The sword rises

Chapter 611 Who can tell the cause and effect in the world

Chapter 611 Who can tell the cause and effect in the world

Chapter 610 Who can tell the cause and effect in the world

"If your elder brother is here, maybe you can see some clues. As for you, your vision is narrower after all."

"Thinking about you, you are also the pride of heaven, but it is a pity that you don't even have the courage to climb the road of God. No wonder you can't touch the realm of Xiantai."

The old man smiled coldly, he didn't pay attention to the words of the old man in gray robe at all, and he didn't regard the old man in gray robe as a strong enemy.

Only those who have really touched Sendai can understand what the scene in front of them means.

The Daoist Artifact of the Great Emperor bears endless glory and arrogance, how could it swallow the blood of ordinary people.

In the eyes of everyone, Gu Hengsheng's blood stained the Daoist artifact.

However, deep in the eyes of the old man, it was full of shock and emotion.Who can tell the cause and effect in the world?
Maybe it is!

Maybe not!
What does that matter? The old man just wants to fulfill his promise to Gu Hengsheng, hoping to protect Gu Hengsheng and protect Gu Hengsheng.

As for the others, the old man no longer wanted to think about it.

He was tired, and he just wanted to improve himself and fight again.

"Old Ye is the Great Elder of the Holy Land of Yuguang, it is too arrogant for him to say that he is useless."

Someone secretly said.


The killing intent of the gray-robed old man was even worse. With a cold snort, the void in the stone room was shattered, splitting the ground beneath his feet.

He is a real power at the peak, and he has fully stepped into the existence of the ninth realm of the avenue.

It can be said that the old man in gray robe means undefeated if he does not leave Sendai.

Such a strong man, but he seemed so humble and disapproving in the mouth of the old man, obviously he was pressing the face of the old man in gray robes and trampling on the ground.

"Do you think that you are still the arrogance of the famous party? Today, yours is like a dry well, and you may fall into a deep sleep at any time, so why speak nonsense."

The gray-robed old man was furious. The powerful aura on his body erupted like a volcano. The ground under his feet couldn't bear the force, and collapsed half a meter.

The old man remained silent, holding the blood-colored giant ax in his right hand, and stood quietly on the spot.Although he was silent, the arrogance in his bones made everyone feel terrible.

Back then, Luoqian Peak had made a great reputation on the Emperor's Road, only one step away from Xiantai.

His arrogance, the gray-robed old man is still unable to shake.


The old man raised his head slightly, opened his chapped lips, and spit out a word that made countless people present tremble.

Whether it was Gu Hengsheng's behavior on the high platform or the attitude of the old man, the old man in gray robe was completely angry.

"court death!"

The gray-robed old man escaped into the void in an instant, and with a step of ten miles, he fought the old man directly.

The old man stood in the middle of the road, raised the giant ax in his hand and swung it down.


The void in the huge stone room was cut in half in an instant, the sound of the tearing was extremely ear-piercing, and the vast aura made countless Daoists dare not touch it and retreated one after another.

Some low-level Dao realm powerhouses just looked at it from a distance, and their souls were shocked by the momentum of the giant axe.

The gray-robed old man was in the ninth realm of the great avenue, and he was almost invincible without leaving Xiantai. He was extremely powerful.

"Your ax is not as sharp as it used to be."

The gray-robed old man's figure flashed, and he seemed to easily dodge the old man's axe, and smiled sarcastically.

The old man was calm and calm, with a calm expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the position where the blood ax was slashing suddenly changed its trajectory, heading towards the void where the gray-robed old man was now.

The blood is radiant, and the ax intent shakes the sky.

"Even if I resist your blow, so what? You are so weak now, can you have the ability to hurt me half a point?"

The old man in gray robe didn't dodge, he directly raised his right hand, and slammed hard on Han Zhan of the giant axe.

With a loud bang, the gray-robed old man smashed the bloody ax that fell from the sky, and the profound energy around him fell from the nine heavens like a vast sea, overturning countless strong men present.

"It's enough to kill you."

The aura of the old man was not as powerful as the old man in gray robe, but he exuded a strong sense of confidence and arrogance.

The bloody giant ax in his hand had beheaded so many heavenly prides and leveled so many great religions.He has been precipitated for thousands of years because his foundation was cut to pieces, and the giant ax has also lost its brilliance for thousands of years.

Until today, the giant ax in his hand has regained its unrivaled prestige. Once the edge that has been silent for thousands of years comes out, it will drink the blood of the strong.


The gray-robed old man used his great supernatural powers, swung his left hand toward the sky, and struck the old man with thunder.

The old man is not afraid, and he can suppress the enemy's ever-changing methods with a giant axe.

The battle between the two shattered the void here again and again, and the entire upper sky and walls of the stone room were pierced, as if looking up, one could see the boundless starry sky.

The figure of the old man in gray robe kept flashing, and the people present couldn't catch it at all.

The only thing that everyone could see was the old man standing on the spot as steady as Mount Tai.

The old man seemed to be swinging the blood-colored giant axe in the air, and every time the ax fell, Qing Cang would roll and thunder, and the aura in all directions would be chaotic and violent.

"The duel between two mighty statues, let's step back quickly, so as not to be affected!"

Someone immediately retreated to the entrance of the stone chamber, watching the battle ahead from a distance.

"This is the real strong man. The gap between us and them is too great. Nine steps in the Dao Realm, it's really one step at a time! God! One step away, it's like a moat."

The hoarse voice of an old antique was floating in the huge stone room.

"Does the existence of the emperor's road, even if its foundation is damaged, have such a vast power?"

"Placing it in Beizhou, a mighty statue is enough to support a party's great teaching forever."

One after another voices dispersed in the crowd.

Everyone dared not touch the aftermath of the battle between the old man and the gray-robed old man. A battle of this level is definitely not a child's play.A little carelessness will bring disaster to the fish pond and others.

On the high platform, Gu Hengsheng completely ignored the shocking duel between the two mighty statues, and stared at the Sword of Everlasting Hate with bloodshot eyes.

With the loss of blood, Gu Hengsheng's complexion gradually turned pale, and the aura on his body became weaker.

However, the Sword of Everlasting Sorrow is still drawing Gu Hengsheng's blood. It has been silent for a hundred thousand years, and it greedily wants to wake up, and let the world see its ancient sword power again.


The dim blade on the Sword of Eternal Regret shattered another inch, and the sword radiated soaring straight to the heavens.

As soon as the sword light appeared, the nine heavens and ten places were shaken, and the forces from all directions accelerated their speed, rushing towards the peerless great reserve of the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal.

In the depths of the cave, the strong men and forces who stepped into the other eight caves all sensed the astonishment of the first cave, and the expressions on their faces changed drastically.

The storage cave is full of dangers, it is difficult to get in, and it is even more difficult to get out.

Therefore, even if the forces leading to other caves know that there is a great opportunity to be born elsewhere, they will not be able to come here for a while.

The blood, staining the high platform red, slowly seeped into the gap between the Sword of Eternal Hate and the ground, and flowed to the tip of the Sword of Eternal Hate inserted below the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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