The sword rises

Chapter 601 Towering Stone Gate!

Chapter 601 Towering Stone Gate!

Chapter [-]: Towering Stone Gate!

"Look! There is a stone monument under the stone gate!"

Just when everyone's attention was focused on the simple and tall stone gate, someone pointed to an inconspicuous stone tablet erected at the gate and said.

In an instant, everyone looked sideways.

A stone tablet no more than ten meters high made everyone's hearts messed up.

The stele says: Buddha talks about reincarnation, I don't know.If there is an afterlife, he must be an emperor.

"In the eyes of the world, Hentian Sword Immortal is a peerless youth, enough to be proud of the ages. However, for Hentian Sword Immortal, he wanted to break the destiny of heaven all his life, and wanted to open the gate of heaven to become emperor, but he failed in the end. Gone, sadly passed away."

"It's too sad that people like him have lost to the times. If Hentian Sword Immortal was born in the world of Emperor Wudi, he would definitely become the only emperor in ancient times!"

Many people expressed emotion. They used to only know the peerless talent of Hentian Sword Immortal in the classics. Now that they can see the words of the sword marks left by him with their own eyes, they really understand how sad it is to be the only sword immortal in the world. .

"How to open this door, will it be dangerous?"

A young man who had just stepped into the Dao Realm looked up at Shimen and said.

Everyone took a deep breath, calmed down the noisy thoughts in their hearts, then raised their heads and stared at Shimen, their eyes were full of eagerness.

Perhaps, this stone gate is the opening leading to the storage of Hentian Sword Immortal Zuohua, and there must be a shocking opportunity in it.

click -

Suddenly, just when everyone was hesitating whether to break open the stone gate by force, the stone gate made a huge and incomparable rumbling sound.

"What's going on?" Everyone's tense heartstrings were raised immediately, and they backed away in shock.

"Go back!"

Everyone fell back without hesitation, worrying about what crisis might be triggered.

Gu Hengsheng fell back in the void with everyone in Shen's Palace, and a dignified and tense atmosphere instantly permeated the entire peerless reserve.

The sound of thumping heartbeats came out of the crowd, and the atmosphere was heavy.

The [-]-meter-high stone gate moved slowly, making a deafening crackling sound, which struck everyone's heart like thunder from nine heavens, making everyone suffocate.


Slowly, the Shimen actually moved and opened, and a strange beam of light shot out from the opening of the Shimen, making everyone squint their eyes, unable to look directly.

Immediately afterwards, the Shimen opened a 20-meter-wide crack, and it stopped making any noises or moving.

Everyone thought that there would be an unknowable crisis at the opening of Shimen, but after a long time, the area around Shimen was still as calm as water, without any abnormality.

"Why did the stone gate, which has gone through a hundred thousand years, suddenly open by itself?"

An old antique is puzzled, even if he has searched through his life experience, he still can't explain the scene in front of him, it's a bit weird.

"It's too strange that a huge boulder weighing hundreds of millions of jins was opened! Things are abnormal, so don't act rashly."

The backs of some forces were chilly, and they didn't dare to take half a step closer to Shimen.

As soon as the stone gate was opened, a 20-meter gap was exposed, which was enough for all the people to pass through.However, no one wants to be this early bird, worrying that getting close to Shimen will trigger endless murderous intentions.

After all, this is the hidden reserve left by the most glorious Heaven-hating Sword Immortal since ancient times. No one knows whether there will be a peerless murderous intention to appear, and of course he does not want to risk his life to pave the way for others.

However, with greed for profit, there are always some forces that will not just stand still and watch.That was an opportunity left by Hentian Sword Immortal, and every time you delay, you may miss the opportunity.

At this time, an old antique with a deep Dao realm set his sights on the crowd not far from him.

Then, with a big hand, this old antique grabbed a young Tianjiao out of the crowd.

"No!" the captured Tianjiao shouted in horror.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to be an enemy of my seventh-rank sect?" Obviously, the Tianjiao who was arrested was a person named as a member of the seventh-rank sect. His elders wanted to take action against Old Antique, and angrily reprimanded him.

This old antique didn't care at all, and still used this majestic profound energy, grabbed the Tianjiao from the air and threw it towards Shimen.

Seeing this, everyone didn't know what Old Antique meant, they clearly wanted to use living people to test whether Shimen was in danger.


The people of Qipinzong were furious, this old antique didn't pay attention to them at all, it was a great shame and humiliation, they all started their hands.

However, Old Antique's cultivation was unfathomable, and he was completely fearless in the face of the attacks of the Seventh Grade Sect. He just waved his sleeves to block them, which was extremely terrifying.


Everyone in the Qipinzong was shocked, they didn't expect that they would be blocked like this with a full blow.

"Hmph!" Old Antique snorted coldly, and said hoarsely: "Old Master Sun Kong has been in Beizhou for five thousand years, and he has never seen any battles. Your Seventh Grade Sect is not qualified to be an enemy of this old man."


Everyone present was startled, and all looked sideways at this old antique.

"Changsun Kong, it turned out to be him! It is rumored that he once set foot on the Emperor's Road and escaped unscathed. Although he only practiced on the periphery of the Emperor's Road, he is still very famous."

"I didn't expect Changsun Kong to be alive. Could it be that he has stepped into the ninth realm? Or has he touched the ninth realm of the Great Dao?"

All of a sudden, everyone felt that they were far away from Old Antique, and their eyes were shocked.

Hearing the sound, everyone in the Seventh Grade Sect widened their eyes and stepped back, not daring to attack Old Antique easily.

And the Tianjiao who was thrown out had already arrived at the stone gate, and was about to fall into the wide open crack of the stone gate.

The young Tianjiao couldn't control himself at all, he could only watch him reach the stone gate, and he felt a bitterness in his heart, thinking that he would definitely be locked by the hidden murderous intent, and he would definitely die.

However, the young Tianjiao was at the stone gate, half of his body had already stepped in, but no murderous intent appeared.

"I'm... fine." The young Tianjiao slowly opened his eyes, looked around him, and found that he was safe and sound.

The people in the distance saw that the young Tianjiao was safe and sound, and said with joy: "There is no hidden murderous intention, it seems that this stone gate is the entrance to the depths of the reserve."

As a result, all forces immediately set off and rushed to Shimen.

Everyone in the Qipinzong could only grit their teeth and swallow their shame, not daring to attack the old antique just now.

In just a split second, everyone put the matter behind them and pointed at the entrance of the stone gate.

Thinking that the peerless opportunity is behind the stone gate, everyone in Shen's Palace couldn't avoid it, and went there one after another.

"Inside, what is there? Why do I have a familiar feeling?"

Gu Hengsheng was thinking secretly in his heart while advancing under the protection of everyone in Shen's Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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