The sword rises

Chapter 63 Princess Yong'an!

Chapter 63 Princess Yong'an!

Chapter 63 Princess Yong'an!

The Buddha said: "Just one mirror in this life, how much incense and fire in the past life."

The world of mortals is rolling, all living beings, fate and fate are scattered, all have cause and effect.

In the journey of life, some are inevitable and some are accidental.In necessity there is chance, and in chance there is necessity.Li Qiurou believed that Gu Hengsheng broke into Li's house and insulted her, leading to the result of the marriage between the two is a kind of fate.

She didn't know if she would be interested in Gu Heng in the future, she only used the word "Fate" to express her meaning to everyone present.

"Girl, over the years, the old man has never missed his eyes. You will know the painstaking efforts of the old man." Li Tianyuan stared deeply at Li Qiurou, and then glanced at Gu Hengsheng with deep meaning, his heart sank. road.

Gu Hengsheng looked at the word "Yuan" on Li Qiurou's desktop, which was as beautiful as water, and couldn't help but sink in his heart, and his eyes towards Li Qiurou gradually became complicated.

"Qiu Rou, if this brat makes you unhappy in the future, come and tell Grandpa Gu, Grandpa Gu will definitely make decisions for you." Grandpa Gu grinned, subtly defusing the somewhat quiet scene.

Li Qiurou smiled sweetly, and bowed to Mr. Gu to express his respect.

"Okay, I am very happy to be engaged today." Li Tianyuan immediately stood up, raised his glass and said, "Everyone, please drink this cup together."

"Congratulations to Mr. Li on the happy son-in-law, and to General Gu on the happy daughter-in-law." Someone in the crowd shouted beamingly.

When everyone heard this congratulatory speech, they always felt weird. Can Young Master Gu be called a good son-in-law?However, everyone is an old and mature person, smiling and complimenting without changing their faces, and they can't see the slightest falsehood.

The wine in the cup was drained, and everyone slowly sat back to their original positions.

At this moment, before the fine wine was poured into the glass again, a voice came from the gate of Zuiyan Restaurant.

"Princess Yong'an, come here!"

Princess Yong'an, the only daughter of the current emperor, she is about [-] years old, wearing a long white dress, walking gracefully on broken flower lotus steps.

Although she is not a twenty-eight-year-old girl, the years have not left traces on her cheeks. Her temperament is noble and elegant, and there is also a hint of ancient charm.

Princess Yong'an is here!

Everyone in the room paused in surprise, and they all glanced at Princess Yong'an who was swaying from the gate.

"Crack!" Hearing the sound and taking a look, Gu Youmo looked at the beautiful figure that appeared at the gate, the right hand holding the wine glass couldn't help tightening, the wine glass made a cracking sound, and a crack appeared.

"Princess." Everyone stood up, clasped their fists and bowed in salute.

Princess Yong'an ignored the greetings and salutes from others, and walked towards the center of the lobby of the drunken restaurant in a fluttering manner.

A ray of dusty thoughts appeared on her charming face, and a moment of hesitation flashed across her. Her heart was very messy, like a willow branch swept by a strong wind, unable to settle down.

Everyone didn't think there was anything wrong with Princess Yong'an's cold treatment, because everyone present knew that there was only one person in the whole world who could make Princess Yong'an treat her with a smile.

Looking at Princess Yong'an who came like a fairy in the snow, Mr. Gu sighed secretly, stood up and cupped his hands and said in a deep voice: "Princess, please take a seat."

"Princess, why are you here?" King Pingcheng and King Xixian couldn't help being startled when they saw Princess Yong'an who suddenly appeared, and they stared at the same thing.

"She is Princess Yong'an?" Gu Hengsheng frowned slightly, looking at the noble and glamorous Princess Yong'an with a touch of tenderness, he murmured in his heart.

Yong'an, implying the eternal well-being of the Tianfeng Kingdom, is the king's hope for the stable development of the dynasty.Princess Yong'an is a legendary figure in Tianfeng Nation, she can be said to be a heroine, and many officials and ministers are far inferior to her.

