The sword rises

Chapter 459 He is the emperor, the ancient emperor

Chapter 459 He is the emperor, the emperor through the ages
Chapter 450 IX He Is The Emperor, The Eternal Emperor
"Death is not a kind of relief."

The old beggar shook his head mockingly and said softly.

For the old beggar, his whole body is numb.He's lived for too long, smoothing his edges.Guarded in a land of hundreds of countries for thousands of years, sinking into the world of mortals, his memory has long been blurred.

3000 years ago, in order not to break the isolation barrier of the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, no warriors in the Profound Sky Realm were allowed to appear.

Because once there are warriors in the Profound Sky Realm, the land of the Hundred Kingdoms will not be able to hold it, and the barrier will definitely be broken, causing the outside world to discover the existence of the Hundred Kingdoms.

Therefore, just in case, Nangong Han left behind a soul avatar to guard in the land of a hundred countries.

Although Nan Gonghan's move protects Shell Hundred Kingdoms for 3000 years without worry, it also blocks the path of countless Tianjiao.How many heroes who stood up to the sky were buried in the Hundred Kingdoms, leaving regrets.

However, if the Land of the Hundred Kingdoms was not sealed, perhaps the Land of the Hundred Kingdoms would have been occupied by foreign forces as early as 3000 years ago!

In this regard, it can only be said that Nan Gonghan's move has advantages and disadvantages, and everything should be judged by the world.

"I live just to wait for him. I believe that one day he will come back."

The old beggar was walking in the endless yellow sand, his crooked body was covered by endless sand grains, but he looked extremely tall and huge: "He is a legend, a miracle walking in the world, and his promise will definitely be fulfilled. "

Looking at the old beggar's ragged appearance, Gu Hengsheng and the others held their breath in admiration. This is an old man worthy of the respect of all living beings in a hundred countries.

The old beggar put aside his glory, and stayed in the Hundred Kingdoms during the most glorious time, quietly guarding the end of the South Sea, resisting countless powerful enemies who wanted to invade.

"He is the emperor, the emperor of the ages. When he comes to the world again, who will dare to offend my hundred kingdoms?"

Suddenly, the old beggar seemed to recall the scenes deep in his heart, and saw the scene where he followed Nangong Emperor to fight on the battlefield.

"Absurd! How dare you call yourself emperor in a mere abandoned place?" Yan Feng, the elder of Xishen Palace, raised his head and laughed loudly: "Your vision is low, do you know what the word emperor means?"

The elders of the major forces shook their heads, not being moved by the old beggar's belief, but all showing contempt and sarcasm.

In the depths of the old beggar's eyes there was only firmness. Every time he took a step, fragments of memory deep in his heart would flash before his eyes.

He said he would come back, and he would definitely come back.

This is the belief of the old beggar, the belief he has lived in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms for 3000 years.

Those words still linger in the ears of the old beggar, and everything from that year seems to be vividly remembered.

He once said to the old beggar: "Gu is going to conquer the big world, but all living beings are the people of Gu, and I hope you can guard here. When Gu comes to the world again, you will still be the unparalleled fighter under Gu's command." General, I will fight the world with my lonely companion."

"The last general, wait for the return of the emperor!"

In a daze, 3000 years have passed, and the old beggar has changed from a generation of unparalleled warriors to an old man in his twilight years.He is alive, just firm in the belief in his heart, believing that he will definitely come back.

Because, the emperor's promise will definitely be kept.

"In all the heavens and myriad worlds, people who can be named after emperors are all peerless existences that overlook the world and transcend the realm of Taoism." The elder of Fengyu Sect sneered: "Even in a deserted place, even if there are great people, they are just It’s nothing more than a martial artist in the Profound Sky Realm, but he dared to call himself the emperor. Just based on your words, it’s a death penalty for betraying you!”

The old beggar was indifferent, walking staggeringly, he didn't have any mood swings about the world's speech.To him, none of this mattered, he just wanted to kill a few people, that's all.

"My fist once made hundreds of nations tremble. Although it is not as good as it used to be, it shouldn't be a big problem to kill a few people!"

The old beggar slowly raised his head, looked at the powerful men of the Sky Profound Realm standing in the sky, and muttered hoarsely to himself.

When the old beggar's cloudy eyes swept towards him, all the powerful people in the Sky Profound Realm fell into an ice cave inexplicably, and their souls trembled slightly with a chill.

"Fellow daoists, this person is very strange, let's suppress him together, and then discuss how to divide the resources of this abandoned land, how about?"

A strong man from the sect suggested very solemnly.

"Yes." All the strong men nodded one after another, and they were all shocked by the abyss-like aura of the old beggar.

Thus, out of a total of sixteen strong men in the Profound Sky Realm, ten of them surrounded the old beggar.The other five Sky Profound Realm experts were in a stalemate with Dugu Shang, Feng Wuxie, and the living dead.

The last strong person in the Profound Sky Realm was Concubine Mo Ning from Snow Demon Palace. She looked at Gu Hengsheng coldly and sealed off the void around Gu Hengsheng.And Gu Hengsheng's endless sea of ​​blood also surged towards Concubine Mo Ning.

At this time, dozens of figures came from the depths of the Hundred Kingdoms at a high speed, and they were hiding the experts at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm in the Hundred Kingdoms.Among them are the crazy woman, the old man with bones, the nine-foot demon king, the elders of Moyang Kingdom and Xia Cheng Kingdom...

"I am willing to fight side by side with the senior, the sword master and the master, and protect the territory of my hundred kingdoms!"

At this moment, all the powerhouses in the land of a hundred kingdoms have made concerted efforts. They put aside all personal grievances and plan to fight to the death.

All the powerhouses in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms knew that if Gu Hengsheng and the others lost this battle, then the Hundred Kingdoms would cease to exist, and their fate would only be one.

Therefore, they let go of all personal grievances and came forward to fight.Facing the sixteen experts in the Profound Sky Realm, the people of the Hundred Kingdoms knew that their chances of winning were extremely slim, but they had no choice but to fight.

Countless creatures from the Hundred Kingdoms watched this battle, and they all clenched their fists tightly, praying to the heavens to give the Hundred Kingdoms a way out.

"The number one warrior 3000 years ago, Feng Wuxie, the number one powerhouse hundreds of years ago, and Sword Master and Master, they are all figures who once suppressed the Land of Hundred Kingdoms in an era, and they will definitely win .”

The emperors of hundreds of countries and hundreds of millions of living beings all looked up at the same time, watching the impending war intently.

Nanyuan Kingdom and the surrounding countries seemed to be the venue for a big battle.Fortunately, the people of these dynasties all evacuated under Gu Hengsheng's order, otherwise, I don't know how many people would have died.

"Sir, you will definitely win." In the imperial capital of Chu State, the first empress of a hundred kingdoms stood majestically. She closed her eyes and murmured.In her heart, Gu Hengsheng is a legend, an invincible myth, and nothing will happen.

"Hang Seng, old man, I'll be waiting for you at home, come back early." Tianfengguo Gu's family, Mr. Gu sat in the lobby, talking to himself.

Every corner of the Land of Hundred Kingdoms gradually fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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