The sword rises

Chapter 425 The emperor comes in person, the strong come

Chapter 425 The emperor comes in person, the strong come

Chapter 420 The emperor comes in person, the strong come

The wedding day has finally arrived.

Today, the entire Gu family and the Li family were filled with banquets, and all major restaurants were also contracted by the Gu family, which can be called a prosperous age.

The emperors of hundreds of countries came to Gu's family in person and brought heavy gifts to celebrate.

"Congratulations, Lord Xia Cheng!"

"Congratulations, Monarch Moyang!"


As the housekeeper of the Gu family, Yi Bo's kind face was covered with joy.He stood at the door with a group of servants, and invited the big shots from the land of a hundred kingdoms to go in.

It is truly rare in the world that a hundred nations come to court, such a prosperous age.

"Old Yi, it's so lively today! I hope you will forgive me for coming to Zhenxi Palace without invitation." A grey-haired old man came out from the crowd and said to Yi Bo with a smile.

The person who came was Bai Haoxia from the West Prince's Mansion in Moyang Country Town, the current ruler of the Palace.In the past two years, Bai Haoxia has maintained his relationship with the Gu family and the alliance and helped him a lot.

"It turned out to be Master Bai, please come in quickly!"

Yi Bo naturally knew Master Bai, so he was flattered and said quickly.

"This grand wedding of your Majesty shocked the whole world. My father also came here in person. He wants to visit Mr. Gu and have a glass of wedding wine." Bai Haoxia said to Yi Bo, and behind him stepped an extremely aged and withered old man.

"Master Bai's father? Isn't that..." Yi Bo was startled, and instantly thought of King Zhenxi who shocked the world a hundred years ago, and exclaimed, "Could it be that King Zhenxi has also come?"

"Little Wang is here to ask for a glass of wine." Zhenxi Wang seemed to be staggering, but some emperors and powerful people around him couldn't help stepping out of the way, showing great respect.

King Zhenxi, one of the elders of the Moyang Kingdom, has an unrivaled cultivation at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm.Looking at all the countries in the world, I am afraid that there are not many people who can suppress the existence of King Zhenxi.

The emperors of all countries stopped in their tracks, and couldn't help but glance at the old man, not daring to underestimate him.

"My lord, please come in!" Yi Bo hurriedly bowed and saluted, pointed at the open door of the Gu family, and said loudly.

"Thank you very much." Although Yi Bo was only a housekeeper of the Gu family, King Zhenxi did not dare to be arrogant and was extremely polite.

King Zhenxi had inquired about the people around Gu Hengsheng, and knew that Yi Bo in front of him was a housekeeper in name, but in fact he was an elder who had watched Gu Heng grow up with his own eyes. How dare he be disrespectful?
After King Zhenxi entered the gate of the Gu family, some middle-ranking dynasties and other emperors stepped into the gate of the Gu family one after another with heavy gifts.

With such a prosperous scene, many officials and aristocratic families of Tianfeng Kingdom can only wait and see, but cannot enter.

After all, the visitors are all emperors and famous powerhouses, so how can ordinary officials be qualified to enter?

Everyone in the Gu family, whether it was the guards or the maidservants, was full of pride and didn't feel any fatigue.It is an honor that the emperors and powerful men of all countries are more polite to everyone in the Gu family.

All the members of the Gu family raised their heads high and said to themselves, "If you can become the Gu family in this life, you will die without regret."

"The old man with bones pays homage to Your Majesty!"

Suddenly, a figure came from the sky and landed at the gate of Gu's mansion, and a hoarse sound spread throughout the entire imperial capital.

Yi Bo was taken aback, looking at the shriveled old man in front of him, he couldn't think of any strong man for a moment.But no matter who it is, it must be someone with extraordinary strength, and said quickly: "Senior, please come in!"

"It's time to work." The old man with bones supported a crutch and said hoarsely.

Afterwards, the old man with bones slowly stepped into Gu's house.

"Old man with dry bones? Could it be..." In the crowd, a strong man seemed to think of a legend, and shouted: "I know who he is! It is said that a strong man went into the sea a hundred years ago and cut a piece of land that was comparable to the ground. The Yaojiao in the late stage of the Profound Realm has a great reputation, and this is undoubtedly the person."

"So, I seem to have seen this matter in the history books. It is said that the old man with bones at that time was already a strong man in the late stage of the Earth Profound Realm. At that time, many dynasties wanted to recruit him, but they were all rejected by him one by one. Refused."

"Now that a hundred years have passed, the old man with bones must be stronger."

Many people watched the old man enter, and couldn't help being awed.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Yi Bo naturally also knew the origin of the old man with bones, and felt that there are quite a lot of hidden strong people in this world.

If it were in the past, the entire Gu family would definitely be terrified of such a strong man.Now, even the maids of the Gu family are surprised

No wonder, numb.

Didn't you see so many emperors queuing up in an orderly manner?

The guards of the Gu family and the servant girls couldn't help but raise their heads proudly when they thought of telling the story about it in the future.

"The living dead are here to visit Your Majesty!"

Not long after the old man with the bones entered, another person appeared from afar.

This person's face was extremely ferocious, the flesh and blood on the left half of his body was only white bones, and the right half of his body looked like a vigorous man.

Such a strange appearance made countless people startled.

"The living dead?" An emperor of a middle-level dynasty seemed to have heard it somewhere. After lowering his eyebrows and pondering for a while, he suddenly said in shock: "Could it be the living dead who suppressed an era 300 years ago? Legend has it that he is not Have you died long ago? Why are you still alive?"

"The living dead, it is rumored that 300 years ago, he was the peerless powerhouse who was closest to the Profound Sky Realm at that time, and he was only a step away from entering the Profound Sky Realm."

"It's been 300 years, and the living dead are still alive. It's terrible."

Countless people's throats tightened and they kept rolling, unable to maintain a calm state of mind.

At the gate of Gu's house, Yi Bo once heard the legend about the living dead. It is said that the living dead were the first pride 300 years ago, suppressing the existence of an era.

It never occurred to me that the living dead were still alive, and even came to visit Gu Hengsheng. Yi Bo was stunned and terrified for a long time before he realized: "Senior, please come in!"

The left half of the body of the living dead is full of bones, which is extremely cold.He nodded to Yi Bo indifferently, and walked into the gate of Gu's house with strides.

Immediately afterwards, many strong men who lived in seclusion were born one after another and came to the Gu family, shocking the world.

These strong men who were once abandoned by the times are all existences who can become the elders of the dynasty, which shocked countless people.It wasn't until this moment that the world understood that there are so many powerful people hidden in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.

In the deep courtyard of the Gu family, Gu Hengsheng was preparing his own attire, and changed into a festive red man's attire, elegant and elegant.

"Benefactor Gu, you have to think about it, you really don't want to convert to my Buddhism?" The fat monk Kongjie said inappropriately, making old man Gu and others couldn't help but roll their eyes.

It is estimated that if it is not for the strong strength of the fat monk Kongjie, Mr. Gu will definitely meet with the fat monk Kongjie.On the day of their wedding, they actually wanted to encourage Gu Hengsheng to enter the Buddhist sect, that's too cheap.

"Go away." Gu Hengsheng glared at the fat monk Kongjie angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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