The sword rises

Chapter 61 Congratulations, Your Majesty!

Chapter 61 Congratulations, Your Majesty!

Chapter 61 Congratulations!

Living in the No. [-] restaurant in the capital, Chen Fan, the person in charge of the drunken restaurant, thought he had seen many storms and waves, but today it was completely messed up.

King Xixian is the son of the emperor today, how many people in the whole world can be worthy of his salute?

But a royal figure like King Xixian would greet the ordinary old butler of the Gu family with a clasped fist at the door, what a shock and jaw-dropping.

"Who is he?"

All the young people looked at Yi Bo, the old butler of the Gu family, and involuntarily popped up this question in their minds that shocked them.

"My lord, please come in." Yi Bo bowed lightly to King Xixian, and said hoarsely.

"Okay." King Xixian nodded with a slight smile, and stepped into the gate of the drunken restaurant.

After King Xixian entered, the hearts of the people dropped slightly. Many people looked at the gray-haired Yi Bo, their eyes were full of complicated meaning and a touch of respect, and they didn't dare to underestimate him.

Not long after, there was another roaring carriage.

"King Heisei is here!"

When everyone heard the sound, they were dumbfounded again, and they all backed away in shock, making way for a path.

"First it was King Xixian, and now Prince Lian Pingcheng is here. The marriage between the Gu and Li families has really shocked the whole world!" Some officials behind glanced at the back, and suddenly widened their eyes, looking at the middle-aged man who stepped forward in front of him. The man exclaimed inwardly.

All of a sudden, there were bursts of cold hissing at the entrance of the drunken restaurant, and the atmosphere of shock and shock spread continuously.

"Congratulations to King Heisei!" Chen Fan and the others bowed and shouted.

"My lord, please come in." Yi Bo still had a flat expression, and said slowly.

"Old General Yi." King Pingcheng was wearing a black brocade robe with a solemn face. He walked slowly to Yi Bo's side and greeted him lightly.

Yi Bo also bowed in return without any expression fluctuations.


When everyone saw King Xixian greeting Yi Bo just now, they were still shocked. At this time, even King Pingcheng bowed his hands and bowed his hands, it was unbelievable.

Today, there are three sons and one daughter in the symbiosis of the emperor, who are the eldest prince, the second prince, King Xixian, the third prince, King Pingcheng, and Princess Yong'an.

King Xixian and King Chengcheng have already been enshrined as princes by the emperor. Naturally, they are not destined for the throne, but their status is so high that it surpasses hundreds of millions of living beings.But, even so, the two princes were very polite to Yi Bo, the butler of the Gu family.

"Who the hell is he? Why are the two princes being so polite to him?" The group of young people who came with the elders were all stunned, their eyes staring at Yi Bo's crooked body, revealing A horrified expression.

"Damn it, who is the old butler of the Gu family at the door? It's too scary..." Chen Fan secretly touched the cold sweat on his forehead, glanced at Yi Bo with trembling eyes, and said to himself in his heart .

"Old General Yi, who was famous all over the world in the past, even if he is old now and lives up to the blood power of the past, who would dare to underestimate him?" The elder family head of the older generation secretly sank.

After the two princes entered, the tense atmosphere at the gate of the palace gradually eased.However, the eyes of everyone looking at Yi Bo were full of curiosity and deep horror.

Immediately afterwards, an eunuch stepped down from the carriage, and behind the eunuch were a group of guards from the Royal Forest Army.

"This is... the father-in-law in the imperial study?" At the door, someone recognized the origin of the eunuch, and his heart trembled uncontrollably.

The eunuch was about sixty years old, and there was a trace of femininity on his majestic face. He stepped forward and shouted in a slightly sharp voice to the people in the drunken restaurant and the Gu and Li families: "My lord has ordered that the government has recently There are so many things going on, even though Gu and the eldest prince came here with the intention, they have no leisure to drink the wine of their marriage. We only wait for the next time the two families get married, and Gu will come in person to celebrate and congratulate."


The sage came, and swept the entire sky like thunder.

Whether it was the people watching from the street in the distance, or the civil and military officials standing at the door, they all showed expressions of astonishment and were shocked.

"Your Majesty's mind has reached, the veteran is very grateful, thank you Shengen."

In an instant, Mr. Gu's rude response came from the drunken restaurant.

"Eunuch Wu, the two families are very happy today. If you have nothing to do, you can come and have a glass of turbid wine." Li Tianyuan's voice was also heard outside the door, echoing for a long time.

Eunuch Wu, the eunuch who came here to convey the sacred meaning, saw the members of the Gu family and the Li family in the hall bowing to the king's command through the open door, and then said loudly: "Old General Gu, Master Li, our family still has to report back. Your Majesty, this glass of wedding wine will be reserved for the official wedding of the two families, and I will ask for it later."

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Eunuch Wu led the soldiers of the Royal Forest Army who accompanied him to protect him, and left the place where the drunken restaurant was.

Fortunately, the emperor only issued an imperial decree as a congratulatory gift, and did not come in person, otherwise, the entire drunken restaurant would have turned upside down.

Afterwards, a group of officials who came with gifts led their younger generations into the drunken restaurant.

Although today is the day when the Gu family and the Li family got married and engaged, it was also a rare opportunity to meet each other.Many officials and generals came with their own descendants, just to make their descendants make more friends with famous people.

The scenes that happened just now were completely imprinted in the hearts of many young people.It was just an old housekeeper, so the two lords greeted each other, and even got congratulations from the emperor; just on the day of the engagement, all the big shots of the Tianfeng Kingdom were sent out to congratulate.

This is the powerful clan of the Tianfeng Kingdom, the Gu family!

This is the top wealthy family in Tianfeng Kingdom, the Li family!

Perhaps, from this moment on, those younger generations who have never experienced the rise of the Tianfeng Nation will truly understand what the Gu family means, and understand the true meaning of the township family.

The marriage engagement has officially begun.

The lobby of the Zuiyan restaurant was full of people, and any one randomly picked out was a big shot who was admired by countless people.

"Today, all of you can come here to witness the marriage between my Gu family and the Li family. I am very grateful." At this moment, Mr. Gu swept away his previous calm and looseness, glanced at everyone present majesticly, and said loudly.

"My lords, I'll have a drink first." Mr. Li Tianyuan gave Mr. Gu a sneaky look, as if he was saying that Mr. Gu had stolen his lines, and then picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it down in one gulp.

The old man of the Li family had already had a drink by himself, everyone dared to sit still, they all raised their glasses of wine, raised their heads to drink, and shouted: "Old General Gu, Lord Li, I am here to congratulate you."

As for Gu Hengsheng, who was sitting on the side seat, watching this scene, he drank a glass calmly, without feeling a glance at the charming Li Qiurou.


(End of this chapter)

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