The sword rises

Chapter 480 In just one thought, life and death are unknown

Chapter 480 In a single thought, life and death are unknown
Chapter 480 In a single thought, life and death are unknown
Ahead, a huge coastal ship port appeared in front of everyone.

The majestic and tall ships docked along the coast were many times more magnificent than the big ship that Gu Hengsheng was riding on, and they were not at the same level of manufacturing technology.

The walls and ground along the coast are all jade white, and they are paved with high-quality jade. The real gold and jade carvings are extremely luxurious.

Looking up from a distance, there are tall and mountainous buildings standing on the vast land deep along the coast, resplendent like palaces.

This is just the coast of Beizhou near the sea.

If it is in the truly prosperous area of ​​Beizhou, it must be much more luxurious and prosperous than this one near the sea.

"How beautiful!"

Someone looked at the beautiful scene ahead and praised softly in a demented voice.


What a beautiful place!Moreover, it is also full of rich aura, and has some intact Dao will, which is of great benefit to practice and can go further.

Many people were blinded by the scene in front of them, lamenting that this is the great world that they and others yearn for.However, they didn't see the blood that flowed on this vast land, and they didn't know the crises behind this prosperous and prosperous world.

"Beizhou, I'm here." Gu Hengsheng also came out of the cabin. He looked up at the suffocating scenery and the buildings near the sea, muttering.

Gu Hengsheng believes that as long as he is given enough time, he will be able to surpass his previous life.

You'll know when you break through.

This sentence has been shrouded in Gu Hengsheng's mind, and he can't get rid of it.

Back then, when Gu Hengsheng was traveling in the borderlands of the Chu Kingdom, there was a tomb of Bagua Ganzi. An unrivaled existence said this to Gu Hengsheng, and presented Gu Hengsheng with several Mingxian flowers.

Later, Monk Kongjie and Zhuge Haokong, who had disappeared from the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, also said this on the day of Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou's big wedding, full of deep meaning.

Some time ago, Emperor Nangong came to Baiguo with a touch of will, and even told Gu Hengsheng directly that he would understand everything after breaking through the Profound Sky Realm and reaching the Dao Realm.

Regarding this, Gu Hengsheng felt an eager desire to break into the Dao Realm, and to solve the doubts and problems in his heart.

And, somewhere, there was another person waiting for Gu Hengsheng to take her home.Therefore, Gu Hengsheng couldn't stop his pace, he wanted to go upstream and find his own way in the vast world.

"Big fellows, I'll stop at the side later, and you'll have to walk the rest of the way on your own." The fifth master stopped the excited crowd and shouted: "Remember, in this unknown world, you must It is full of various senses of crisis, I hope you will not be confused."

"Thank you Fifth Master for your warning." Some warriors at the Earth Profound Realm nodded slowly and said with fists clasped.

Fifth Master smiled lightly and stopped talking. He slowly looked at the land of Beizhou in front of him, and sighed in his heart.

In this world, there are many crises. Can practitioners in the land of a hundred countries really stand firm?
The fifth master didn't know, he only knew that he had been able to warn him many times, which was already regarded as the utmost benevolence and righteousness.As for the life and death of everyone and the path they will take next, that is beyond his control.

The big ship was getting closer and closer to the coast of Beizhou, and each new image brought a huge visual impact to everyone, and they were amazed.

click -

The speed of the big ship gradually slowed down, and it stopped at the edge of a coastal ship port.

The arrival of the Hundred Nations ship attracted the attention of many people along the coast. All kinds of strange eyes glanced from all directions, as if they were full of curiosity about the people of Hundred Nations.

"Everyone, take care all the way."

Fifth Master had a quack air about him, he raised his hands boldly, and said to everyone with fists clasped.

"Fifth Master take care, thank you for sending me off." Everyone clasped their hands together and said in unison.

Fifth Master stood on the big boat with a smile on his face, watching everyone leave one by one, and watched them set foot on the land of Beizhou.

Gu Hengsheng followed among the crowd from all over the world, concealed his identity and got off the big boat. He glanced at the depths of Beizhou, and couldn't help but cling to the Jinghong sword wrapped in coarse cloth.

Pinned to Gu Hengsheng's waist was a sharp sword wrapped in thick coarse cloth, which was the Xuexiao Sword.

When people from all over the world boarded the ship port along the coast of Beizhou, many luxuriously dressed people came over immediately, all of them looked extremely dignified and extraordinary.

"Fellow Taoists, I see that your spiritual roots are extraordinary, so would you like to join my sect to practice and explore the Dao together?"

There was a middle-aged man who stopped the progress of the people from all over the world, and said solemnly, clasping his hands.

"My royal family is recruiting talented guards. I wonder if you are interested?"

Someone came again and blocked some people from Hundred Kingdoms.

"Fellow Daoist is from the Emperor Township? I have a great longing for the Emperor Township, can we find a place to sit down and talk?"

One after another, the cultivators of the Hundred Kingdoms were stopped, and all kinds of temptations surrounded their ears.

Since the will of Emperor Nangong came to the world some time ago, there has been a storm.Numerous forces in Beizhou dared not invade the Hundred Kingdoms, dispelling all yearning for the Hundred Kingdoms.

The world calls the Land of Hundred Kingdoms the Land of the Emperor, the birthplace and hometown of the Great Emperor.

Gu Hengsheng walked all the way, he just wanted to leave the ship port as soon as possible, and get a better understanding of Beizhou.

Naturally, there are also some people who claim to be from certain forces who want to stop Gu Hengsheng, hoping that Gu Hengsheng can join their forces with them, threatening to enjoy endless prosperity and wealth.

Regarding these, Gu Hengsheng directly shook his head and ignored them.

However, many cultivators from the Hundred Kingdoms happily agreed, and joined various forces one after another, as if they had seen the wonderful scene of their rise.

"In just one thought, life or death is unknown." Gu Hengsheng just shook his head secretly and said to himself about the choice of cultivators from all countries.

Many cultivators from the Hundred Kingdoms have just stepped into this great world, and their fate may already be doomed.

If these people who claim to be major forces really want to recruit strong men and Tianjiao, why do they come to the ship port?Why do you act like you are thirsty for a group of warriors in the Spirit Profound Realm?

I'm afraid, things are not that simple, and the fate of those cultivators from a hundred countries is unknown.Maybe some warriors from all over the world with great chances really met good people, that's understandable!

It can only be said that everyone's fortune is different, most of them are chosen by themselves, and no one else can be blamed.

On the big boat just now, Lord Wu kindly reminded him, but unfortunately, many people forgot these warnings, left them behind, and became confused by all kinds of tempting words.

"Alas..." On the big boat, Fifth Master saw many martial artists from all over the world being taken away, so he could only sigh and shook his head.

The land of a hundred kingdoms is a little more comfortable, so many people don't have any scheming and vigilance at all.Only when they have experienced the dangers of the world themselves, maybe they will understand!

At this time, Gu Hengsheng slowly hid himself in the sea of ​​people and left the coastal ship port of Beizhou.

(End of this chapter)

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