But a person like her will have something on her mind after all.

In just a moment, Princess Yong'an came to the center of the hall of the drunken restaurant. Her eyes were like a pool of clear water, she passed the figures of the crowd, and stopped on Gu Youmo who was sitting alone in the wheelchair.

The two were silent and stared at each other.

At this moment, the world seemed to be silent and frozen.

The hall of the drunken restaurant was quiet, everyone was looking at Gu Youmo and Princess Yong'an, quietly watching this scene.

"You came out after all." Princess Yong'an's red lips trembled slightly, and then she kept her elegant youthful temperament, and said lightly and curlingly.

At this second, she seemed to see the general in armor five years ago, who was so powerful.

At this glance, Gu Youmo seemed to look back at that year, as if he saw the beautiful figure standing on the city wall waiting for his return.

"Princess." Gu Youmo opened his mouth. He was always calm and calm, but when he saw Princess Yong'an, he panicked and could only greet her softly.

Five years ago, Princess Yong'an and Gu Youmo made an agreement that when he returned from the expedition, they would hold a big wedding at the end of the year. At the beginning, this event could be said to have shocked the entire Tianfeng Kingdom, and they were delighted.

Princess Yong'an has a cold and proud attitude towards everyone, even the current emperor is no exception, but she is only tender to Gu Youmo.

Because, she once stood on the city wall and watched Gu Youmo fighting in the sea of ​​blood from a distance, and that unrivaled aura took root in the depths of her heart.

After that, she cleverly got close to Gu Youmo, wanting to know what kind of person Gu Youmo is.So, as time went by, she fell in love with him, and he also fell in love with her who was young and beautiful.

However, the good times didn't last long, and the big wedding was held when they came back at the end of the year.What they waited for was the news that Gu Youmo was disabled after fighting bloody battles.

Who can only care about Youmo's crying at that time?Who can understand how he looked at the beautiful figure of Princess Yong'an, and locked himself in the deep courtyard of Gu's family without seeing anyone?

In the past five years, Gu Youmo has never stepped out of the Gu family's deep courtyard. Even if Gu Hengsheng caused a big disaster, he just asked his cronies to bring letters to solve it.

He was afraid that after stepping out of the Gu family's gate, he would meet that beautiful figure who often woke him up in night dreams.But today is the engagement day of his only remaining nephew, Gu Hengsheng, he hesitated for a few days, but decided to come.Perhaps, deep in his heart, there is also a glimmer of hope.

Princess Yong'an knows Gu Youmo's dignity as a general. Five years ago, she only saw his blood-stained clothes and armor in a wheelchair, so he closed the door of Gu's house tightly without seeing anyone. Princess Yong'an said: "Princess, please forgive the last general for breaking his promise. From now on, there will be no more bloody generals."

From now on, there will be no more bloody generals.These words are full of deep meaning, how could Princess Yongan not hear it.

After that, Princess Yong'an came to Gu's house again, and Gu Hengsheng never stepped out of the gate.Although both of them are in the capital city, they are like mountains and rivers separated by thousands of miles. They can only look up at a starry sky together in the dark night and look back at each other.

"I thought you would never step out of the Gu family's door in your life, but you still came out. In this case, can you give me a specific answer now?"

Princess Yong'an's voice trembled slightly, her eyes could not help but mist, and she stared at Gu Youmo affectionately.

In front of Gu Youmo, Princess Yong'an never called herself "My Palace", so she felt that the distance from Gu Youmo was not very far.In the past five years, she also lived in the palace and did not appear in the eyes of the world.

Today, when she heard that Gu Youmo appeared in a drunken restaurant, she thought for a long time, but she couldn't help but want to take a look at the old general, and really hear the answer from his mouth.

The drunken restaurant was silent, no one spoke, and even the sound of breathing stopped...

(End of this chapter)

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