrows lowered.

"This... alright! I understand." Gu Hengsheng smiled helplessly and nodded.

Gu Hengsheng really didn't understand women's thoughts, so he had to let Li Qiurou go.

On the wedding day, and in front of hundreds of millions of people in the world, how could Li Qiurou not pay attention to it?

Ever since Gu Hengsheng left for Moyang Country, Li Qiurou returned to Li's house, planning to choose jewelry and other things carefully, and show up on the wedding day.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng came to the deep courtyard of Gu Youmo's mansion, and saw Mo Miaoling ordering his servants to arrange the festive items for the wedding.On the side, the nanny was holding Gu Qingyan in her arms, allowing Mo Miaoling to free up her hands.


Seeing that Mo Miaoling was painstakingly arranging the wedding scene, Gu Hengsheng couldn't help but feel warm, and whispered out.

"Hang Seng is back." Mo Miaoling immediately turned around with a smile on her face.

"Auntie, it's fine to leave these things to others. Don't worry about it." Gu Hengsheng walked to Mo Miaoling's side and looked at every corner of Gu's house carefully arranged, afraid that Mo Miaoling would be overworked. .

"It's okay, Auntie is happy." Mo Miaoling said in a wonderful voice: "You and Qiurou's unfinished wedding two years ago, this time the re-do must be a splendid one, and there must be no negligence."

"Okay, the aunt is in charge." Gu Hengsheng could only nod his head in agreement, then walked to the nurse's side, hugged Gu Qingyan in his arms, and said softly, "Qingyan."

"Hehehe..." Gu Qingyan, who was originally quiet, suddenly became fussy in Gu Hengsheng's arms, clutching Gu Hengsheng's clothes with a pair of small hands, and kept giggling non-stop, as if celebrating Gu Hengsheng's upcoming wedding.

Gu Hengsheng and Mo Miaoling looked at each other, they both looked at the small and cute Gu Qingyan, their hearts melted.

(End of this chapter)

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