The sword rises

Chapter 479 Arriving in Beizhou

Chapter 479 Arriving in Beizhou
Chapter 470 Arriving in Beizhou

In an unknown big world, they are just little people who have come out of the land of a hundred kingdoms. If they offend any forces, they will definitely die.

Even if it's just a small force in Beizhou, people from the land of a hundred countries can't provoke it.

On the big ship, many warriors at the Earth Profound Realm fell silent. They were highly respected in the Hundred Kingdoms, and they were all strong men who were in charge of one side.

Now that they are in the land of Beizhou in Yunyun Great World, their cultivation in the Earth Profound Realm is just like ordinary people, they can't make any waves at all, so they must be cautious.

"Fifth Master, are there many Sky Profound Realm powerhouses in Beizhou? As powerful as Sword Master and Venerable Master?"

Someone uttered a suspicious voice, which made everyone hold their breath and stare at Fifth Master with eager eyes.

Fifth Master stood in the middle of the big boat, pondered and said: "When I came last time, I inquired about some news. It is said that as long as there are forces with names and surnames, they are all powerful people with Sky Profound realm. There are a few but a dozen strong people in the Sky Profound Realm."


Hearing this, everyone trembled subconsciously, showing shocked expressions.

"A dozen or so strong men in the Profound Sky Realm who are comparable to Sword Master and Master Sword Master, my God! These are just some slightly stronger forces. If they are really big forces, how terrifying would they be?"

Many people were in an uproar, their whole hearts were beating violently, they couldn't believe it.

"It is rumored that in some of the big forces in Beizhou, there are powerhouses beyond the Profound Sky Realm sitting in command." Fifth Master said, also showing some longing looks.

Afterwards, a gloomy look flashed in Fifth Master's eyes, and he let out a long sigh: "It's a pity that my level is too low, and I can't get in touch with that kind of power at all, and I'm not even qualified to hear it."

A strong person beyond the Sky Profound Realm, isn't he stronger than Sword Master and Supreme Master? Just how strong is that kind of existence?
In the land of a hundred countries, a warrior at the Earth Profound Realm can sit in a small country and have a respectable status.But in this great world of Beizhou, only warriors in the Profound Sky Realm can be regarded as the number one person, and this world really cannot be compared with a hundred kingdoms.

What's more, some big forces in the depths of Beizhou have powerhouses beyond the Sky Profound Realm, which are extremely terrifying.

Unknowingly, there was a depressive and heavy atmosphere in the whole big ship, which made everyone breathless.

"Fifth Master, you are joking, you will definitely be a big shot in the future." Someone eased the solemn atmosphere and said hastily.

"That's right! Fifth Master, you are so powerful. It's already amazing to be able to open up the sea route to Beizhou in a short period of time."

"Maybe in the future, with Fifth Master's ability, he can also step into the Sky Profound Realm, or even a stronger realm."

Everyone echoed one after another, sweeping away the heavy words just now.

"Borrow the good words from the big guy."

Fifth Master arched his hands and said to everyone with a smile on his face.

Gradually, time passed day by day, and the big ship passed through the waves of the turbulent waves and sailed into the gentle sea.

This sea area, named Beimang Sea, is an endless sea near Beizhou.

At this moment, everyone has entered the great world and arrived in the territory of Beizhou.

"Look, everybody! What's that?"

On the side of the ship, a martial artist pointed to a position on the left side of the big ship and exclaimed loudly.

Everyone heard the sound, and then looked to the left side of the big ship, and saw a horrifying picture.

A deep black whale exposed half of its body on the sea surface. Together with its huge body, it seemed that the entire sea area was trembling, with a huge momentum.

"My God! What a big whale, it's more than three times bigger than the whales in the waters of our hundred countries, it's so spectacular."

someone exclaimed.

"The aura here is so rich! I feel that as long as I practice here for a year, I will be able to step into the Earth Profound Realm."

A genius at the peak of the Spiritual Profound Realm took a deep breath, feeling the aura here with his hands outstretched, with a strong look of joy and excitement on his face.

Gu Hengsheng stayed in the corner of the cabin the whole time, and he was not too surprised by the change in the rich aura.What surprised Gu Hengsheng was that the order of heaven and earth here is extremely huge, and the will of the Dao is intact.

Most importantly, Gu Hengsheng clenched his hands tightly, feeling that his profound energy was being resisted, and this oppressive force filled the space between the heaven and the earth, which could not be captured.

"The Dao is complete, and it is definitely not comparable to the way of heaven in a hundred countries. That is to say, warriors in the Profound Sky Realm can have a huge influence in a hundred countries, splitting mountains and seas, and breaking thousands of miles. But here, warriors in the Profound Sky Realm will definitely not With too much power, it is already considered good enough to tear the ground ten thousand meters apart with a full-strength shot."

Gu Hengsheng frowned, and said to himself: "Because the spiritual energy here is extremely strong, this vast sky and earth have become extremely strong after countless years of spiritual nourishment."

In the land of a hundred kingdoms, the sword master can cut through the sword ruins of three thousand miles with one swing;

These are all because the order of heaven and earth in the Hundred Kingdoms is weak, and it is a land abandoned by one side, and the sky and the earth are extremely vulnerable to collapse.And when it comes to the territory of Beizhou, the real place of the great world, the Sky Profound Realm here is only equivalent to the Earth Profound Realm of the Hundred Kingdoms.

"I must have a good look at the truly complete avenue order."

Gu Hengsheng's frowning eased, and a majestic and firm will burst out of his eyes, and he clenched his fists subconsciously.

The complete Dao order shows that as long as Gu Hengsheng sticks to his original heart and stabilizes his Wuque Dao heart, then he will be able to go on without any resistance from the Dao of Heaven.

Step into the Profound Sky Realm, directly reach the Dao Realm, and even...

Gu Hengsheng felt yearning in his heart and clenched his teeth.

Then, Gu Hengsheng thought of the scene when Li Qiurou was taken away by dozens of unfathomable strong men, and murmured firmly: "Rou'er, wait for me, I will definitely find you and bring you home. "

On that day, Li Qiurou resolutely left Gu Hengsheng and disappeared without a trace.

Gu Hengsheng didn't blame her, because Gu Hengsheng saw the embarrassment from the depths of her pupils, and knew that she had a lot of things to do.

In this regard, Gu Hengsheng did not stop Li Qiurou, nor did he have any means or ability to stop Li Qiurou, it would be better to let Li Qiurou leave.Gu Hengsheng believed that he would find Li Qiurou through his own efforts.

By that time, Gu Hengsheng would certainly not be just a warrior in the late stage of the Earth Profound Realm, and would already be able to share difficulties with Li Qiurou.

"Come out, guys! We're almost there!"

Fifth Master strode out from the cabin, pointed at the majestic coastal scenery ahead, and said loudly.

Immediately, everyone rushed out of the cabin and looked forward, full of excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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