The sword rises

Chapter 602 9 stone tablets, Cheng Jianxian 1 life

Chapter 602 Nine Stone Tablets, Inheriting Sword Immortal's Life

Chapter [-]: Nine Steles, Inheriting Sword Immortal’s Life

The stone gate is wide open, and the strong come in one after another, fearing that they will fall one step.

Gu Hengsheng was almost the last one to step in. As soon as he entered the stone gate, he was stunned by the scene before him.

A majestic mountain stands in front of it, the mountain is so high that it goes straight to the top of the clouds.

There are nine caves at the foot of the mountain, each of which is almost exactly the same, and it is impossible for everyone to know where one side of the cave leads to.

At every entrance of the majestic mountain, there is a stone tablet.

Everyone cautiously walked towards the mountain, Yukong, and soon came to the foot of the mountain.

The first hole is like an abyss, and the stone tablet is engraved: In the troubled times of Beizhou, I was born without relatives, accompanied by only the sword, holding this end of the world.

"This should be the life story written by Hentian Sword Immortal before sitting down. Maybe there are opportunities left by Hentian Sword Immortal hidden in every cave entrance."

Someone glanced at it and found that they couldn't see the depth of the cave at all, so they guessed.

The stone tablet at the entrance of the second cave is engraved: After [-] years of practice, I finally realized the true meaning of swordsmanship, defeated Yan Beinan, Hong Qianmo, and Qing Tingyu, and traveled across Beizhou. The younger generation is invincible.

"Yan Beinan, isn't this my ancestor who passed away in the Holy Land of the Buddha?"

A strong man looked at the words engraved on the second stone tablet, and some secrets of the sect immediately appeared in his mind: "According to records, 10,000+ years ago, ancestor Yan tried his best to practice because he was defeated by an unknown person, and finally entered Xiantai It's a pity that ancestor Yan is still sad all day long, and he didn't laugh at himself until the ancestor passed away, and it is impossible to surpass him in his life."

"It turns turns out that the ancestor was defeated by Hentian Sword Immortal."

A strong sense of bitterness filled the whole body of this strong man, and he couldn't help feeling sad for his ancestor: "The Hateful Sword Immortal even dared to fight against the heavens, but the ancestor Yan took the Hateful Sword Immortal as his goal, alas! !"

"Hong Qianmo? Could it be..." Someone lowered his eyebrows and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head and exclaimed: "Could it be the flower fairy Hong Qianmo who shocked an era a hundred thousand years ago? My God! When I was young , even the Flower Immortal was once defeated by the Hentian Sword Immortal."

The names engraved on the stele are all the monsters who were famous a hundred thousand years ago, and some of them even became peerless immortals later.

Everyone looked at the steles, their hearts trembling sharply, as if they had forgotten to fight for the opportunity, and they were all shocked by the steles.

The third stone tablet is engraved: Thousands of years, finally entered Xiantai, invincible in Beizhou.Moved to Zhongzhou, and picked the Hundred Flowers Palace, Yousu Dynasty, and Deep Graves with swords.

Looking at the entrances of the caves, the stele also appeared in front of everyone.

The fourth stone tablet says: People in the world say that the Nether Sea is a taboo, and I will go there with my sword and cross the Nether Sea for [-] miles.

"Nine Nether Nether Seas! Back then, Sword Immortal Heantian actually fought against a taboo existence, and even retreated completely. This..."

Everyone was horrified and gasped.

Although there was only a simple sentence on the stone tablet, everyone's throats tightened as if they had seen the world-shattering battle.

The fifth stone tablet is engraved: I heard that Emperor You pushed the heavens horizontally, I held the sword and entered the top of the cloud, fought against Emperor You, and lost a hundred moves.

The sixth stone tablet: I have practiced the sword for more than three thousand years, and then took the sword to the Nine Nether Seas. I was undefeated in one battle, and my swordsmanship was immortal.

"Sword Immortal, how strong is he?"

When everyone saw the sixth stone tablet, they couldn't help but stop looking, their heads went blank.At this moment, they seemed to be witnessing the life journey of Hentian Sword Immortal, with boiling blood surging in their hearts, and great admiration arose.


Hate the sky sword fairy, how strong is it?

Thousands of people looked at these stone tablets, and they all had this doubt.

He was undefeated in a battle against the existence of taboo, did he already have the strength of a great emperor at that time?

Suppressing the horror in their hearts, everyone slowly looked at the stone tablet at the entrance of the seventh cave.

The seventh stone tablet is engraved: The way of the sword is finally accomplished, and I will fight against Emperor You again, and I want to open the emperor's road to heaven.Fight a thousand moves, lose.

The eighth stone tablet is engraved: Retreat for thousands of years, hold the sword and fight against Emperor You for three times, collapse the star field, break through the ages, and finally lose one move.

The last stone tablet: The eternal river, the long years, the lonely and friendless life, only the sword to accompany until death.Looking back on the past, there is only a wisp of smoke, and I only sigh that the law of heaven is ruthless.

"This stele records the life experience of Hentian Sword Immortal. Perhaps, I didn't understand until today... the only meaning in the world that can be pushed across the ages."

After a long time, someone exclaimed.

"Did Hentian Sword Immortal leave something in these nine stele caves?"

Some forces could no longer bear the restlessness in their hearts, and they were just about to move.

"The corresponding caves of the nine steles must all have the opportunity to hate the Heavenly Sword Immortal. The further you go, the more extraordinary the opportunity must be."

Some forces fixed their eyes on the cave corresponding to the ninth stele, thinking to themselves that the opportunity left by the last cave must be extraordinary, even the inheritance of Tiantian Sword Immortal.

Thinking of this, many people's breaths became short of breath, and the greed in their eyes couldn't be suppressed.

Hate Heaven Sword Immortal, the only immortal in all ages, his inheritance is even more amazing than the inheritance of some great emperors.

He fought all his life, entered the Nine Nether Seas, fought against Taboo without defeat, once entered the Nine Heavens, and fought against Emperor You to frighten the heavens.

If one can get the inheritance of Hentian Sword Immortal, not to mention reaching the supreme existence of Sword Immortal, but one or two tenths of it is enough to coerce the heavens.

"Chance! Peerless chance!"

Some lone strong men directly plunged into the ninth stele cave regardless of others.

"Absolutely can't let others get it, let's go!"

Many forces didn't want to wait for the real great forces from the heavens to arrive, and rushed into the ninth stone tablet, all in their minds were the peerless inheritance of the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal.

Seeing this, all the forces are going, even if the danger is long, they don't want this peerless opportunity to slip away from their hands.

Everyone in Shen's Palace looked at each other, and they all saw the fiery look in each other's eyes.

If Shen's Palace can obtain the inheritance of the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal, even if it is impossible for him to swallow it alone, it will be enough to obtain immeasurable benefits if he can exchange it.

"Now the Palace Master and all the elders are rushing over, and it will take another hour to arrive. Shall we go in? Or wait?"

Elder Wu breathed a little heavily, and seemed to be very excited, and asked everyone.

"Elder, chances wait for no one, we can leave a signal to the Palace Master." A core disciple said.

"No matter what the opportunity is, if we miss the opportunity, we will lose our share in Shen's Palace." Senior Sister Feng Yunan expressed her thoughts.

Elder Wu and Elder Mo looked at each other, they both saw the meaning in each other's eyes, nodded and said, "Then go in!"

At this time, Gu Hengsheng ignored the crowd, but concentrated his gaze on the first stone tablet cave.

(End of this chapter)

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