Chapter 62
Chapter 62 She Worth Me, I Will Worth Her
Drunk and smoking in the restaurant, laughing and laughing, all congratulating the Gu family and the Li family for their marriage.

In the restaurant, the aroma of wine is overflowing, and the bursts of fragrance are overwhelming, making everyone feel soothed and refreshed.

"General Xuexiong, I respect you." King Xixian sat in a high position, with a smile on his majestic handsome face, he raised his glass and said to Gu Youmo.

"Please!" Gu Youmo didn't want to take off the face of King Xixian, and picked up the wine glass and drank from the corner of his mouth.

The blood hero general, who uses blood as his armor, is famous all over the world for dominating the battlefield.Even though Gu Youmo is sitting alone in a wheelchair, like a disabled ordinary person, no one dares to underestimate him.

Because, the scene of Gu Youmo standing in front of millions of enemy troops with a silver spear in his hand and wearing blood-colored armor in the past is still in front of everyone's eyes.

Five years ago, Gu Youmo's heroic demeanor that dominated the battlefield is still vivid in his mind.

King Xixian looked at Gu Youmo sitting in the wheelchair, and secretly sighed with regret in his heart.

Back then, Gu Youmo rose up as a small soldier in the army, stood in the middle of the battle between the two armies with a spear in one hand, and then single-handedly entered the invading army. After that battle, Gu Youmo's armor was soaked in blood. , his face was covered with bloodstains dripping down.

People in the world say: The Titan of Blood stands majestically on the battlefield.

General Xuexiong, hence the name.

"Ah! How majestic and domineering he was back then, what a pity..." King Xixian also raised his glass and drank it down, murmuring with deep sorrow in his heart.

After Gu Youmo put down the wine glass in his hand, he fell into silence again, sitting in meditation without saying a word.

Gu Hengshen seemed to feel the sadness deep in Gu Youmo's heart, and he tightened his hands quietly, and murmured in his heart: "Second Uncle, in a short time, you will be able to stand on the top of the battlefield again, Soon enough, soon..."

Gu Hengsheng once secretly looked at Gu Youmo's crippled legs. With his previous knowledge, he naturally knew that Gu Youmo might still stand up.It's just that Gu Hengsheng can't do anything now, at least he has to wait until he enters the Spirit Profound Realm, and he still needs to find some medicinal materials.

Gu Hengsheng drank a glass of fine wine by himself, and listened to the officials and family heads who kept complimenting and congratulating him.

After drinking for three rounds, the sound of celebration echoed for a long time before falling down.

At this time, Li Tianyuan concentrated his eyes on Gu Hengsheng, with a deep smile on the corner of his mouth, and muttered loudly: "Today is the day when the Gu and Li families are engaged. As the person involved, Mr. Gu, don't you have anything to say?" ?"

With Li Tianyuan's words, hundreds of people on the field focused their eyes on Gu Hengsheng, who had never spoken, and couldn't help nodding in agreement: "Indeed, Mr. Gu is the groom-to-be, so he should say a few words!"

Both Mr. Gu and Gu Youmo unconsciously glanced at Gu Hengsheng, as if they also wanted Gu Hengsheng to make a statement so that the Gu family could look good.

At this moment, Li Qiurou also raised her beautiful eyes, blinking secretly to look at the indifferent Gu Hengsheng.She had an illusion that Gu Hengsheng was no longer the original Gu Hengsheng. Although this feeling was strange, it moved deeply in her heart.

Back then when Gu Hengsheng broke into Li's house and teased her directly, his words had a playful tone.At the beginning, when she learned that Gu Hengsheng was going to join the Li family and marry her, she was still very conflicted. After discussing with her grandfather Li Tianyuan for a long time, she had no choice but to persuade him to agree.

