The sword rises

Chapter 457 Who is he?

Chapter 457 Who is he?

Chapter 450 Who is he?

As soon as the old beggar appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.


This was the recognition of the old beggar by all the experts in the Profound Sky Realm, and they couldn't help showing a trace of panic.

"This land bears countless glory, where do you have the qualifications to want to occupy this place?"

The old beggar glanced at the strong men lightly, and said sonorously.

This abandoned land is definitely not as weak as it appears on the surface!
All the powerhouses in the Sky Profound Realm stared at the old beggar with their hands tightly, and felt the breath of death spread all over their bodies.Although they couldn't see through the old beggar's cultivation, they knew that the old beggar was absolutely extraordinary.

"Senior, if you can, leave these people here!" Gu Hengsheng was wary of Concubine Mo Ning in front of him, and said to the old beggar distractedly: "Since they are determined to slaughter my hundred kingdoms , then let them pay the price in blood."

"I...haven't shot for many, many years, and I'm rusty."

The old beggar looked up at the vast sky, as if recalling some scene, he whispered hoarsely, "I am just a remnant of an era, a person abandoned by the era."

"Old guy, play tricks!"

Sun Fenjiang, the elder of the Fengyu Sect, let out a cold snort, bursting out with the majestic aura of the Profound Sky Realm, and punched the old beggar hard.


Fenjiang, the grandson of Fengyuzong, punched out, shaking the world in an instant. The wind of the fist was strong enough to bring down an entire dynasty.

The next moment, the huge fist light had already reached the top of the old beggar's head.

The old beggar's hands drooped under his waist, he was not moved by Sun Fenjiang's punch, and stood motionless.


When the fist glow was only one point away from hitting the old beggar, the fist glow turned into nothingness for some reason, and hid in the depths of the void.


Immediately, countless people's faces changed drastically, and they exclaimed.

The all-out punch of a strong person in the Profound Sky Realm actually dissipated just like that?

Who is the extremely sloppy old beggar in front of him?

Why have there never been rumors of this person appearing in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms?

Seeing this, even Gu Hengsheng was horrified in his heart, he thought the old beggar was just a strong man who had touched the Profound Sky Realm.Now it seems, I am afraid it is not so simple.

Gu Hengsheng asked himself, if he faced a full-strength blow from a strong person in the Profound Sky Realm, he might have to pay a price to be able to block it.

"I've forgotten how to punch after all these years."

After Fenjiang, the grandson of Fengyu sect, the fist light faded away, the old beggar stepped out slowly, lowering his slightly sunken pupils, and muttering to himself.

Afterwards, the old beggar slowly raised his right hand, his movements were slow.

It took the old beggar several breaths to clenched his right hand and punched Sun Fenjiang of Fengyuzong.

In an instant, a ferocious giant dragon rushed out from the old beggar's right fist. The power of the fist transformed into a dragon.


The punch was roaring like a dragon, and it rushed towards Sun Fenjiang in the blink of an eye, with menacing power.

In the void, a dozen or so Sky Profound Realm powerhouses all backed away in astonishment. They looked at this dragon-like fist light, and their eyes were full of horror.


Sun Fenjiang of Fengyuzong seemed to be locked in by the punch of the old beggar, no matter how he flashed his figure, he couldn't dodge it.Sun Fenjiang's complexion changed drastically, knowing that he could only resist forcefully.

Sun Fenjiang immediately circulated his profound energy in the Profound Sky Realm, and used all his abilities, intending to block this imposing punch.

In the next moment, Sun Fenjiang's whole body was enveloped by the glow of Rulong's fist, and the sound of the dragon's chant resounded through the sky.

bang rumble——

When the fist glow slowly dissipated, Sun Fenjiang stood in the void in a state of embarrassment, precariously on the verge of falling.

A touch of scarlet overflowed from Sun Fenjiang's mouth, and his face was ferocious.He stared at the old beggar with endless bloodshot eyes, and the depths of his eyes were full of fear.

In order to block the old beggar's punch, Sun Fenjiang used all his hole cards, and finally took it.But even so, Sun Fenjiang also suffered some injuries.

"The power of a punch is so terrifying!" On the vast land, people from many forces trembled and shivered, and the whole body was filled with chills: "Elder Sun is a strong man in the early days of the Profound Sky Realm, and he almost It’s too scary not to go on.”

"Is this really just an abandoned land? Why is there such a strong existence?"

"If this person is just a casual punch, then how strong is he? A person like him, even if he is a leader in all major sects, why stay here?"

The faces of people from all major forces turned pale.

On the top of the sky, Gu Hengsheng and Concubine Mo Ning confronted each other. The two of them saw the scene below from the corner of their eyes, and they both showed shocked expressions.

Seeing this, Dugu Shang, who was usually calm and calm, was also slightly stunned, looking at the old beggar full of doubts.

"who are you?"

Sun Fenjiang of Fengyuzong finally stabilized the disordered meridians. He stared at the old beggar like an ordinary person, and said in a deep voice with deep fear.

Who is this person?

Regarding this question, not only Sun Fenjiang wanted to know, but everyone present wanted an answer.

Almost crushed a strong man at the early stage of the Profound Sky Realm with one punch, and the origin of the old beggar is definitely extraordinary.In the eyes of all the strong people, the spiritual energy in the abandoned land is thin, and such a strong person will definitely not appear.

"It's been too long, I've forgotten the name." The old beggar seemed to have pondered for a long time before slowly raising his deep eyes and scanning the crowd.

Wherever the old beggar's gaze passed, there was silence, few people dared to look at him.

In the land of a hundred kingdoms, countless creatures watching this scene were stunned.

In the eyes of hundreds of millions of living beings, only Zun Shang and Jian Zun are the strongest in the land of a hundred kingdoms. I never thought that there is such a strong man who is enough to conquer the world.

"Unrivaled posture, who is he? Why have you never heard anything about him?"

The major dynasties in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms have created waves.

The old beggar wore a pair of dirty shoes with exposed toes, and he continued to walk forward step by step.

Every time the old beggar took a step, the dozen or so Sky Profound Realm powerhouses in the void would feel heavy pressure, and couldn't help but take half a step back.

There's no way, the old beggar's punch is really terrifying, it hits the depths of the soul.

"Fist like a dragon, could it be that he is..." Dugu Shang, who was standing alone on one side, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the old beggar as if thinking of something.

(End of this chapter)

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