The sword rises

Chapter 458 A Legend

Chapter 458 A Legend

Chapter 450: A Legend

Dugu Shang looked at the bent figure of the old beggar, and remembered some past events.

Involuntarily, a respectful ripple appeared in Dugu Shang's eyes, and the sharpness of the Hai Cang sword in his hand seemed to be somewhat hidden.

"Senior is Chen Wuya?"

Dugu Shang walked a few steps in the direction of the old beggar, his gaze was like a torch, and he asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the old beggar's ragged figure paused slightly, his head slowly sank, and he fell silent.

Chen Wuya?
Could it be that the name of the old beggar is Chen Wuya?
Everyone also held their breath, they didn't intend to do anything immediately, but were secretly thinking about the name "Chen Wuya".

"During the battle of Tianxu, I once sat down with the emperor and he told me one thing."

Dugu Shang said in awe: "The emperor said that 3000 years ago, outsiders discovered the land of the Hundred Kingdoms and planned to invade with troops. The emperor knew that with the strength of the Hundred Kingdoms at that time, they would definitely not be able to resist it. Therefore, the emperor thought about it." Afterwards, they cooperated with Fang Tiandao to seal up the Hundred Kingdoms."

"Then, the emperor disappeared from the Hundred Kingdoms and went to another continent. The Emperor once said that in order to protect the peace of the Hundred Kingdoms, one person was left to guard and stop some forces who knew the existence of the Hundred Kingdoms."

"That person, but senior?"

Dugu Shang clasped his hands solemnly, staring at the old beggar's hunched body, and slowly spoke.

"It's been so long, I've forgotten."

After a long time, the old beggar spoke hoarsely.

yes!After so many years, the old beggar has forgotten.

As the years passed, the old beggar had somewhat forgotten his name.

At this time, Yan Feng, the elder of Xishen Palace in the distant void, was startled suddenly, and said loudly: "According to the records of the Zongmen, a person appeared in Beimanhai 3000 years ago and stopped our fleet of Xishen Palace. Don't let my sect's fleet go any further."

"So, 3000 years ago, a general of my former Su Dynasty went to Beimanhai and then disappeared. Could it be related to this abandoned place?"

"Two thousand years ago, an elder from the side door of my Snow Demon Palace died at the end of Beimanhai, and the cause of death is unknown." Concubine Mo Ning, who was confronting Gu Hengsheng, seemed to have remembered something, and said coldly with winking eyes.

"Could it be that this person did all these things?"

Sun Fenjiang, the elder of Fengyu Sect, stared at the old beggar with extreme vigilance.


As soon as everyone's remarks came out, there was a wave of turmoil immediately.

From the discussion of these foreign powerhouses, the world has learned a lot of unknown news.The old beggar in front of him may have lived for thousands of years. It is unknown how much he can live for such a long time.

"Chen Wuya..." The living dead who had been bowing his head in deep thought suddenly raised his head, and said loudly in horror: "3000 years ago, the number one general under the emperor's command was called Chen Wuya! Back then, Chen Wuya led the army, Invincible, invincible, invincible.”

Could it be that the extremely sloppy old beggar in front of him is the number one general under the command of the famous emperor in the past?That Chen Wuya who suppressed countless strong men and dynasties?

Stars and stars appeared in Gu Hengsheng's eyes. He looked at the old beggar's dilapidated and rickety appearance, and it was hard to imagine why the Unrivaled Warlord recorded in the classics and annals turned into such a appearance.

The old beggar listened to everyone's words, without any waves, his whole heart seemed to be silent at the bottom of the abyss, without any emotional fluctuations.

3000 years ago, the old beggar voluntarily guarded the land of a hundred countries to ensure the safety of countless lives.The back view of Emperor Nangong's departure was forever engraved in the depths of his heart.

Day after day, year after year, the old beggar sat at the end of the South Sea and killed countless powerful enemies who were about to invade.

After 1000 years passed, the land of the Hundred Kingdoms was completely isolated from the outside world, and then the Hundred Kingdoms did not allow any strong people from the Profound Sky Realm to appear, so as not to break this invisible barrier of isolation.

At that time, the old beggar did not choose to leave Baiguo, but stuck to the promise he made to Emperor Nangong and stayed in Baiguo.

In the following 2000 years, the old beggar witnessed the great prosperity of the land of a hundred countries, and watched the establishment and collapse of dynasties.

For these, the old beggar never took action, because his duty was only to protect the peace of the Hundred Kingdoms.As for the internal and external struggles in the land of a hundred countries, they will go to them.

With the passage of time, the memory of the old beggar began to be forgotten, and he was slowly reduced to a grain of sand in the world of mortals.

Because the old beggar is in a hundred countries, the path of practice is naturally cut off.He has nothing to do, he can only walk step by step towards the distance, not knowing where to go.

Later, after 2000 years of wind and rain and a life like a tree, the memory of the old beggar has been confused.

In the end, he stayed under the streets of a imperial city, living in a slumber next to a garbage dump, and spent every day relying on two copper coins thrown by well-meaning people to buy a pot of dirty wine.

After Gu Hengsheng appeared, the old beggar seemed to recall some memory fragments deep in his heart, remembering his original intention of staying in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.

"The number one general 3000 years ago, Chen Wuya."

Gu Hengsheng caught some deep news from Dugu Shang's few words just now, and couldn't help showing a look of admiration.

In the land of a hundred kingdoms, countless creatures showed horror, and it was difficult to connect the unrivaled warrior recorded in the annals with the old beggar.

People in the world don't know why the famous general of the year became like this, and they also don't know why the Nangong Emperor suddenly disappeared.They only know that the sky is falling, and there is a tall man holding it up, and they only need to care about the daily rations.

"He is Chen Wuya? The number one general recorded in the annals of history?" After a long pause, the plainly dressed cook stared at the old beggar and asked softly in disbelief.

The old beggar slowly raised his head, showing his dry and wrinkled face, and said hoarsely: "He said that he will come back one day. When he rules the world again, all living beings in the world should not dare to violate a hundred kingdoms."

"Why hasn't he come after thousands of years?"

The old beggar was waiting, waiting for his arrival.But after so long, he didn't show up after all.

If it weren't for the obsession in his heart, the old beggar might have sealed himself up.After staying in a hundred countries for thousands of years, it is so strange.

Because the people from back then are no longer there, so what's the use of being in a familiar place?
All sentient beings looked at the old beggar's withered, yellow and shriveled body, and were silent for a long time.

Gu Hengsheng didn't expect that the old beggar had such a great background, nor did he think that the first general who was seated by Emperor Nangong would still stay in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.

"I don't care who you are, you'll either stand by and watch, or you'll be an enemy of many of my forces. Even if your cultivation level is advanced, you can only die."

Yan Feng, the elder of Xishen Palace, said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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