But not long ago, things suddenly changed, and she married Gu Hengsheng. This surprised Li Qiurou for many days, and she resisted extremely.But Li Tianyuan tried his best to persuade her, and with just one word, Li Qiurou agreed to a temporary engagement. If there is any disagreement in the future, the marriage will definitely be cancelled.

"Silly girl, have you ever really understood the Gu family boy? Everything is just hearsay, what the world says. Although the Gu family boy insulted you last time, has he ever acted aggressively towards you?"

What Li Tianyuan said to her still lingers in Li Qiurou's ears: "Maybe when you really understand him, you won't blame Grandpa for his decision."

With picturesque eyebrows and eyes, Li Qiurou sat lightly opposite Gu Hengsheng, her red lips were slightly closed and tender like water.She had an illusion about Gu Hengsheng, and felt that Gu Hengsheng seemed to have experienced the vicissitudes of the ages.

"You, what's so special about you? You can make grandpa praise you so much?" Li Qiurou gently raised her eyes to look at Gu Hengsheng, and murmured to herself.

With the booing of the crowd, Mr. Gu couldn't stop him, he turned his head and said in a deep voice, "Hang Sheng, today is the day of your engagement with Qiu Rou, what do you want to say to Qiu Rou?"

Under everyone's gaze, Gu Hengsheng slowly stood up from the side chair, then scanned around with a pair of indifferent eyes that understand the past and present, and stopped on Li Qiurou's alluring face.

Just being stared down by Gu Hengsheng, Li Qiurou's heart trembled secretly, an imperceptible blush flashed across her fair cheeks, and her eyebrows were slightly lowered, as if she didn't dare to meet Gu Hengsheng's deep and empty eyes. See.

Everyone looked at Gu Hengsheng quietly, looked at Gu Hengsheng's thin lips slowly opening, and looked forward to what Gu Hengsheng wanted to say.

"No matter what his age is, as long as she lives up to me, I will live up to her!"

Gu Hengsheng's voice echoed in the lobby of the drunken restaurant for a long time, reaching everyone's ears.


Everyone exclaimed inwardly in surprise, especially some young masters and ladies, they all showed a look of contempt towards Gu Hengsheng by coincidence.

From their point of view, even if Li Qiurou couldn't speak, she stood like a fairy, aloof.Gu Hengsheng was able to marry someone as quick as her because of the Gu family and Mr. Gu, otherwise how could he have this opportunity.However, Gu Hengsheng's words were so aloof, especially his indifferent and calm appearance, which made everyone extremely dissatisfied.

As soon as Gu Hengsheng's words came out, the scene fell silent for a while, and even Mr. Gu and Gu Youmo fell into a slightly awkward silence.

Perhaps, in the entire hall, only Li Tianyuan smiled, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with this sentence.He looked at Gu Hengsheng very satisfied, and said to himself: "Ten years of forbearance and calmness, deceiving hundreds of millions of creatures in the world, if people like him can't stand on the top of a hundred countries, I'm afraid there will be very few people in the world." .”

Li Wenhao and Li Haoyu from the Li family all showed anger when they heard the words, and they snorted coldly as if they were about to explode, but they didn't speak.After all, everyone in the Gu family was here, and Mr. Li hadn't said anything, so they didn't dare to comment and scold Gu Hengsheng casually.

But at this time, Li Qiurou signaled to the maid who was waiting beside her, and asked the maid to prepare the four treasures of the study on the table.

Li Qiurou raised his eyes and glanced lightly at Gu Hengsheng, then got up, and the delicate body spreading out of youth appeared in everyone's eyes.When everyone saw this, they all looked over, wanting to see what Li Qiurou meant.

Li Qiurou lifted the ink pen lightly in her Qianqian hand, her brows and eyes were slightly lowered exuding a ray of tenderness, and then she glanced at Gu Hengsheng again, her heart trembled a little calmly.

Pick up the pen and put it on the white paper, and turn the plain hand and jade wrist smoothly, forming one word.

On the white paper, the word "Fate" jumped up and appeared in everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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